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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. Hmm maybe they actually got it right this time? glad I didn't rush to download the 2.40 when it was "released" anyway hopefully this one is error free for all, cso the features really do sound like the elevate the experience to something thats at least equal to the 360 setup. :smile:


    It's still not as good as the 360 in terms of online and stuff like that, but its certainly acceptable. Access to your friends and messages in game was the main thing that was needed.

  2. Haha! Wicked, glad you like it!! :)


    I'd love to see the sale figures for SSHD this week. I've been telling everyone to get it for ages and nothing. Suddenly, Trophies are implimented and BAM!, everyone is playing! :heh:


    Edit: YAY!! Got the x10 Multiplier Trophy!! My first Gold Trophy! :D


    I bought it before trophies! *Cough* Only a day before *Cough*

  3. This update has actually been pretty cool. Basically brings what was missing compared to the 360 to PS3. Got my first trophy in SSHD. Really cool game, and I'm actually liking the idea of these trophies a lot more than I thought as well.


    PS3 FTW? Just want them to organise the store a little bit better now.

  4. We not good enough? :(


    Really liking the Playstation update. That really was much needed. I'll be picking up a DS3 next week as well, so I think I might wait until then to finish Heavenly Sword, and Ratchet and Clank.

    PS3 has really stepped it up a bit recently. If I didn't have a load of the games on Xbox I'd probably like it a whole lot more.

  5. Soul Calibur 4 (PS3) -- 6.7GB Install + 2GB Save


    Save data = 2048MB+

    Game data = 6700MB+




    Unbelievable! I have no problems with games installing before I can play them but taking up half of my hard drive!


    I still don't know whether to get this or not. My mate is now so I'm leaning towards picking it up.

  6. Just bought Stardust. Only played quickly for 5 minutes, seems very good though. Definitely liking the custom soundtracks! Thanks for the recommendation Daft.


    Played a bit more Resistance and Motorstorm as I still can't make my mind up about them. Motorstorm is one of the most frustrating games I've ever played in my life. I mean bouncing slightly and then blowing up. Great fun..

    Still not sure on Resistance. I'm getting on better control wise but I'm just finding it a bit boring. No real motivation to play when I've got Bioshock I could replay, Halo 3, and Unreal 3. Meh, I dunno.

  7. Get Super Stardust HD, with the add-on pack. It is awesome.


    I was going to pick it up ages ago but decided against it. I think I may well go mad and buy Warhawk, Tekken, and this in about 10 days when my credit card gets paid off.


    After really not liking Resistance at first I've given it a chance and I can see myself getting into it. I still don't like using the PS3 pad to play it as the sticks just feel too loose for my liking. Like I can move them slightly and it doesn't recognise it.


    I've added a few CDs and stuff to my PS3s library in preparation for the update. Will be so glad of this, finally. Disappointing to see you'll have to replay games to get trophies in them, but understandable I suppose.

  8. Thats the point. They want you to buy PS3 games, not PS2.


    The quality of the games should make people purchase the games. My mate at work actually refused to buy a PS3 because he can't play his PS2 games on it.


    I don't really care to be honest as I just wanted a Blu Ray player and to play the odd game that I would miss out on.

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