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Everything posted by Will

  1. Companies don't release games to give the fans a chance of a sequael, they do it to make money. New Shenmues are very unlikey to make any money and so they won't be released. I'd love remakes of 1 and 2 on the Wii and I'd be over the moon if a 3rd one came out. The sad fact is it just is not going to happen.
  2. If the first two were coming out, this is exactly how a desicion on the 3rd would be made.
  3. The sales are OK if the game had been a regular release. Considering the cost of the thing they're horrendous. It didn't have the effect of pulling in new users to the machine and obviously didn't go over too well as the sequel sold even worse. For this game to be considered for a remake it would have to have sold a hell of a lot more, or at least there'd need to be some proof that there's now an expanded market for this type of thing. Unfortunately it just doesn't hit any criteria it need to for a rerelease / sequel.
  4. Well we have to start with a small number of Dreamcast owners. Of which a small number played Shenmue. Of these members a few went and became hardcore fans on the internet and spread the good word. I'm sure there are a godo few fans around but nowhere near enough to make a new Shenmue game a big seller. The people posting on forums, blogs and visiting gaming websites make up a very small amount of the total market.
  5. I don't see how anyone could say the fanbase is massive, what exactly are you basing this claim on?
  6. Lots of SEGA workers love NiGHTS, it didn't exactly make a brilliant selling game. Shenmue really is of little relevence to the company and there's no need at all for it to be kept alive. I have no idea what relevence that blog has to adding weight to the theory but even that says its very unlikely. Well of course some rumours turn out to be true, mostly they have a bit of truth behind them. So far as I can tell absolutely nothing reliable backs up this one. I agree with this, Shenmue is an old franchise, and while well loved by its fans was a massive flop in terms of sales. The fanbase just isn't there for this game. It didn't sell well in the past and if released now it still won't sell well.
  7. Much as I'd love it to happen it won't. This rumour has come from the fact there's been a few recent ports and remakes and concluded that Shenmue is on the way. Not very solid ground for a re-release and not the best choice of game to get out there.
  8. I can't really help if I don't know what the data is for. I assume your extra functionality revolves around users / interaction with the data in the database? You know a database of games will work and things can always be added to these. I suppose you'll have to get creating the database yourself.
  9. I'd say its extremely unlikely anyone will give you their database. It's what their whole business is based on. What do you actually need the info for?
  10. I'd also try: IGDB Moby Games Depending on what fields you need and what exactly its for I may be able to help with data also.
  11. You can do everything with the Cube controllers, its just that the button layout isn't exactly best suited to it. I thought I'd use the Cube pad the most but actually the difficulty of using it with only two hands mean that the Wii Remote is a much better option. You pretty much need to use the buttons, shoulder buttons, left anologue still and the d-pad all at the same time.
  12. I got up to about 8,800 at one point but the penalties for losing at that point become too much to keep it up there. I'm hovering around the 8,500 mark now and to be honest I can't see myself straying too far from there in the future.
  13. I think its right not to be counted, I mean, its not really a game at all. I don't understand why games magazines are reviewing it either. Just becuase it's software for a machine doesn't make it a game. Here in the UK it probably will be counted as ChartTrack count sales of things like Norton anti-virus so in theory it will be too.
  14. People still need extra wii-motes when they get their new console.
  15. Will

    Cheap Eee PC?

    I love my current one but this new model is seriously tempting for an upgrade. Would like the bigger screen and improved hardware. Will have to see how I feel nearer the time.
  16. I think without games we'd just be different people rather than better. I'm sure everyone would find something equally as pointless to do with their spare time. Saying that though, if it weren't for games, I wouldn't have a job so they get a big thumbs up from me.
  17. Screenshots are taken at the highest resolution possible, often more than the console can output. Come release it will be standard Wii resolution.
  18. What company is it with? Phone interviews I've found either go really well or really badly. It can be tough to understand the interviewers mood and meanings without actually seeing them in person so the main thing is to stay calm and take your time. There's loads of help for what questions to expect on google so I'd have some notes of the main ones and the key points you want to get across when answering. Have your CV to hand for any key things they ask or you want to tell them that maybe they don't mention (I assume they've seen it already but it never hurts to emphasize key points). Just take it easy and I'm sure it will be fine, my phone interview for my current job was basically just a chat about our favourite games and what we were looking for. Being for a tester role I don't think they're going to give you too much of a grilling but being prepared will really make you stand out.
  19. Don't forget it was the first full year on sale for the Wii compared with a console that had a massive install base. Add in stock issues and the fact the Wii only became ridiculously popular in the middle of the year and its easy to see how the PS2 is ahead. By the end of 2008 I think a similar chart is going to be very Nintendo-centric.
  20. I've only used the Remote + Nunchuck combo, I wouldn't even consider using the wheel. After Excite Truck I just don't think it works well enough to be able to do what I want when I want. Done pretty well online using the pad, pretty much always beating people using the wheel.
  21. Its just a case of beating the regular ones by a decent amount I think. Thats what I've found so far but there may be more to it.
  22. Wasn't this confirmed as fake earlier in the week?
  23. Nintendo would be absolutely crazy to do any sort of price drop at the moment. The machine is outselling everything out there by a long long way at the moment. As far as I can tell the stock issue still isn't completely resolved either. I will be shocked if anything goes on price-wise.
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