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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Awesome, true gamers man, true gamers :heart:


Haha, so you need to own more than one console, or every console under the sun to be considered a true gamer?


I thought this forum was done away with Elitism?


Anyway, I'm loving this game as it is. If the next game has orchestrated music, then excellent, but I'm not going to bite my arse off moaning about it not being in this game. Life's too short, why moan about the "could have beens" when we can just enjoy what we've got. I love this game in many different ways, even the music. If the music's going to be better in the next Zelda, then excellent, I say!

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Haha, so you need to own more than one console, or every console under the sun to be considered a true gamer?




I thought this forum was done away with Elitism?


And has been replaced by a lot ignorant fanboys


Life's too short, why moan about the "could have beens" when we can just enjoy what we've got. I love this game in many different ways, even the music. If the music's going to be better in the next Zelda, then excellent, I say!


Yeah, exactly, let's settle for less when we could of had more (without any problems)

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And has been replaced by a lot ignorant fanboys




Yeah, exactly, let's settle for less when we could of had more (without any problems)


Not everyone can afford all the consoles though :/ cant you just enjoy your games and chill out max relax.

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Some choose not to, out of "loyalty".


Well you know I can understand if that pisses you off through people proclaming the greatness of a console while being ignorant of others. But I wouldnt really let it bother you to much I find fanboys amsuing more than anything.

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Ahh, I see.


So, its got nothing to do with how long you've been gaming, or anything like that? Is there even such a thing as a true gamer?


And has been replaced by a lot ignorant fanboys[/Quote]


To be honest, I'd put you under that category.

Personally, I hate the way you talk down to people on this forum, especially Wii-only owners. Who the hell are you to judge people, gamers, on the basis that they only have access to one console? Have you stopped to consider that maybe these people have other things to do besides gaming? You DO NOT have to dedicate your life 24/7 to gaming to be a gamer. It's as simple as that.


I hate this attitude that you have to play every game available to be considered a gaming god or some other crap like that. THAT is elitism. At the end of the day, my opinion is my opinion and your opinion is your opinion.



Yeah, exactly, let's settle for less when we could of had more (without any problems)


Lets face it, nobody really cares about it apart from the odd few people. Infact, most people don't give a damn, and I'm one of them. It's a great game as it is, and I thought there were some great traces of music in this game. Again, my opinion.

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Ahh, I see.


So, its got nothing to do with how long you've been gaming, or anything like that? Is there even such a thing as a true gamer?


Alas, make a thread about it, and lets debate endlessly.


To be honest, I'd put you under that category.

Personally, I hate the way you talk down to people on this forum, especially Wii-only owners. Who the hell are you to judge people, gamers, on the basis that they only have access to one console? Have you stopped to consider that maybe these people have other things to do besides gaming? You DO NOT have to dedicate your life 24/7 to gaming to be a gamer. It's as simple as that.


I hate this attitude that you have to play every game available to be considered a gaming god or some other crap like that. THAT is elitism. At the end of the day, my opinion is my opinion and your opinion is your opinion.


I am fucking God, Kneel before me.


Lets face it, nobody really cares about it apart from the odd few people. Infact, most people don't give a damn, and I'm one of them. It's a great game as it is, and I thought there were some great traces of music in this game. Again, my opinion.


You are a special person.


Your grumpy posts? ;)


Read between the lines m8

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I'm in the City in the Sky. Man, there was quite a long time between this dungeon and the last one, imo. A lot of treking across Hyrule. I must have gained about a million heart pieces!


Lets see what this place is made of. *draws sword*


Trecking across hyrule? Didn't you warp?

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Trecking across hyrule? Didn't you warp?


Well, when I mean treking, I mean you had to visit various parts across Hyrule. Back and forth, etc.


I warped, but I spent a lot of time horse riding looking for cool things. Found various caves, went looking for heart pieces, etc. :)

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I've just been reading through all the posts in this topic. Theres an overwhelming amount of criticism for the game and it's caught me by surprise. Some people are going as far as saying Wind Waker is a better game. I am still yet to play this game due to important committments I still need to clear but come the 10th January, i'll be officially playing this game and giving the ULTIMATE judgement of this game once and for all. So far all i've done is turn on the game and witness the title screen and I must say its rather underwhelming, the landscapes too bare and I don't like the sequence leading up to the wolf transformation, pans to the side then wolf. Rather dull really, no where near the sort of impact Ocarina of Times menu had when you turned the game on.

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