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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. Sweet Jesus. Halo 3 is so fucking addicting! I can't believe the years I've spent ignoring Halo, and now after a casual game I can't stop playing the fecking thing. I could sit there for hours playing. Glad I've got a long weekend this week.
  2. It definitely shouldn't be £60. I would say no more than £25 if they are going to sell it as a seperate thing. Then again the hard drive shouldn't be the ridiculous price it is.
  3. I really hope it's Pikmin 3. Looking forward to that.
  4. I'm not sure if I want this game or not. The whole Yoda/Vader thing is absolute arse imo, and I might just get Street Fighter and try and get good at just one game. Hmm I dunno.
  5. I still can't believe SC has Star Wars characters in it. I'm so annoyed about that.
  6. The only problem I had besides the one lock up was a bit of screen tearing. Didn't bother me too much though.
  7. It does look really good. I'll probably pick it up, but I'd get it for PS3 due to the better D-Pad.
  8. Lol, I only mentioned that because someone mentioned film watching on their console I actually won a game of Halo 3 today!! It's such a good game when your not getting your arse kicked!
  9. I don't think the Xbox is that loud unless you're actually playing a game. The speed the disc has to spin causes the loudness. I can watch a DVD/HDDVD on it and the noise doesn't bother me at all.
  10. Mine froze once in Uncharted as well. Luckily the game had auto saved literally 2 seconds before. It also froze a ton of times when trying to set up my PSN stuff. And it's froze once on the web browser. It's froze more times than my 360 actually. Still it's mostly been the one time of setting up PSN, usually it works fine. I watched Ratatouille last night on Blu Ray. Decent film if a little ridiculous. Looked excellent on Blu Ray though. I've been looking at different games and I think Dark Sector will be my next PS3 game. Not sure just yet but it looks decent.
  11. That Guy

    GTA IV

    Actually I did play the original one. But since they went 3D I've not played them.
  12. Bioshock because it's one of the best games I've ever played. Orange Box because there's so much to it. Viva Pinata because if I had sod all games I would play the crap out of that thing, even now.
  13. After realising there was an Everybodys Golf demo I downloaded it played it and realised I definitely didn't want to play it again.. I'll stick to Wii Golf. Is there anything else out on PS3 in the next few months thats not MGS (hate it), or GTA (getting it for Xbox)? Want some new stuff for my PS3 in the next couple of months, not sure what.
  14. Agreed, I haven't wanted to play any shooter with the Wii controller yet. Hopefully they'll stick with whats working for them.
  15. That Guy

    GTA IV

    I pre ordered this as well. Never played a GTA before but this looks good, so thought now was the time to give it a go.
  16. Didn't notice any of those problems. I thought the controls were very good, and I was getting quite a few headshots with the analogue stick.
  17. I think Sony's camera phones are better quality to be honest, which is the one my friend has decided to upgrade to instead.
  18. Sony one does look good, and I do think they offer high quality products. I've totally done a U-Turn in Sony over the last 6 months.
  19. Perfect. Thank you very much
  20. I think it looks quite nice and its got some nice features but I've read loads of reviews saying it switches itself off all the time.
  21. Can you post it here please?
  22. if that's the phone I'm thinking of then its had problems with it crashing. My friend got one last week and he returned it and got a different one.
  23. I'm sort of the same but I still haven't bothered to phone and cancel the (more expensive) auto renew. I've probably played about an hour of online games in 6 months which is probably not worth £20...
  24. Decided to order it along with GTA4 on Xbox for my next 3 months of gaming. I'm still trying to get through my back catalogue of unfinished game at the moment so I'm trying not to buy as many games this year as I did last.
  25. Anyone going to buy Everybody's Golf? I've been after a golf game for a while but haven't heard good things about Tiger Woods so thinking this might be a better option. Looks really good though.
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