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About Dcubed

  • Birthday 02/26/1988


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    SW-0401-9926-5412 Yo!
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    Mario Kart: 429559160285
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    Name: Muffin
    Townname: Bakery
    SFC: 193635273400
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    Nuclear Muffin
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    we love Wii

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  1. Honestly? The price for a PS5 rental aint that bad since PS6 will likely be out before you end up paying the full price of the console.
  2. I doubt it. The PSN re-releases on PS3 (which are still available BTW!) didn't really impact on physical PS1 prices all that much.
  3. That's a huge bummer. @Cube's right, this is a THPS3 remake with THPS4 levels being thrown in as a bonus. Still will likely cop it, but that is a big downer that THPS4 isn't really going to get a proper remake.
  4. THE ACE OF SPADES!! There’s the official Switch announcement as well. Thread can now be moved to the Nintendo Gaming forum.
  5. Here’s an interesting one… A cancelled Silicon Knights game we never previously knew about! The concept sounds interesting, if perhaps a bit silly on paper. Shame it never got made.
  6. Wow. What a kick in the teeth.
  7. Indeed. Don't forget that the original GB was originally supposed to be replaced back in 1996 with Project Atlantis (which was scrapped because ARM couldn't meet Nintendo's performance, battery life and cost targets back then). The DMG was never supposed to last as long as it did, and the GB Pocket/Light were hastily cobbled together in response to the surprise Pokemon boom in Japan. It wasn't until late 1999/early 2000 when the GBA hardware finally became viable (mobile hardware didn't really start its great boom until the GBA came along; with the ARM7TDMI CPU being made specifically for Nintendo's next handheld in response to the previous failure of Project Atlantis, a chip that ended up being ARM's true big break in the world of embedded CPU design and sparking the mobile revolution that continues to this day), as mobile hardware chip development remained largely stagnant throughout the 90s. Game Man Advance The Switch however? Nah, it has just constantly cruised along (though I suppose you could argue that COVID gave the Switch its own equivilent to the GB Pokemon boom), which makes it even more impressive. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually learn at some point in the future that the Switch OLED was originally meant to be a Switch Pro that was scrapped mid-development though. Nintendo's history is full of weird and wonderful unreleased handhelds after all!
  8. Crazy that the Aleck 64 lasted that long, also a really strange choice of hardware for such an arcade game; especially when you had so many PS1-based boards floating around that were cheaper and easier to develop for, not to mention Dreamcast-based hardware like the Naomi and Atomiswave that were both cheap and plentiful. Somehow Aruze making a puzzle game based on a slot machine mechanic is perfectly on-brand for that company; given that they largely traded in pachinko/pachislot games (not to mention buying up and killing off the original SNK for seemingly no reason).
  9. It is now officially the longest a home console has ever gone before being replaced by a successor; beating out both the Famicom and the Xbox 360. The only video game device to ever go for a longer period of time before being replaced is the original DMG Game Boy (which went for a whopping 9.5 years before getting its GBC upgrade, and a full 12 years before finally getting a true successor in the form of the GBA).
  10. This is insane! https://github.com/hedge-dev/XenonRecomp Sonic fans once again prove that they are the craziest and most talented fanbase in existence. They have developed tools to recompile Xbox 360 games into native x86 Windows PC code, and have completed a full native PC port of Sonic Unleashed! It was crazy enough that people mananged to make this work with N64 games, but Xbox 360!? That's actually ridiculous! The most insane thing of all? They pulled off this unprecendented marvel of programming in just 6 months!! Holy shite!
  11. Sorry I couldn’t join in the end. Something came up last minute that stopped me from being able to tag along. Glad you guys had fun though!
  12. I should be able to join, but it might be better if you host @BowserBasher, since I may be a little late for 19:30; plus you already have the rules set up on your save file anyway.
  13. Small update. The broken GBC arrived, so I stole its buttons and swapped them into the OLED GBC... Ahh... much better It really does make a big difference. The custom buttons that these custom GBC shells come with are always utter cack, but thankfully OEM Nintendo buttons fit in and work just fine. If ever you're buying or building a custom GBC? Make sure you swap in some original OEM buttons, your thumbs and gaming heart will thank you for it. It's really odd, because I've had plenty of good experience with GBA custom shells and buttons, but custom GBC buttons for whatever reason are just universally crap.
  14. Honestly? I’m surprised this hasn’t happened sooner. This is pretty normal for streaming services; as 3rd party licenses eventually expire. This is the reason why the likes of Netflix pivoted to original programming that they could retain full rights control over. Hell, even the VC was no stranger to delistings as rights eventually expired. This is the reality of digital distribution.
  15. Yeah, it’s a scummy scam, but unfortunately it works. People are dumb enough to pay the extra for what amounts to nothing, so publishers are gonna keep doing it.
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