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There should be a sticky about the sensor bar, i see alot of people are having problems, move towards it further away ajust the height of the bar etc etc, that sorts it out.


Hmm, although I think that it could go in the hardware thread/wii problems, a seperate thread may be a good idea. I'll think about this one some more.


What about a release date thread for all VC and all retail games thread


I think that will be created, but perhaps another day. That takes a lot of organising.


or just a vc thread in general about the game u want and game u have


Yes, a "virtual console purchases thread". I'll post this one up asap.


Maybe a thread to show how people can use their nintendo dongle to connect to the internet, maybe?



As alot of people are having problems


I think that can still be asked in wii hardware/problems.


a Wii European Release Dates thread would be very handy.


Yeah, but like the VC release dates, it takes a lot of organising. I'll get one up running, but it'll take a while.


i have a sugestion (sorry v bad spelling day today so upset i didnt get my wii:cry: )


a thread about bringing the whole family together. I have seen a few people mention how their family are getting into the wii and for the first time in about 10 years i heard my mum say "are you getting oe of those it looks like good fun." the last time i heard that was when i had my nintendo scope for my snes and i couldn't get a go as familly wouldn't stop playing it. she also said that the whole family should get a ds that way we could play games and the looser does the washing up hehe


I like this idea quite a lot. :)


I'll create it now.

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Thread: Next Zelda (or something like that)


I know its soon but wouldn't be cool a talk about thought for the next Zelda? I mean ok we had OoT which was like the best game ever. Now we get TP that is taking everything that make OoT so good and make them even better. Examples for thoughts are. Music. Midis, orchestrated, complete revamp the series, like Capcom did with Resi and offer, players something new, etc. Thats for the Zelda thread ofc

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Thread: How much would you pay for DVD Playback?


Just wondering if people would actually be willing to buy a whole new Wii with a whole other £179.99 just to get DVD Playback when they already have a DVD Player, and whether they would buy the DVD Playback if it was released as a dongle or through Wii Ware.

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Thread: How much would you pay for DVD Playback?


Just wondering if people would actually be willing to buy a whole new Wii with a whole other £179.99 just to get DVD Playback when they already have a DVD Player, and whether they would buy the DVD Playback if it was released as a dongle or through Wii Ware.


hehe nothing. i have 5+ XBox, XBox 360, PC and laptop. Enough!!

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Just a quick suggestion - I have telewest broadband at home (in my spare room) and my Wii is in the lounge - I'm gonna buy a wirerless cable router for this very purpose. Now my suggestion is we have a router thread where Wii users who arer using routers can share which make/model of router they are using and whether it is cable or not.


They can also say how easy setting up was and performance.


I also dunno whether to get a 54 or 108 speed one so this should also help!

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Thread: Are you wearing the wrist strap?


Being an experienced gamer I knew I wasn't going to need it. Then I played Wii Sports...



Oh man was I glad I had the wrist strap on when playing Tennis earlier!


My hands was a little moist, and it just slipped clean out of my hand. The strap saved it from certain destruction....! :o

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Not sure if there is already one, but how about a Wii ideas thread, people post ideas about how the controller could be used, now they've got a better idea about it.


For instance, I think the controller could bring new life to the Crazy Taxi series with an excite truck style control method, flicking the controller up for the crazy jump etc. and I'm sure they could think up some good uses for crazy box/pyramid.

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The Come in Here if You're Using the Opera Browser Thread.


OK, so the point of the thread is for when we've all got the Opera browser, we can enter the the forum, and write messages on this thread. But only messages from your Wii console. There's not much point to it other than the novelty of using your Wii instead of the PC for the first time. But I still think I'd enjoy writing a post from my Wii. It might be quite time consuming tho.

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