That Guy
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Posts posted by That Guy
I actually don't know how to do that.
You could just keep laying them down individually but that would take ages. If you use the capture object tool that i mentioned earlier you can just keep laying them down which would save time.
An alternative would just be making a thin layer of a material and then adding horrible gas to it...
Browse around and you'll probably find out, maybe someone here could help.
Cheers, maybe the gas option would be a better and much easier idea, as it is only for in between platforms. I have googled it to see if I could find out how to have a bed of spikes but can't see anything. I'm also thinking of having a wooden backdrop so I can just stick everything to it rather than worrying about having to get stuff up in the air.
Now I've started I suddenly just keep thinking about what I might wanna do with the level. If only I actually had some time to make something decent.
That Guy -
You can either use Dark Matter, which just floats there, or you can make the object using wood or any normal material and bolt/stick it to something else. A good way of doing this is making a thin piece of the material and drawing it from the ground in the plane you want, and then you can just stick the object to it by holding 'x' when placing it.
For the spikes you need to use a piston - for the spike floor you'll need to make a small bit of material to put each lot of spikes on, but you link the spikes and the material with the piston. Then you adjust the pistons maximum and minimum lengths so it move up and down at the right height.
Remember: if you want to replicate that object, go to the goodies bag and select the tool that says grab object (I think), then make a box around that object and press 'x'. This will save it to My Objects in the goodies bag so you don't have to keep making it.
Thanks for the help on this. What if I want some spikes to just be on the floor and not move at all. I literally want to have floor layered with spikes.
When I had just a GC I was looking forward to the next generation but now I could quite happily hang on to these 3 consoles for at least another 3-4 years.
Some of the community levels are great! I loved the game, but did anyone feel like there was just a little too much hype over it? I mean it was good. But I didn't think it was nearly as good as it was made out to be...
Maybe it's just me.
I think the game has met the hype to be quite honest. The hype was all about what you can do with the games amazing level editor, and all that is there. I think some people probably thought there would be loads of incredible levels, and it'd be easy to create a masterpiece, and so aren't getting quite what they thought they would get out of it.
Did anyone else find the level editor difficult to use at first? All I'm trying to do is make a spike pit sort of thing between platforms. But it keeps just having them go up and down instead of just staying on the ground. Am I using the wrong thing?
Also is there anyway to make a platform that isn't in some way attached to the ground?
How about Smirnoff vodka? You're not quite as russian drinking Glenn's are you?
Choze, please add me so I can play your levels :-)
This demo felt like same old Sonic to me. Bumping off everything in sight, slowing me down, and when it was moving I was just holding forwards waiting for something to kill me before the camera actually showed me what I should be trying to avoid if the controls would let me.
I still don't know what I actually think about it - I was kind of put off that the game lost it's realism but then again it did give a new take in playing.
I don't mind if they do it again, but I won't be disappointed if they left it out.
Yeah, I didn't like how it suddenly lost it's realism. I found it really jarring to suddenly go from relatively possible to weird monsters roaming around.
My other complaint with the first was the fact that there was FAR too much combat. There were too many fights, that went on for far too long. I really enjoyed the climbing around the environments and thought that was the best bit of the game and there wasn't enough of this.
Otherwise I loved the first one.
Finally finished the single player of the game now, so now time to play a few of your levels I think. I'm still not sure about doing my own level. I haven't really got any clue what to make.
Well they used PS3 as a proxy for Blu Ray, so i doubt they will affect it too much. There will be cuts but PS is now a core product. Also PS3 should be profitable at some point. PSP is definately profitable right now and is having a record year.
It wouldn't make sense to let it sink and make more losses. So i would not worry. Just dont expect Sony to chase after sales numbers over profit. PS3 seems quite comfortable as a high end expensive product.
Would make sense to me. I wouldn't really be expecting a price cut any time soon.
The collision detection in Mirror's Edge is not terrible, it's perfect. So perfect that some people just can't seem to do it, they expect to be forgiven for being 'close' and allowed to continue, instead of just being more precise. But yeah, the combat was badly made, by the time I'd finished it once and started again, it was fine, but on the first run through it was one of the most frustrating gaming moments ever.
But I've really enjoyed this year, GTA IV, Fable 2, Rock Band, Castle Crashers, BC:Rearmed, Pure and Devil May Cry 4 are standout titles for me.
I didn't buy a single Wii game in 2008.
You really should have bought Boom Blox. It's excellent.
I think it's been a good year. In the last 2 years I've really started to enjoy games a lot more again.
I played the hell out of Geo Wars 2, been enjoying Viva Pinata 2 and Banjo, and I think Fable 2 was one of my favourite games. Then obviously Burnout and GTA4 were out this year.
I also thought Boom Blox, De Blob, Unreal Tournament 3, and LittleBigPlanet were all pretty fantastic games as well.
I finally finished Ratchet and Clank! It only took me a year :p Is it worth now getting the download one?
Think I'm nearly done with LBP single player too. Is The Temples the last one?
It's weird actually. Anyone else with 2 systems ever find they suddenly play a load of games on one console and realise how excellent it is? I kind of go through phases of just playing one console loads and flicking between the 2 (playing the odd Wii game...).
I've downloaded that photo party, but where the hell is it now?! I know its in the quick launch as a latest download but where will it be normally?
In the new UK charts LBP is higher than Wow Lich King. Tomb Raider PS3 outsold all the other versions combined. Need for Speed also outsold the 360 version.
Odd and impressive given the 360 advertising :P
We do not have the numbers. Also the boost in sales came because of the price cut, nothing else. That is hardly turning any tide.
Regardless given the PS3 price Sony do not need to sell as many consoles as the 360. Which is why it turned around in the first place. Some here thinking Sony should follow MS into a pointless war for second position over scraps are mistaken.
