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No More Heroes


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i dont know if this is the right place to complain but can someone please get that counter for no more heroes of the main page,


the all know the wait is long, so we dont need the reminder ever time we visit the site.


sorry i had to get that off my chest

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I bought it a few days ago and I love every bit of it. I also saw a copy of Super Smash Brothers Brawl in the store. The box looks so fucking hot...too bad it's in Japanese. =(


Don't get me wrong, I love the graphical style of this game but some of the 3D objects in it aren't that detailed and the textures are just blurry.

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Right, this is really weird, take a look at this: http://www.game.es/ficha/ficha.aspx?sku=053338 As you can see, it's the spanish GAME website... They've still got No More Heroes listed for the 29th... How odd. Well, if it's true, then I shall buy it on Launch day and mock everyone since they'll have to wait longer :indeed:


Well didn't rising star games say they wanted to make as many copies as possible to avoid dissapointment. I reckon they think it's not gonna sell as big in Spain then the UK....or the date is wrong.

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I never understood why after months of omising a more violent game than Manhunt, Suda51, Grasshopper, Marvelous, RisingStar, God decided it would be in the games best interest to drop it entirely. This game is simply not going to appeal to the Wii's casual market, its a hardcore game which has been made more approachable. Makes no sense.

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I walked into my local game shop today.... a little part of me was hoping to see this on the shelf for sale.


You know what else i noticed.... there was NOTHING new released today, and on March 14th there's a fair few load of games being released.


I thought NoE wanted to spread things out to prevent games being over shadowed by others if released on the same day....so why do we have a few weeks with NOTHING and then one week with like 3 or 4?

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Because there are "key" release weeks. Fuck knows why. The industry still thinks we need all the games packed into November...


I'm cancelling my EU pre order. Once my Freeloader gets shipped i'll be picking up a US copy and Smash Bros.

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i shall wait to see what happens after you guys have the Free Loader and Brawl, just to make sure there's no bricking issues, if nobody has a problem i too shall give NoE the middle finger


I know people said if you have downloaded the latest system update then the game won't run the update on the disc, but there is the possibility part of the discs update contains an update that is required for the game that is not included in d/l updates and is only on the disc.


for example, when i got MP3, i had the latest firmware d/l'ed yet when i first loaded MP3 for some reason it required to run an update before i could play

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but i meant, what if part of the update is required for the game to play?

ie: game won't play if it doesn't get the update?


(worse case scenario i know, but i have a tendency to assume to worst, one of my flaws i guess :heh:)

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but i meant, what if part of the update is required for the game to play?

ie: game won't play if it doesn't get the update?


(worse case scenario i know, but i have a tendency to assume to worst, one of my flaws i guess :heh:)


I'm assuming the worst case scenarios aswell and finding a way out of it :heh:



How do you know these things?

Because what Smash does is no firmware update, it updates the channels.


Did the e-mail from Datel in the other thread not say it bypassed any updates that came with the game?

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