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Everything posted by Smalldude76

  1. 1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) It's Zelda, what more of a reason could there be? It's saddening that Twilight Princess isn't in my number one position, but Ocarina of Time is definately a most worth filler for that gargantuan game. Ocarina of Time was my frist experience in such an expansive world not seperated by levels. I was able to explore wherever I want whenever I want with few restrictions. It wasn't too easy being one of my first real games at the age of ten/eleven, but I managed to defeat Ganon in the end. It held seriousness, humour, action - everything I could ask for in my road to a gamer. 2. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) My retro days of the NES were filled with this title as it was all I did at my nana's. While I didn't get to play it often and I sucked like Birdo in an erection centre, it's still one of my most memorable games to this day. Revolution will finally reunite me with this masterpiece. 3. Super Smash Bros. Melee (GCN) Being nearly undefeatable is what binds me to this game. When I'm actually defeated, I train to defeat them. When I do, I'm happy and go on to find more challenging opponents. One of the most competitive games I've ever played, it's my favourite multiplayer franchise. 4. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (GCN) Paper Mario on the N64 was my first turn-based RPG experience - and my god it was amazing. Over a year ago I was flipping through Nintendo Power and my jaw dropped when I saw a couple screens of Paper Mario 2. My jaw dropped again the next month when it was announced for that upcoming december. It took the first game and improved on everything possible meanwhile executing an original storyline and maintaining what I loved about the original. 5. Tetris (NES) I'm not all too proud of my emulator-usage on this game, but my record(sig) stands tall as many struggle with less than half of that. Those who know my gaming tastes can probably guess that I'm a sucker for a great puzzle game. Doctor Mario, Super Bustamove, they're all good. Tetris takes this cake though as it's perhaps the best puzzle game ever that doesn't hurt my eyes (Dr. Mario). Live on my friend. Notable Mentions: Baten Kaitos, Mario 64, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
  2. Yeah, read that after I'd posted. Just out of curiosity, who didn't make the cut? There are several members I thought would make great mod material but weren't there.
  3. That happened with the absence of Fierce_LiNk (for unavoidable purposes a forum should stand in the way of). Congrats to Sarka, Stocka, Odwin, and Moria. My condolences to Jordan, Offerman, Space, and Dom - I saw nought wrong with what you did. Perhaps instead of just replacing Jordan with another mod though, perhaps hiring more mods instead of ones that moderate nearly every thread? Soag and Stocka each have four. Both are great guys, but I rarely see soag around anymore.
  4. It makes sense, but assuming Sony does make it through the generation, and that they're still in a position to continue in the gaming industry, perhaps they'll realise what Nintendo was talking about, also what Nintendo wasn't talking about. Nintendo is no longer in a position to compete against Microsoft and Sony with their hightech machines. They're now finding new markets with similarities to what they've done before. Kind of like the iPod video in comparison to the ipod Nano. I think it'd be pretty neat to see what Sony would come up with, although leaving a market entirely to Microsoft is a pretty dangerous thing to do. Perhaps we'll see another competitor in years to come... Apple, perhaps?
  5. Very interesting indeed. I can agree with most of it, but am in doubt that Sony will come up with a 'Halo-competitor' Perhaps the best things they have going for them games-wise are the popularity of their exclusive franchises and the popularity of the Playstation brand name itself. They'll need to create substantial amounts of PS3 hype at E3 and before the console's launch. Which will be hard as Nintendo can prove to be quite the opponent when dealing with more powerful opponents. While the Revolution doesn't have all of the bells and whistles that Ps3 has (as far as we know), Nintendo has what Sony does not: innovation beyond what's been done before (you've heard it too much, but it's undeniable), and franchises coming out of their asses. We already know of three launch/near-to launch titles that will undoubtedly score great with the consumer (unless fucked up): SSBR, Mario 128, and Metroid Prime. Announcements of other exclusive games will obviously only strengthen their lines. Sony's already blown their load with the announcement of a bunch of sequels, and all that's left are the ones they're saving up which will most likely all be from third parties. I doubt we'll see the end of Sony this upcoming generation, but I believe we'll see their market share drop quite drastically and be overcome by Microsoft. Nintendo's fate is undeterminable. They either scare away more of their shrinking fan-base, or they strike gold like they did with the DS.
  6. In my communications class at school, we're learning Photoshop 6.0. The person next to me had been giving me pointers on things throughout the semester, so I had a little general knowledge. On I think Wednesday, our teacher asked us to come up with something for November 11 (Remembrance Day) whether it be a poem, image, letter, etc. I chose to do something in Photoshop, and got some good comments about it in class, but what do you think? Here it lies. For those wondering, the guy is Sir Arthur Currie - the head of the Canadian Corps during World War I. He led several victories using an entirely Canadian army. two notable ones being Vimy Ridge (British+French had been fighting it for 3 years) and Passchendaele(Ypres 3, uphill battle so muddy that people fell in and drowned in it).
  7. Don't see you around all too much, but you're a neat guy - 8/10
  8. I'd live there without question. I call them whipped >_> I'm over 15 yet it says to increase to fifteen!
  9. Very old, but worth a watch ...so what's going on, eh?
  10. Not that bad, but a bit too colourful for my taste, 6.5/10 Removed the background for you if you want it, might want to host it yourself though edit - I'll try for a version where the birds have heads and bottoms... edit 2 - done ___________________
  11. Nice and original - I really like this one 9/10 ___________________
  12. I usually respond to a thread that actually has discussion. Normally I dislike responding to threads with a pasted article and no insight or speculation to get discussion going. This one being one of the ones that I was inspired to respond to.
  13. Careful, Fox might make a tv show about it. It'd also have a perverted midget with a wacky sense of humour.
  14. A possible sig character increase, perchance? >_> spent a few hours working on one, went to paste in the code and I got a 'Limit is 500 characters'. 101 over Basically just something I change when I write something new. Sure it's kind of advertising, but that's kind of what sigs are sometimes for...
  15. Wouldn't work. He's probably developed some sort of immunity along with pepper spray and purse-to-head retaliation. Heh, I've had so many girls say "ewww" while passing me in the last week I've lost count. Next step: to purposely scare them
  16. Had something like that happen once to my chest. Didn't go away for like a week ... heh, Offerman's comments always crack me up :bow:
  17. Man, id lyke soooo by it jst 2 c MC danc :lmao: crotchni so mch makez my thum hurt...cuz u no, I'm lyke de bestest at da game! LOL! OMFG!!! lyke, wot if we can ly down an make it luk lyke deyre havin sex!1 In reality, I have such high expectations for this game and I'm hoping Bungie don't fuck it up by putting a crappy single player in there (we all know it'll happen... ). But I certainly would buy the game if Master Chief could dance...but nothing beats crouching :wink:
  18. Stocka said he could act better than Toby Macguire. He couldn't.
  19. Me leaning back,and holding a stapler because I'm erotic that way. Daniel Radcliffe's jerking off and screaming a storm beside me. You know you love it :yes:
  20. "I would have got away with it too if it wasn't for those kids and that dog!"
  21. Here to revive an old favourite ladies and gents . Basically just a rating between 1 and 10 where 10 is the highest and 1 is not the highest but is considered the lowest and 5 can be average and this run-on sentence is on purpose! Enjoy CR-Eers!
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