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Everything posted by Will

  1. I'm in. "Hi, I flew all the way from San Francisco to have an internet meet in your store because we saw a picture of you on a forum" can't see that one being anything but a total success. When?
  2. Haha, was absolutely just about to post the same thing. It's the hair. I want to meet her.
  3. No sure if McLaren will have it totally together, practice can be a funny thing. I think with the Lotus crash it was a case of too much power down on a still drying track. Still a stupid mistake to make though. Any predictions? I'm going with a Red Bull one-two in qualifying with an Alonso win. He just seems far to consistent at the moment not to go for.
  4. The craziest thing about that was that it looked like it ripped that part of the tyre to shreds. That happens in a race and you definitely need to stop. Could add another bit of madness to the show.
  5. Loved it. Barrichello looks like looks good. Hope they can do well.
  6. No I can only get text updates via BBC. I'm watching it on Speed TV and it's just the regular feed. No commentary at all.
  7. Hmmm, really wish I could find a full commentary. The P is for Pits I think.
  8. Is this on 5 live? I just get some regular show rather than commentary.
  9. You're not missing much to be honest.
  10. Totally ridiculous, he was driving along in a straight line! I think it may have been a bit damp but he crashed like an absolute pro. I almost missed it. Got stuck in a lift, had to go through the car park to a different stair case, food machine wouldn't accept my money. Nightmare. Got here about 5 seconds before it started.
  11. At least you only have the first few races early, I have nearly the whole season at ridiculous-o-clock.
  12. Excellent, think I'll pop down to the canteen and get some supplies. Is first practice 1hr 30?
  13. Are you staying up to watch?
  14. Will


    I live just around the corner from an Artisan Cheese store and it's pretty much the greatest place I've ever been. I regularly go in and buy Blue Cheese, Camembert, some sort of smoked cheese and probably some other stuff too. Anything that's blue and creamy I simply adore. I also loved some baked soft cheese on a crispy bread of some sort. Unfortunately this cheese shop also has a delicious meat counter, so inevitably I buy some cured ham to go with my cheese. All washed down with a fine Port from the wine region near by. Such good times. I LOVE CHEESE!
  15. I'm mega excited for this right now, practice starts at 6:30pm so I'll be watching that at my desk. This season is looking like it's going to be mad with the tyre issues and the various aids the driver has available to them. Wouldn't surprise me at all if we had 10 different drivers winning races at one point or another.
  16. I'm so jealous the European ones are there for the weekend. Don't think I'll get mine until Tuesday :-(
  17. Yeah just for the video, they still have to use the same compound during each run. Getting pretty excited about this now, I've found a bar that will be showing the entire race so that should be pretty cool.
  18. Wow, never thought of that before but I reckon it must be pretty close to being the best rookie year. So excited for this weekend, the race begins for me at 11pm so that's not too bad at all. Maybe I'll head to the pub for a few drinks beforehand.
  19. On the Adobe stuff, they fully expect small and individual users to pirate it. They make their money from bigger companies. People getting into it from pirating keeps it being used when they make it into the bigger companies where the money comes in. Piracy is pretty much a part of their business model. My good stuff, I'm in Las Vegas, and I love it already. The first thing that's felt like a real holiday in a long time.
  20. I saw it last night and was equally unimpressed. It definitely drags on far too long for what is essentially a very poor independence day clone. The girl I went with slept on my shoulder for most of the second half which is never a good sign. I definitely wouldn't pay good money to see it again.
  21. I'm not so sure Vettel will be in a Ferrari by then. Fernando fits into that team exactly as they would want and I think more and more they will build the team around him for a good while to come. If that happens the combination could be very successful, and I think we'd be looking at a Schumacher-esque length of time for him being there. While that's the case no other big names are going to be getting a drive there. I think we could be looking at a very long period of drivers staying in the same team, everyone seems very well suited in their current cars.
  22. I'm sat on a cable car in downtown San Francisco browsing the net on my iPad. It's not much but little things like this really do make me smile.
  23. Theres a really good one called Shogun 2 that's about to come out so I'm told.
  24. Will


    This is pretty much the worst thing I've ever seen/heard. I'm not sure which part of it is worse. The only hope I had was when the pedophile drove up, I thought he was going to put an end to it all but it turns out he wanted to join in.
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