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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. Do none of you have any control? :p Have a wank 5 minutes before?


    I'd just advise just enjoy it. Yes it may be over fairly quickly (for some blokes ;) ) but if she knows you're doing it for the first time then she'll understand. Also you can do it a few times. And you can do other things besides intercourse.


    Getting good will take some practice so don't worry too much at first.


    Also don't forget the key to greatness...


    The clitoris


  2. It makes me cringe when I read people defending multi-billion pound companies out of some kind of imaginary loyalty. :indeed:


    I know, like some how they're better for owning one console. LOL.


    As for trophies I'm really not bothered at all. Hope there's some interesting things to do to get them. Thats why I like achievements, I like feeling like something has actually been achieved.

  3. Yay, sounds good.


    The comments on that news article are really painful to read.


    But also a lot of fun.


    Lol, it's laughable. I kinda realised when I was about 12 that no one really gives a shit which console is better. If you like a console, buy it. If you don't like it sod off and don't.

  4. I thought the future was bright? That the future was orange?


    Thats what I heard.


    Killzone is looking good, Hopefully the game ends up being good.


    Question: Is the DS3 really that much of an upgrade from the 6 axis? Having recently complained about the 6 axis I'm wondering if I'd get on more with a DS3.

  5. I think you used to, but you don't anymore, not with a sim/phone contract dealy. Not on my contract anyway... The my3 web via phone is confusing, some of the addons are advertised as unlimited for a fiver on one page, then some are like 1gb for a fiver on another.


    @pyxis: I have the data card thing, 3gb limit, the speed is generally pretty good signal. Bearing in mind I do actually live in the back arse of nowhere! Its the fastest service of its kind. 3mb compared to the rest doing around 2mb.


    @that guy: All providers do it now, fair usage policy, even ISP's for home broadband have them in place. But they're something like 100gb afaik (depending on ISP)


    I know they have fair usage but surely 1GB is a bit tight?

  6. only if you have a credit card set up. If you pay by the 12month live code thingys its alright I think but im not certain.


    Yeah it's automatically set to renew and there appears to be no way to turn it off without phoning them up. I assumed if you cancelled the card it would just stop your live.

    I used a 12 month thing off Ebay and the renew date is no longer on there.

  7. you'll have to contact XBL support and they'll back date the years subscription from when it last ran out, if you didn't ask them to downgrade it to silver beforehand. Which is pretty *****.


    What the fuck?! So if you stop paying they don't just cancel your subscription?! Thats bollocks. It pisses me off that there isn't just a 'Cancel' option on the console.

  8. Thats what they advertise, but their terms and conditions have it down as 1GB. Thats still more than the competition offers with their "unlimited" internet. If you want any more, they offer a 3GB add on for £14.99 or so.


    "Unlimited Data

    Fair Use Limit: 1 GB each month"




    They have another add on that gives you 3GB, but it costs £15... If you are a 3 customer, you can get a 3GB dongle at half price for £7.50.


    Thats bollocks, how can they advertise it as unlimited with a download limit on it?

  9. the problem with spiderman games so far is that they just lack the substance to justify the amazing control options that Spiderman commands. Sure we can swing across the rooftops like nothing else, but unless they build up a good enough reason to do so, this is still going to suck. Alot.


    They need to get real Marvel writers involved. They need to study how Rockstar make their worlds worthy outside missions and they need to study Crackdown's playground concept if they want this to be good.


    Crackdown with Spiderman thrown in would be good.

  10. nothing wrong with the pad...I've traditionally hated sony pads...but i've grown into the ps3 pad. I think those gioteck trigger things you can get help the shoulder buttons abit...


    I find the analogue sticks to be utterly awful. It doesn't make games unplayable but the Xbox controller is much much better.

    There's no better pad for things like Street Fighter 4 but for stuff like Call of Duty there's no contest IMO.

  11. Yeah, agree here. My exams are spread out over the next week, but it has such a great summer vibe, it makes my mind wander of every time. Wish it was next week.


    I really love Viva La Vida, it really shows that Coldplay is capable of doing more than Clocks.


    Agree with that, wasn't a massive fan at first but it's really grown on me. Got the album off iTunes today, just getting to the end of my first listen, really liking it a lot. I've always liked Coldplay but never really found many songs I just had to listen to, but this I'm really liking so far.

  12. check out Jordan's.





    At a "strategy level" Microsoft wants to be first to the market again with its next-generation Xbox, Entertainment & Device Devision boss Robbie Bach has said.


    Speaking during an interview with Venture Beat, Bach said that if you asked him whether being first to market with Xbox 360 was the right decision, he'd say "definitely yes," and the platform holder has a desire to do it again with the next console.


    "The last cycle for the original Xbox was a little shorter than typical (at four years). We started way late," he said. "If you take the question of whether it was the right thing to try to be first [with Xbox 360], the answer to that is definitely yes. It has given us a leg up in a number of places that are super important.


    "It has given us a leg up with game developers. It has given us a leg up from an economics perspective. It helped us expand Xbox Live quickly. At a strategy level, if you asked if we wanted to be first again, I would say yes."


    But the E&DD boss said it was "too early to tell" when quizzed on his expectation for the next console's release plans. "Our view is we will be selling Xbox 360 for a long time," he said.


    "People ask me how many people I have working on the next generation. On the one hand, it's everybody. On the other, it's nobody. People are continuously working on new technology.


    "We start thinking about the next generation before we shipped the Xbox 360," Bach continued. "It doesn't start with a date. It starts way upstream with silicon development.


    "From that comes a series of data points. You start making early technology choices. It's an evolving thing. Stuff doesn't become concrete until you get inside a window of when you have to ship, more than 18 months or so out."


    If we see anything before 2010, we'll be very surprised.


    I'm happy to wait a good few years yet before having to go out and buy new consoles again. I mean PS3 is only really getting going after a slow start, there's still plenty that can be achieved with the Wii, and Xbox 360 has only just started to get over the hardware problems.

  13. Played a bit more today, got to the second safehouse story seems to have just started to get good. Still not a big fan of the missions but it's alright.

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