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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Love the new hair colour, Rok! And that suits you quite well, Raining!
  2. Thank you babe! Now look: The issue here is that people are different, and different things have a relative amount of importance to individuals. While we have to respect that some people might not be particularly moved by the death of a genius, those people have to respect that other people are particularly moved. The "prominent people" basically equates to "The people who I define as important" and again that's subjective, but insensitive as it effectively negates those whom you ignore or just haven't registered on your mental radar. I am not saying any of this to be argumentative, there are two sides to these debates and it's important to see both. And as I said before, I usually find you a funny and insightful member Bluey, but on this occasion what you said was upsetting. Not from a popularity stand point but basically because you seemed to be saying "If it's not important to me, it shouldn't be to you" but maybe this is me misinterpreting your words... Back on topic here, did anyone see the "7"? Oh man... I think I broke my bottom laughing the first time.
  3. Blaziken and Gyarados. Come on, like King said, Gyarados is always narked off and Blaziken is... A FIGHTING CHICKEN. Also, Psyduck because he's always got a headache, just like me.
  4. Top Deck. A bar of milk and white chocolate. Oh yes.
  5. Again with the "Oooh" ! I wish I had the figure for that sort of dress. I'm just too square unless I really slim down.
  6. Pics if you try it! I bought some "Off!" today, help combat the Chinese Mosquito Flying Corps which have descended.
  7. Your arteries go "CLANG!" if you even look at it. It's like a deep fried Mars Bar wrapped in bacon and dusted with icing sugar.
  8. Bluey, I normally quite like what you have to say - but that is a totally elitist point of view. "Prominent Forum Members" Who the heck are they? I post some of the awful crap that happens in my life, and I barely even get a nod, do people not care because I don't qualify as important in their lives? Am I not "prominent" enough to be cared about? I'm sorry Bluey, but I find what you have said on this occasion really insensitive. I am sure you have no intention to be, but it sounds like an incredibly selfish thing to say. Now, back to topic. George Carlin was a funny man, there is a lot of his stand-up available and he was a maverick in many ways with a sharp wit and a strong routine that was incredibly daring at times. And of course, let's not forget him as the legendary Rufus.
  9. The dude as got a sloping forehead with an enormous dent in it! He's a great player, but I half expect him to bring on a wooden club with him! Oh, and let's not forget Obafemi Martins. Ugly, ugly man. Magic left foot though.
  10. Steven Gerrard looks like Neanderthal Man. Emile Heskey as well. Looks like a deflated tire.
  11. Someone should come up with "The Fugly 11" a list of the ugliest footballers in history... let's see... Back 4: * * Martin Keown * Middle 4: * Steven Gerrard Peter Beardsley James Milner Forwards * Wayne Rooney Well... that's a start.
  12. Remind me what you did? Was it a slap on the bum of a coworker?
  13. What's the phrase I'm looking for here... oh yes: "Couldn't have happened to a nicer person."
  14. Wow. Everybody just totally ignored Daft there... Sorry to hear you're low, I am sure things will improve. Just step back for a moment and assess what you can do logically, make short term achievable goals and you'll get there.
  15. Happy birthday! You're much more fun than Dynastygal.
  16. Cola bottles, suck off the fizzy and you have yourself a delightfully chewy treat right there.
  17. Which human in particular? I'm not keen on eating someone I like.
  18. One could argue though that the "Yes" lobby are as guilty of scare-mongering. People have the right to choose, sometimes they choose right, sometimes they choose wrong. The important thing is that they have the option.
  19. Come on guys, this is a retailer's half-assed attempt at marketing, nothing more.
  20. People have the right to choose, Shino.
  21. Good for you, babe! Yesterday was an interesting day. I have a few major problems at the apartment which the Landlady has told me to go **** myself about. The sink is loose from its housing in the bathroom, the dining chairs are all falling apart, kitchen door needed fixing before I even arrived here and she never bothered. Spoke to her recently married to"husband" (this was a woman who was up until about 3 months ago pestering me for a date) and he told me in very nice and friendly terms to... go get ****ed. I actually prefer it when people are honest, so her approach is better. But I'm going to give them a suitable call back on this. It's three months til the contract is up for renewal, I told them I'd take it again. Plan is to wait til the 11th hour to sign (so they have no replacement) and then tell them I'm not interested. Anyone else got a suitable revenge lay? AAaaaaand: my band has a massive performance Sunday in one of the most expensive and desirable bars in Shanghai - add to that I am singing on number entirely in Japanese, and you have a recipe for stress. So we had a rehearsal yesterday and the police made us come and stop, I had an eyeball-contest with the fuzz and won. Probably silly thing to do.
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