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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. Mine did too after exiting a friend's thing in the friend area


    Yeah that's exactly the same as what mine did. Maybe it would have come back to life if I'd left it but it was late and I was tired so just turned it off.

    Glad that some people have had the same problem cos it means it's probably just a bug in the dash rather than my console about to die :)


    I dunno, 250 is a bit steep for a theme


    Yeah especially considering all they really are is a background and it changes your friends list. I got the Fable one just to see what they look like and it was ok but not worth 250 points. Probably wont bother again unless theres a really great one.

  2. Lol my Xbox has already crashed on the new dash! Hopefully that isn't the beginning of the end for it.

    I think it looks nice and I do think it's much easier to find everything.

    And no more 0 point games on my history!! No more Sonic the Hedgehog on there! I can finally forget I ever bought that game and move on!

  3. The mini-map is your best friend! Just look for two icons and make sure you have two passenger seats on your vehicle to pick them up and take them both back to the goal. You only need to look on two levels and by now you should know that blue icons mean targets are above you and green are on the same level with red below you.


    Ah right, think I might have had the wrong kind of vehicle then. Thank you very much!

  4. It's pretty fucking shit when you think about it that these expensive things don't come with a much longer warranty. Stuff should get minimum 3 years I think. Companies would think twice about their QA then. (Even though I think Sony has done a good job with the PS3).

  5. I suped mine up into a fast as hell machine. All the carrying missions are easily beaten now :)


    I thought the intro to the game was hilarious. I loled twice, once when LOG made you have a race with Grunty to see who could collect the most stuff and the other was where Mario got a mention :)


    I've Loled a few times at the game so far. I'm glad I once again went against what I thought of a demo and went ahead and got it anyway, I'm really enjoying it.

    The vehicle stuff is really fun actually, I could spend hours just messing around with that :p

  6. You should have got it last month! Boxes were half price. I just got it and I am VERY impressed. Football looks stunning to be honest. I'm surprised at just how good the picture is. Nat Geo and Discovery are now 2 of my favourite channels.


    If you can afford it I say go for it.

  7. Would be fucking typical if mine goes. I had a problem with my last Xbox but it didn't Red Ring. I've had this one for nearly 2 years now. The warranty is from your last repair isn't it?


    I finally caved and bought a 120GB hard drive. I'm definitely going to need it to install games, as the drive is just far too noisy to play stuff like Banjo, Viva Pinata and Fable 2. So crappy that Microsoft have had £160 of my money for a wifi adapter and a hard drive for this thing now...

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