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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. Most people may stick with the orders for N+B and get the BK-XBLA code, then sell the N+B game afterwards.


    I for one will try the full game, and if i don't like it after that then i will sell it. Demo's can only do so much.


    Yeah exactly, and I think that after reading and watching IGNs review, this could be a game that takes a while to get into, and that makes a short demo hard to really show off the game. So I decided to stick with it and give the full game a go.

  2. I'm not sure if I'm going to really put any proper time into to creating a level, I don't really know where to start in making a level. I have no creativity :p If I do anything I might try and recreate a level from another game.

  3. Right I've decided to ignore the demo and go for it anyway. The number of demo's I've hated then one day decided to give the game a go anyway and really enjoyed it means I don't trust demo's. With the full game I think I'll actually get into it, whereas demo's I don't have the same patience.


    I want Banjo XBLA anyway so it's more than likely worth it. Plus IGNs review did make the game look better than the demo made it look.

  4. Were they expecting Rare to commission the London Philharmonic Orchestra to re-record the music or something?


    To be fair it's a review of how the game is today, from this release. They can't just score it on how good it was 10 years ago.

  5. I really liked the early Crash games, and even quite liked that PS2 one. They've since turned into the sort of kiddy game you'd avoid but the first few were pretty good. It annoys me that America gets everything like this on their store but ours has fuck all. How hard is it to get Crash Bandicoot 2 on both stores?

  6. I'm well pissed off. Went home just before going to the dentists and found no LBP :( I was back from the dentists at 3.40 nearly 2 hours before I usually finish and could have got a load of playing time in time :( I'm at my girlfriends tomorrow so wont have chance to play it until thursday now.

  7. This is a real annoyance in TiP.


    Best thing to do is dig a moat around the weeds first as seeds can't plant in water. Then either smash or sell (at a loss, but it's quicker) the little bastards.


    Yeah, I am so annoyed about it, cos it was the first garden I've had that I actually thought looked fairly decent. I've also got a problem with how little stuff you can have in the garden compared to the size of the land. Still it is enjoyable.

  8. Yer, well it has been cancelled now. I already have Gears 2 and C&C Red Alert 3 on pre-order which both should take up loads of my time anyway, let alone the load of other ones that i have to decide when to get...


    Mines cancelled too. I'm already playing Fable 2, and De Blob right now, and I've got LBP coming next week. My time could easily be taken up by other games too like Mass Effect, and GTA4 which I still need to go back to. I've gone from pretty excited for this to no interest.

  9. Was playing Viva Pinata TiP earlier and killed a sour pinata that entered the garden and it left seeds for a weed. Then I had a load of weeds come up which took out a few of my pinatas, and then I tried hacking the weeds down but that just brought about more seeds for weeds.

    Before I knew it my garden was taken over by the bastard things and I couldn't kill them fast enough. I hired weedlings but they weren't having much effect.

    They took out every single one of my pinatas and have pretty much ruined my garden :(

  10. Well, this has to be one of the first times that I've really fancied a game, only to be put off by the demo.


    I know it's only showing a small part, but if all you have to do to get jiggies is to drive to a spot on the map, complete what is quite frankly, a horrible challenge which feels about 10 years old and then put them in a machine, then you can count me out.


    I know they've tried to do something different, but what I've seen of it so far hasn't worked for me. I was suspicious as to why they are selling this at a budget price in America along with 1200 free points for the original N64 game, and if the rest of the game is like this, then I can see why


    Think I'll wait for the reviews to come in to see what the rest of the game is like and then this may just be a rent for me, which is disappointing as I wanted my free code damnit!!


    Maybe I'll play it again and try to see why some of you guys are raving about it


    This is entirely how I feel having just played it. I was wandering around the map wondering what I was supposed to be doing and then I realised I just go up to a character, do something pretty dull and thats it jiggy in the bag. I was so very 'meh' after that. Really don't think this game is something I'd enjoy and want to play through, especially when I've got LBP coming next week. I'd rather just put my time into that.

  11. Okay, after a 10 month love affair with my PS3 my 360 is back on and on gold. Tomorrow I'm off to pick up Fable II and a plug and play charger thing.


    I'M BACK!!! :D


    Woohoo! My games list still leans towards 360. It's at like 5 PS3 games vs 25 for 360. I do really like my Playstation though :)

  12. People and reviews say the golden trail is brilliant as you can go off and do what you want without getting lost.


    Yeah that's exactly what I've found. I love that it's there. When I play something like Zelda I don't bother wandering off and doing my own thing because I worry I'll get lost, spend ages wandering around, get bored and turn it off. My Xbox was on from about 2 this afternoon until about 15 minutes ago playing this game with just a few short pauses throughout.


    Love it so far. I wasn't all that excited for it but just had to force myself to put it down. Got myself a house, wife and kid :p Seemed weird when I screen came up asking if I wanted protected or unprotected sex.


    Only problems for me are (and I noticed Giant Bomb had the exact same issues) the map system, and not being able to easily find stuff in the towns, and the item system. Was so annoying when I had loads of books to teach the dog stuff and I had to scroll through the whole list each time.


    Other than that it's one of the best games I've played this year. Just don't know when I'm going to have chance to play it next...

  13. I've not really been that excited for this game but now it's nearly here I am slowly getting excited for it. Will be playing it all of friday when I have a day off, especially now LBP isn't out this week.

  14. http://gamerscoreblog.com/team/archive/2008/09/26/ntmsxe.aspx


    A closer look at themes.




    I'm really liking the extra detail that new themes will have.


    I like it as well. As many people aren't I'm not a fan of that massive load of grey at the bottom of the screen on some of the themes. Everything else is looking good though. Not really a massive fan of the avatars, they might be fun to mess around with, but I'm not sure it's a better way of browsing a friends list than the current system is.

  15. Looks pretty decent really. I'm definitely happy with the way it looks anyway. I was worried it'd look a bit arse like.


    I used to play a little at my mates house and really liked it and wanted to play through the whole game but never owned my own N64, so glad I'll finally get to play through it. For free as well :D

  16. Not even noticed this game until today, watched the IGN video review and it looks really good. Might have to pick this up soon. I'm all for supporting games that are a bit different as well as actually good.

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