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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Yeah, the characters in this game are awesome.


Speaking of characters, I had this incredibly deep and intellectual discussion with my brother over this: who is hotter, Ilia or Hena?


My vote goes to Hena.


I don't normally go for this sorta thing. I like my women to be real.


But, Hena. Definitely.

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im in love with midna, anyone else get reminded of e.t when you had to run her to zelda after zant attacked?


i was only a little kid when i saw e.t. so not really but i understand what you ment.


actually during that part i was getting pretty anoyed because my friends were bugging me to save so we could play wii sports. :horse:

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I've just completed it... this game is amazing, better than Wind Waker.


Ganondorf looks sooo bad-ass, especially on his horse. He better look like that in the next Smash Bros.


I agree, he looks really nasty and melicious! (sp?)


I liked Navi cos she seemed to have an inferiority complex!:laughing:


Does anyone else miss the magic from OOT like Din's Fire, I think thats what it was called?! I loved the cutscene and everything!:hehe:

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Ive just reached Arbiters Grounds. Is it an actual dungeon or an area like the Gerudo place from OOT?


What the hell did Zelda do with Midna??!? She just disappeared!


Arbiters Grounds is dungeon and the only female Gerudo is half Hylian in the Castle town bar.


What Zelda did was put herself into the Triforce of Wisdom and then give the Triforce of Wisdom to Midna. You find about it near the end of the game.


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Hahaha. I wouldn't go that far. ;)


I think there's some really bluddy cool characters in this game. I think the Yeti is mine, by far. :D


Yea I forgot I loved the Yeta and Yeto! They were awesome, I hope we see them again...along with their new offspring!

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"Now what else could I but into my soup?"











I know it may sound sad, but I was really laughing at some of those bits. I'm such a child.


Yea I forgot I loved the Yeta and Yeto! They were awesome, I hope we see them again...along with their new offspring!


It would be awesome to see them again. Maybe a whole tribe of them or something, to rival the gorons. :heh:

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I know it may sound sad, but I was really laughing at some of those bits. I'm such a child.


It would be awesome to see them again. Maybe a whole tribe of them or something, to rival the gorons. :heh:


All that Yeto stuff was funny I just can't believe the house he lived in was so dangeous! :p


That idea about them forming a tribe is genius! I hope they do it, maybe as some sort of hidden village!

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