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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. That Guy

    GTA IV

    Played a bit more today, got to the second safehouse story seems to have just started to get good. Still not a big fan of the missions but it's alright.
  2. Amped 3 is decent. Try out the demo ( unless there isn't one....). You should be able to pick up Amped 3 for fuck all anyway. SWEET JESUS OF NAZARETH. Finally decided to get back into Assassins Creed today. Played a bit and was bored as hell but thought I'd have a play for a while, started to get a bit better, then I kept having those stupid retard characters running up to me and pushing me into guards which resulted in a chase sequence, which in turn caused me to fail one of the informer missions. Tried again, same thing happened. Next time I took out all the retards, then saw the informer and went back and the guards came after me. Again failed... Next time I just took out one of the targets, went to the next one, and a beggar got in the way. All I can say is thats the last time I will ever play that game....
  3. That Guy


    I've STILL not played through the PS2 version of it. Since I realised how little I'd get for a PS2 on Ebay I decided to keep it, which meant I couldn't really justify the Wii version. I haven't got the motivation for a 30+ hour game at the moment.
  4. I don't like Metal Gear, and own GTA on Xbox 360 so nothing there. I've finished Uncharted and loooooove the darkness but I've already finished that on Xbox 360. If games are available on both systems I've been picking up the 360 version due to the better controller, better online (that friends play on as well), and (not that I'd make it a deciding factor) achievements. I currently own Motorstorm, Ratchet and Clank, Unreal 3, Heavenly Sword, and Uncharted, and once it arrives Resistance. Heavenly Sword I find repetitive so play through a chapter once every so often, and Ratchet I need to get past an annoying level which I will do soon enough. I bought a PS3 as a Blu Ray player so I wasn't expecting to buy a ton of games for it anyway.
  5. Well I've not played anything on PS3 for a while, can't be arsed with Heavenly Sword and Ratchet right now so thought I'd see if I could pick up something for cheap.
  6. That Guy


    So no ones found Wii controls to be imprecise or difficult to pull off then so far as some sites have pointed out?
  7. I played for about half an hour today, enjoying it so far, I'm glad it's not a long game though as I think I'd get bored after a few hours.
  8. Hmm maybe. Trouble is if you're hammering a button to throw the you're moving the pointer so it might reduce accuracy. In theory you'd think it would work better although in practice I'm not sure. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with Pikmin.
  9. Yeah I know PS2 is a no but nothing ever seems to be said about PS1 games.
  10. Yeah, sorry cheers for that. I wont have the cash this month to pick one up this month, but I might get one soon. Anyone think they'll sell the white one here? Just picked up Resistance on Ebay for £7.37. Not too bad.
  11. Will my 40GB PS3 play all PS1 games? Thinking of picking up Abe's Oddysee as it's not on the Store. I've had a quick Google of it and it looks like it should run although not sure if ALL games work or whether 40GB PS3s run any.
  12. I'm not sure that throwing Pikmin with the remote would work that well. I mean if you throw you're no longer pointing at the screen so how would that work? Also there were times in the other games when you had to hammer the button to throw as fast as you can which again might not work that well with the remote. Also the pointer might be weird as you wouldn't be able to throw a Pikmin over the whole screen so how would that work? I'll be interested to see how they do it.
  13. Did they just have 1? Because all the ones I've seen are from Hong Kong or Canada.
  14. How many PS3 owners aren't getting MGS4 then? Am I the only one?
  15. You should be able to return it but I think you have to pay a restocking fee. Welcome to the world of technology. Did you not read all the stories about the new one being released? They've been about for ages.
  16. It has Bluetooth you just can't send files to people which is ridiculous to be honest.
  17. Arrived in the post today from Amazon. Think I'll have to listen a few times before I can really comment on how good I think it is. It's not as catchy as Costello Music but there are some great songs on it so far. Will have to listen to the second half of it more as they may grow on me.
  18. Not to my knowledge. It's a shame because it's not exactly a hard feature to implement. From the original iPhone the cons for me would be lack of 3G, cost, lack of 3rd party apps, lack of proper Bluetooth, lack of MMS, and no video recording capabilities. Now the biggest issues have been resolved and yet the simpler ones haven't. I don't quite understand it. I mean they don't really matter to me but I know people that use these features all the time.
  19. Yeah, and with the iPod Touch being available in 32GB it is a bit strange. Perhaps they did it to make it the low price they have done.
  20. Well new iPhone looks nice, although I don't quite understand having a plastic back to it. 3G speeds will obviously be nice, although I don't use Edge enough to warrant upgrading my current iPhone. GPS is also a nice feature but I have a Sat Nav so again not something I would particularly use. Very impressed with the price though. I think it's definitely a more attractive package now to the mainstream. Can't see myself using the MobileMe stuff. It would be nice but I still don't like the idea of paying £60-70 a year for that kind of stuff. I'm not renewing .Mac as I can quite easily live without it. Some of the new apps look useful, Monkey Ball looked good! Like the look of an Ebay application, that'll be useful as well. Disappointed to see no added Bluetooth functionality, no MMS, and no video recording. Maybe that'll be added by a 3rd party application. Still, nothing major in my opinion, but would have certainly made the 'cons' column of the iPhone even shorter. Also, no 32GB iPhone? Overall, a good showing really although nothing too surprising, I more than likely will wait until the end of my current contract to upgrade.
  21. I'm not bothered about the 3G use, it's software related stuff I'm after. I still fail to see how this upstages, or is even related to what Apple will be doing the same day. Who really cares if they can play Blu Rays on an Xbox?
  22. How does that upstage anything to do with the iPhone? I don't really think anyone will be talking all that much about another Blu Ray drive really.
  23. That Guy

    GTA IV

    Possibly. My main concern with it is, what exactly is there to do in the game? There's not exactly a great deal, with Roman asking you to go drink with him, which is fun the first time as you see the effect, after that it's just like everything else. Crackdown was a laugh because I played it co-op and got achievements messing around. There doesn't seem to be any of that in this game. I'm just going to leave it for a couple of months I think, maybe go back to it eventually.
  24. That Guy

    GTA IV

    I'm really starting to hate it. I just can't see why this game is getting 10's every where. I might even just sell it. I'm finding every mission to be utterly boring and when I die more than once in a mission it becomes even more tedious. I've never understood the facination with GTA and now I've actually played one I understand it even less.
  25. Correct, I'm not a fan of the back tracking and getting lost either.
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