That Guy
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Posts posted by That Guy
Blergh, Gameplay dont seem to be doing this and thats where I pre-ordered
They're not, I emailed to ask and they said there's been no discussion about it and to just check to website. I'm just gonna pre order on GAME.
What he said
You can now move the cursor outside of your garden area to check on the pinatas that are roaming around outside. You just need to hit the Y button and see what you need to do to get them in your garden.
Good good. That sounds like a good addition. I can't afford it yet anyway. Might get it for christmas.
One of the only things that I found with the first game was when I didn't know how to even get a pinata to come near my garden. Is that easier now then?
Well I never played the first to death and I'm loving it so far. It plays the same but it's just bigger and better than before. It feels more structured (you get challenges to nudge you in the right direction) which is nice, and there's a much wider variety of Piñatas than before.
multiplayer looks promising, too.
if anyone cares what I think, you can find out over here
The challenges bit sounds good. Giant Bomb scored it 4/5, video review on their site if anyones interested. I want it
Well I'm poor for the next 2 months, but may well buy it depending on opinion. I'm thinking I will pick it up at the end of November.
How different is it from the first one? If you'd had enough of that one will you really want to play another 20 hours of this one?
Played PJ Eden with my girlfriend yesterday. Hate the co-op! It's just annoying as to which one the camera decides to follow. Wont be playing it co-op again.
Some dodgy camera filming there! lol
I do really like the look of the new dashboard though!
Agree with that, I think it's coming along nicely. Much better than the clunky Blades being used right now.
The number of games I could buy this year is ridiculous. I wont be getting this game this year, but I'd like to try it at some point.
Probably a game for early next year for me.
Yeah, more of the same (which I mean as a positive
) but upgrading the weapons isn't as fun but I guess that is due to the much shorter length. I do think it is a real shame it doesn't recognise the Tools of Destruction save in any way.
That's good to hear. I just got back into ToD. Some parts of it annoy me, and I do find it goes on a little bit, but I really like it. As I've not money right now I can't get the new one so will have to wait a few months for it.
How long is it?
My car failed an MOT today and it's costing £235 to fix, on top of the £50 for the test, and then £26 for a retest. So I've had to cancel Viva Pinata 2, and Gears of War 2 for now. :-( Hopefully Banjo Kazooie and Fable 2 will make up for it.
I'm really looking forward to this game. I really like the cool different stuff PS3s offering. Really glad I bought one now.
WTF. How the hell is that possible?! :p My best is only 4 and a half million...
Getting a PS3 tomorrow for my GCSE results, so I thought I would show my face in here for the first time.
But first, a few dumb questions: If my TV can only cope with 720P, is there any point in getting an HDMI cable? (not one for technicalities); What's backwards compatibility like with PS2 games?
I have a fair idea of what games I want to purchase, but I was hoping I you guys could help me out with any gems I may have overlooked (preferably exclusives, or superior iterations if multiplatform games), and good PSN games, as I have no knowledge of them.
Wishlist :
- Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
- Ratchet and Clank
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- GT5 Prologue
Good start?
You should definitely get a HDMI cable as you can then upscale DVDs which makes them look better. And as was said, Heavenly Sword I think is excellent.
it just takes a bit of practice. you gotta play with consistency to get good, then one day your score will be double your previous effort all of a sudden.
That's what I did today on both Pacifism and Evolved
I'm still nowhere near the mentalist players scores, but considering how bad I generally am at this game I think 12 million is decent.
I was nervous as fuck for my test, I'd had a car for 2 months when I took mine, knew I was fully ready to drive, and knew it's be another 2 months before doing it again if I failed. Passed first time luckily. I was going down a road at 60mph, and nearly missed the junction round the bend in the road, had to slam the brakes on. Luckily I only go a minor for it cos I still stopped in time.
I love driving, I can't imagine not having a car now.
Guys just started playing Halo 3 for the first time. Its the first Halo game I've ever played....and I'm really not enjoying the experience. Its awful! I just finished the second mission.
Firstly it just doesn't feel right for me...too floaty and i don't like the jump...way too high. The guns don't feel as if they're making any impact whatsoever...the plot is everywhere, although I think thats down to me being a Halo novice.
It irratates me more than anything. I don't find it fun at all, shooting all these random aliens. I'll definitely try and finish the game but right now, first impressions are disappointing.
I thought it was pretty bad as well to be honest. I totally see what the fuss is about with the multiplayer, but the single player I thought was fairly crap. I played through the whole lot co-op though which was what made it fun.
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
Looks good but I absolutely hate Motorstorm. That game seriously pissed me off.
Wow, this looks amazing. I'm really excited for this game. Controls sound like they'd take some getting used to but sounds as though it could work really well. I'm very glad I have a PS3 right now anyway.
It looks incredible...Shown my girlfriend and she loves it.
One thing that strikes me with Sony is how effortlessly they seem to capture the casual market, it doesn't seem like they are desperatly trying to get them like the other two platform holders yet they seem to get "it"
I totally agree, I really like how they are doing some weird new stuff. Seems so much better than Nintendo's seemingly half arsed stuff.
Well I have this samsung;
and things look great on it...wanted a bigger one but couldn't cos of space restrictions...will do once I get a place of my own though!
Looks sweet. I love the Samsung TV's. The only problem mine has is the HDMI socket is a bit loose. Not sure how I'd resolve it though.
Yeah but like Solo said your frustration gets the better of you...I've actually taken to sending messages to people over PSN saying things like "spamming f&!k!" funnily enough very few reply....
The thing that annoys me the most is when you play against someone in the higher levels is losing and starts to spam...
btw That Guy, I added you as a friend on PSN notice my request has gone un-accepted
Only switched the PS3 on today mate, now accepted
Just bought Mass Effect. Anyone got any tips for the game before I start? I read I shouldn't save in elevators. Also, which characters are the best ones to get through the game?
They're all loud but I can't imagine it being a problem. It's only loud at night when the sound on the TV is low, so I'm not really bothered.
This is actually looking much better than previous games. The controls look a lot tighter than before without any of that flying off the screen when move the stick slightly to the left, and the cameras looking better. Even the Werehog stuff doesn't look that ridiculous.
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
in Other Consoles
Same, I've cancelled and re-ordered at GAME. I'll stick with Gameplay usually (not that it really matters).