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About nintendovip

  • Birthday 05/25/1980

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
  • Other Systems Owned
    Master system,Megadrive,Mega cd,Saturn,Dreamcast,360,PS3,PS4
  • Favourite Game?
    Resident Evil 4
  • Gender

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  • Switch Friend Code
  • Wii Console Number
    0230 7909 2012 1922

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Snipperclips for a fiver on Amazon when you buy a second set of joy-cons. Preorder, out 10th of March. Sorry, can't post link
  2. Yep, same for me. I lost many hours on the SNES & Mega Drive versions but that was such a long time ago now, god do I feel old
  3. 1-2 switch & Bomberman R are a decent price on base.com £32.85 & £38.85
  4. Can't wait, I'm getting my copy this friday!!!
  5. 1. Resident Evil 4 2. Zelda - Wind Waker 3. Mario Kart: Double Dash 4. Super Smash Bros - Melee 5. Resident Evil - REmake 6. Super Mario Sunshine 7. Viewtiful joe 8. Soul Calibur 2 9. Burnout 2 10.Eternal darkness
  6. You have just made my mind up about building a new pc !! :
  7. Here's mine. Dinky PC (although quite old now) and my fairly new TV. Oh, and my wii as well.
  8. Although it makes the sound of the heads blowing up, the enemies heads are still intact. The youtube video is to blury to see. Check out ign, it's of a better quality.
  9. residentevilfan.com They have an encyclopedia on the series. Scroll down to the left, it's under Miscellaneous.
  10. Well if anyone is looking for a cheap alternative until the official cable is released, play-asia has some in stock for just over a fiver!!! I would give you all the link, but i need to post some more
  11. Yep, But not pal cube games. NTSC game and freeloader and a cube that was produced before may 2004. Oh, and the component cable
  12. Anybody thats interested in a large sd card ( 4 gig ) should look over at Mobymemory.com £51.99. Not bad
  13. Just to let you know. I was invited to the Nintendo show that was held last month in covent gardens, and every wii that was there was hooked up to a plasma / lcd screen via component. I spoke to a young lad who worked for noe and asked about the 480p issue, as i have a 36" tosh that is component compatible, and he told me that all versions will be able to display 480p widescreen. Hope that helps
  14. Nintendo Wii - 2nd November
  15. Hi all. Since i'm the manager of an independent games retailer and have met the koch team, i thought i'd let you know that "koch" is said in the same way as j j okocha, the bolton striker. And also, although koch were appointed as preferred distributer, nintendo still use centresoft and gem. Just thought you would all like to know, as otherwise, it does sound wierd.!!
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