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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. To the The3rdChildren thats slander enough. To DiemetriX to be fair the PS2 had some crap games when it came out and in relative terms the same can besaid for the 360. To That Guy, HD is firstly no different unless you are about 15cm from the TV screen watching. Dead Rising could be done on the Xbox you would of had to turn down the amout of enemies but could of been done. And wasn't there Morrowind on the Xbox (just Oblivion but with slightly worse graphics). You need to mention the worseness of Xbox Live as on the original xbox, people could boot you from there games and what have you. Oh yes and Kameo is the only good game on that console as its the only fun game. Yes fun all the rest are boring and repetitive, shoot this race that:One Word - BORING
  2. I'm stiring up nothing, all I see are cheap renditions of current gen stuff, plus over abused promises. N3, Dead Rising, Saints Row are just some that springs to mind.
  3. I have about 5 products in my house that were made in China that broke in about 5 weeks of getting them. Yes my GBA and DS are made in China and both have problems - the GBA with the piece of plastic that covers the battery that keeps breaking every 10year and I have to send out for another piece. Te DS with sometimes not reconising there are actually games in the DS slot. And no console should get better for just being online. Theres only one decent game on 360 atm, and its Kameo everything else is either current gen, too much lag, or not enough detail: Take Peter Moores speech about how you'll be able to see the stitching on clothes. And Capcom says bollocks to that and makes ugly character models as so many low textures in many places I feel like when I see movies for it it looks like a DC game. Look I know many of you will say no its brilliant, but if the graphics aren't that much better - then what exactly did you pay £280 quid for achievements. You all have been had Microsoft certainly knows how to convince all you lemmings to by there products. :grin:
  4. 1 and 6 are the most important simply because they are manufacturing to around 20% critical significance levels. Most products are actually around 5%. If you don't know what I mean Study Statistics for A-level then you'll know
  5. Not really - looked under my Gamecube it has made in Japan.
  6. I won't vote because it encourages pornography and reduces the power the western world has
  7. Firstly I would love to get a 360. But I won't yet! Here are the reasons why: 1) They have not got to the point where the manufactured units are at 5% of the total batch produced. 2)Every game that they have promised to be good as turned out to be medicore. 3) Most games on 360 have suffered from terrible lag. 4)No console should become better when connected to the internet - cheap 'get out' clause by Microsoft. 5) I don't care what you say I would rather have a 1/3 less zombies on screen and have improved textures. 6) I will never get a 360 while they are produced in China -> I'll wait until Microsoft moves production to Japan Reasons 1,3, and 6 are the most important reasons.
  8. Afraid not the Chineses are known for their faulty products unlike the Japanese - I mean comparing products. Like if the PS2 were made no units would work - whereas in Japan at least a 1/4 of the units worked
  9. Saints Row has serious lag problems, Tom Clancy generic squad shooter, Dead Rising the textures on that game aren't very good Enchanted Arms generic RPG Just Cause great looking enviroments - shabby 3D models GoW bad frame rate and grainy textures And to top all of this off they haven't managed to get broked 360s to 5% of what they have produced. Never give Chinese man job to a Japanese man
  10. Disney owns the right to the Power Rangers now all 12 series of them
  11. I know that I have alot of second cousins that were born in both USA and Austrailia, there are some that have come onto me but I simply pulled back. Thats the way life works, I guess. Cousins totally illegal in this country. Only Half cousins downwards are fine
  12. 5% of the stars on Neighbours are having/had when they habeen on the show/or after they have finished have musical careers
  13. Stealing an object and stealing an idea are two very different things. If there weren't stealing in the video game industry, Nintendo would be the only ones who make 3D platforming, Sony would be the only ones who used DVDs to have games on, and as Domerstercool has already said Microsoft would be the only one who uses a broadband online service
  14. Ok you beat one guy then you beat a few more people, and a few more and a few more aka - removing the addictive puzzles and keep it just shoot one guy, then shoot some more, slice twice and repeat
  15. I told you it was bad but did you listen, NO!
  16. Its so obvious if you actually think about what they said on that video, plus may I remind you of something when its for example playstation or xbox and they release a trailer for it - when they haven't told you what the gameplay is like. All you guys here, say " This is Shit, crap and boring" however when its Nintendo you say "OMFG its amazing!!!!" Enough said, bitch
  17. I don't know why I burst out laughing at the second movie of it - Soth Park movie wasn't funny though - apart from a few "haha "
  18. I would like to post my opinion, without being ripped on. Owen Wilson although great in comedy 'live' films, is absolutely crap at doing VA his voice is absolutely monotenus voice grates on you. As well most of the other VA is either OK or worse than average. However,there is an exception Larry The Cable guy who plays Mater has the right voice and can exaggerate and be serios if he wants to. On that I have to give it 1.5/5. A truely dreadful film
  19. i like it, I like it - shame it costs about £310 to buy the game. It would be great to kill psycopathes
  20. So from what I understand its basically a Bounty Hunters version of School Rumble(manga/anime), with you beating a bounty hunter and increasing your level so you getter missions. OK? This has the potential to be very very boring, so it may turn out to be "the poor brother of Killer7"
  21. And it was decent remember different audience now than it was back then, and it was good how they got rid of the Cybermen and all but one Dalek - as some say the easiest plans are sometimes the most effective. P.S. Rokhed you mean Peter Kay don't ya! - He is class in everything, remember its the writer off that particular episode which needs to be killed for giving him a shit ass part. And why carn't they do a series with more than 13 episodes in how about 20.
  22. Well they seemed to tie to series's quite spectacularly to an end, but what is with the running bride unless she is a timelord from an alternative world
  23. I make mean toastie sandwiches. Such as Xmas Special which is roast turkey, chedder, Gerkins, Cranberry Sauce, and other things. Which is pretty damn fine. Another one is Roast beef, Chedder cheese, and fried Gerkins. Another one is bannana and sugerin a french toast like toastie. Which is also pretty damn fine.
  24. Remember where the Doctor is hes in Torchwood, I bet you anything they have parts of the Darlek left behind and the cybermen nick them and go on a rampage, or its going to be half clip show and half new episode
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