Why are you so bothered about Sony? Do you work for them?
in fairness, the ps3s superiority is only in the eyes of the beholder, for me, its a far better console then the 360, but then i can see why 360 lovers love the 360.
days of feeling nintendo were supperior seem so long ago.
Everyone will obviously have their preferences of the 2 consoles. I for one love my Xbox. But some people seem to take it a bit too seriously. The 'My console is better than yours' argument is pretty sad to be quite honest. At the end of the day, why does it matter?
I'm so glad people have had the same problems as me
I thought it was just me being rubbish
well, first off eidos are wrong to try and hide review scores. my reasons will be revelaed in my second point.
second point. games that score 7 and lower are treated less favorably then an equivelent movie for two main reasons. Price, seing a film sets you back around £7 at the cinema, depending on your age and the time of day. a new game is £40-£50. thats rather alot more, much less likly to give it a go at full price, more likly to wait for a price drop.
time is also a factor to consider. a mediocre movie will last 2 hours, maybe a little longer, and wont force you to watch scenes repetadly. a mediocre game could last up to 20 hours, maybe requiering several attempts at poor bits. people are less willing to invest so large a chucnk of their life into somthing that isnt great.
so put em together, eidos shouldnt block reviews, people are paying money for a game, they have certain expectations. i know i dont usualy splash out the cash on games that recive poor reviews, i dont have the money to invest in somthing im less likly to enjoy. best sorce of information on games is from reviews, by hiding reviews to look better, its bassicly like admitting the game isnt really worth your money.
Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking. There are also so many games I could be playing over several weeks that I want to be playing the very best ones.
Daft, cmon dude, when it is fixed and working again you will understand the superiority. Hang in there and enjoy the good times. Home is coming soon!
Sorry, superiority?
I totally agree
It's weird though, cos if I have a break for 20 minutes I totally calm down and can carry on. It's a great game, just very annoying in the trial and error way you have to try loads of different vehicles for each mission. I am enjoying making them though. (Even though they all look like crap :p)
First wave of new Avatar clothing will be free
You can calm your "will new Avatar clothes cost me Microsoft points?" worries, because Microsoft is committed to offering the upcoming Avatar fashion choices for free ... for now.
Talking to German website dreisechzig.net, Boris Schneider-Johne (Microsoft's Xbox product manager in Germany) confirmed that the first few weeks of new Avatar clothes will be available for free, but doesn't go as far to say that all Avatar clothing in the future will be available for no charge. "More costumes will be made available for free in the next weeks" says Schneider-Johne, adding "what's going to happen as of spring is yet to be announced." So, feel free t put those Microsoft points back in your pocket ... for now.
If they were smart they would offer some free and then charge a small amount for stuff such as football shirts or something like that. I'm sure people wouldn't mind spending a bit on that kind of crap.
More to the point, why by an Elite? The PS3 has an 80GB HDD so the competing Xbox is the one with the 120GB rather than the 60GB?
To be honest you could source all that kit a lot cheaper than the best PS3 bundle around at the moment. Ignoring console bundles;
Xbox 360 Pro: £170
Wireless Adaptor with 12 months Live: £70 (Currys
HD-DVD Drive: Difficult to find, but £30 in PC World and Argos or £20 with 4 HD-DVDs in Gamestation, just a case of tracking them down.
Total: £260-£270
I ignored console bundles because 360 and PS3 deals are pretty comparable at the moment. You can easily get either one with a new release and an older game for RRP without shopping around too hard. I've seen plenty deals for both that are better than that too.
Anyhow, the argument is moot. The 360 has so many different add-ons because it's all about paying for what you need. Don't want to install games to the hard drive? Buy a good Arcade bundle and a cheap 20GB HDD (been as low as £15 lately). Don't need wireless? Don't buy it. Live? Same again. Even if you want it all it's still a fairly decent price.
The real selling point of a system is the games though, you buy the one that has the titles that appeal to you, not whichever one is "cheaper".
The best post of this thread. I have to say I am a big Xbox fan even though I do really like my PS3. I have 28 Xbox games and only 6 PS3 games. That number would be much higher if I didn't own an Xbox. I've bought a couple of exclusive games for it but at the end of the day the only real reason I had to buy the games on PS3 was the noise the Xbox made and that's been solved with the NXE update.
There is an underpinning argument here that they are putting millions into development to create entertainment and advertising it etc...then a magazine or online publication gives it a 7/10 and a massive chunk of sales is lost. Purely because a lot of gamers rely on scores too heavily. It's a wierd situation. If a movie get's 7/10 people are like "ok, I'll try it" but with a game it seems like a lot of players shit on it from a height. Still, curbing reviews is stupid and only magnifies any potential issues.
My initial thought was how disgraceful this is, but you do have a point. Any game that gets 6 or 7 should still be considered good but never seems to by people. This is one reason why I think the /10 score system should be scrapped and everyone go with a 5* system instead. 3*'s seems a lot more acceptable than a 6/10 does. The only time that becomes just as crap is when idiots then use 1/2s cos they can't decide on a number.
I've never had a game make me so angry. Like these races, if I accidently knock into something and spin off thats it I have to start the race over cos I can't make it back.
I do really like this game but it gets me so frustrated.
Prince of Persia
in Other Consoles
So the only real complaint with the game is just how easy it is? Because I'm alright with easy as I get very frustrated with difficult games quite often. There are games like N+ where I like it to be difficult but stuff like this I'm fine with it. Would everyone recommend it?
I'm not gonna buy it until it's cheaper anyway. Is there any real difference in PS3 version and Xbox version? If so I'll buy whichever is cheapest.