Indeed. Don't forget that the original GB was originally supposed to be replaced back in 1996 with Project Atlantis (which was scrapped because ARM couldn't meet Nintendo's performance, battery life and cost targets back then). The DMG was never supposed to last as long as it did, and the GB Pocket/Light were hastily cobbled together in response to the surprise Pokemon boom in Japan. It wasn't until late 1999/early 2000 when the GBA hardware finally became viable (mobile hardware didn't really start its great boom until the GBA came along; with the ARM7TDMI CPU being made specifically for Nintendo's next handheld in response to the previous failure of Project Atlantis, a chip that ended up being ARM's true big break in the world of embedded CPU design and sparking the mobile revolution that continues to this day), as mobile hardware chip development remained largely stagnant throughout the 90s.
Game Man Advance
The Switch however? Nah, it has just constantly cruised along (though I suppose you could argue that COVID gave the Switch its own equivilent to the GB Pokemon boom), which makes it even more impressive. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually learn at some point in the future that the Switch OLED was originally meant to be a Switch Pro that was scrapped mid-development though. Nintendo's history is full of weird and wonderful unreleased handhelds after all!