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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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That's because you can move it with the C-stick, a feature that is sorely missing in the Wii version because I agree the camera can be very buggy at times. Wind Waker's was flawless.


Same with climbing actually.


And moving after you've just been in 1st person.

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The rupee thing practically made me avoid picking them up a lot of the time, I just couldn't be bothered. Also the fact that rupees are pretty much pointless in the game since there's not actually that much you have to buy.

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not been playin it for that long, am only up the the bit were you wrestle with the goron things. So far i am finding it "meh"


Though i am sure the game is fantastic i have never really been interested in zelda games that much so i am probs just being biased lol, sory!


I much prefer windwaker too this, it had so much more style, i.e the graphics were awesome but still thast just me.


I know this is an awesome game for people who enjoy it (if that makes sense? lol)


the wii still needs a killer app because i just can't be arsed to go on any further with the game. Though i have always prefered games like mario and ratchet and clank so as i have already said its probs just me.


When the can make this as addictive as mario or ratchet i am there. I am very much looking forward to this "overhaul" of the series in the next game.

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I know people who won't agree and say that the first half of the game is the better half. 'Cough', motion2000, 'Cough'.


I believe the first half was the better half of the game, as there was loads of great story elements between dungeons, but the dungeons themselves just felt thoroughly unoriginal.

I dont think the Wii version was glitchy at all though, the camera worked fine for me, and I never once thought about using GCN pad.


This is my opinion, so dont have a go at me for it, but now that I've played TP, WW feels plain broken. link is flying all over the place at the slightest tap of a button, the controls are way too loose for my liking. good thing the art direction is designed to support the whole game, eh?


also, in contrast to my last, rather angry post, I've been playing the game a bit more recently, and i've actually grown to appreciate the ending, which actually makes sense now.

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I just hope that the next Zelda Wii outing fills in the gap between LTTP and WW (i.e. the Great Flood)-the plot we were looking forward to from TP.


Nintendo can never tell that story in game form, for two reasons.


1: It would mean an unhappy ending, something i doubt Nintendo would be bold enough to try, i mean how would you like to spend hours playing a game knowing all your efforts are pointless because Hyrule will still be lost.


2: If you go back to the intro for Wind Waker it clearly says that during the time leading to the great flood there was NO Link, therefore if there was to be such a game it couldn't star Link, again something I doubt Nintendo would dare do, imagine a Zelda game without Link:shakehead


(although there was a point in TP when i thought Nintendo may have found a way round point 2, in how when Link was in the Twilight Realm he could effect things but the people couldn't see him, i thought it might go like that for teh whole game, but obviously it didn't)

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There are ways around both of those problems.


1. Hyrule being flooded could be the lesser of two evils. Flood the land rather than see it destroyed.


2. Link's quest could be 'forgotten' through the ages or carried out in a way whereby his actions were in secret or something like that. I mean it's not like more than a couple in TP Hyrule knew who Link was and what he was doing anyway.

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1. What Motion said. An idea I have is in the next point.


2. It could be that we play as "Link" like normal, and get to the Temple of Time (or wherever the Master Sword is). Upon trying to pull the sword out, the sword rejects Link. Link is told of some sort of thing to go to awaken the gods to help, and leaves this Link to carry out the job, while Zelda does what she's told (by a messenger of a god or something), and gets people to Run To The Hills. Link battles Gannondorf (knowing he can't kill him), while doing what is neccesary for awakening the gods. Then the gods food the place.


Or something like that. It would be interesting to see.

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1. The flood still is a nasty ending. Just imagen it. It doesn't make sense, does it? Okay, if thye last iimage of the game would be Link on top of a mountain watching the flood coming and a few people (possible WindFall) being saved - but if people get killed, it's not Zelda.


2. He could be hiding, yes, he could be part of the Twilight or, he could have failed. Maybe he was trying to fight something to big for his head - and he failed, so the last chance was a flood. He was in too deep in it.

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Upon trying to pull the sword out, the sword rejects Link.


Awesome idea! I would love to see something a little more unusual implmented in tearms of the story. I also would like to see Ganon have more contact with the real world, because I always kind him a bit distant.

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Hi guys im new here i have a question about the new Legend of zelda

Ive saw on other forums that the hero of time comes back as an evil guy

the red wolf in twlight princess skeleton i saw this (sorry mine english is bad)

This was said on forums


Legend of Zelda: Shadow Prince.

The guy who taught you all the good moves

(That gold wolf)

Is evil and he tries to take over Hyrule.

Mid-game you find that he's the Hero of Time and has turned evil after going through so much and is seeking revenge to Zelda because she warped him back into time I was kinda confused when i saw this.....

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You know, Nintendo is very secretive. If just any bit (like the name) of the new Zelda was announced by Nintendo, the gaming world would be upsidedown and everyone would know. For now, every bit of info on the new Zelda is pure speculation. Don't forget, Twilight Princess' story wasn't ddefined in the first year in development - I remember the producers not being sure about where it would fit. 'Definitly after the Wind Waker' was the original concept.


Pure. Speculation.

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It's actually between OOT (adult link timeline) and WW that the great flood occurs.


Er, I don't think so. I've got a NGC Zelda timeline and OoT is the earliest game with Wind Waker as the latest. There are loads in between including LTTP as the second last.

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So far this is what we're sure about, correct?


Anyone care to speculate on LOZ, AOL, ALTTP, LA, FS, FSA and the Oracle games?





After Ocarina of Time, Zelda sends Link back to the past which begins the 'Child Timeline'. Link warns the King about what Ganondorf is planning and he's sent to be executed (the scene in TP, with all the sages). Ganondorf gets the Triforce of Power but is banised to the Twilight Realm for many years. Meanwhile MM happens with child Link. After that the events of TP occur (but with a different Link). This would explain as DCK says, why Ganon doesn't recognise either the master sword or Link... because he hasn't run into him yet.


Technically, considering 'child timeline' Ganon died at the end of TP... TP should be the last Zelda game in the child timeline. Not sure how that effects LOZ/AOL/ALTTP etc... though.


In the Adult Timeline (the one after Zelda sends Link to the past... ie... no Hero of Time in Adult timeline)... many many years pass and Ganondorf escapes from the void he was banished to at the end of OOT. Attacks Hyrule, no Link to stop if so the gods drown the world. Wind Waker happens. Then Phantom Hourglass.


Just saying that NGC is hardly the best source of info.

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The NGC theory makes sense, too. It's just what you believe in. It's not like it's required to be one way or another, Nintendo just churns out Zelda's - they're not all related to each other. The first Zeldas were almost story-less.


I'm getting annoyed by this. When you read Wikipedia they make suggestion about the origins of Samus and they could, possibly, also predict what type of mushroom appears in Super Mario Bros 1 and how it's poisenous afect is. There is no official order. Games starting from Ocarina of Time are part of the timeline, the others are just stories that were not meant to be together. So are all the Game Boy spinoffs. Why does everybody so desperatly want a storyline to fit, even though we can obviously say that some stories just don't fit in because they weren't made for that purpose.


Now let's quit the discussion, it's all a matter of opinion anyway. No need to start talking bad about NGC Magazine - their theory is as valid as any other.

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