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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. -Dem0-

    Where do you read One Piece? atm I'm with mangafox/mangareader but sometimes I read from other websites and I often find some pretty awkward translations.

  2. New Pikmin Cartoon Series overseen by Miyamoto due this year. Sounds fun to me! Here's the article: http://www.polygon.com/2013/3/11/4088868/nintendo-tests-the-waters-for-new-cartoon-series-based-on-pikmin
  3. Their Monster Hunter Bundles (3DS & Wii U) also come with a free T-Shirt.
  4. Never heard of this Naruto, but I'll definitely be downloading the Nartuo: Powerful Shippuden Demo. I really want to give it a try.
  5. Currently £19.85 from ShopTo. http://www.shopto.net/video%20games/3ds/3DSTA01-tales-of-the-abyss
  6. Some developers talk about their favourite Video Games. http://www.nowgamer.com/features/1836454/industry_secrets_developers_reveal_their_favourite_games.html
  7. Awesome Dad. YouTube Description:
  8. NA is getting Mega Man 3 Next week (14th). Like Capcom previously stated 4,5 & 6 will see releases in the following months. EU dates have yet to mentioned.
  9. Ah, maybe its been jigged out of its position over time? perhaps after taking it out of a case or pocket or bag etc.
  10. Nope, never happened to me. Maybe your cart wasn't in properly?
  11. Skyward Sword Cake
  12. Not to mention all the other releases for both the Wii U & 3DS in this month. Manic March.
  13. Screenshots
  14. Demon fusion has been made easier in SMT: IV Awesome news. http://www.siliconera.com/2013/03/08/shin-megami-tensei-iv-makes-demon-fusing-easier-by-recommending-fusions-for-you/
  15. Funny twitter exchange. The game itself looks like it could be fun!
  16. I agree, especially with Snake. He was far and away my favourite brawler.
  17. Yeah, Sonic is not just a cool character, but also one who has a very long & rich history.
  18. RMC's attempt to fix the spine of Naruto: Powerful Shippuden. http://vine.co/v/bwBW9AvxLi2
  19. So, Team Meat will develop for Nintendo IF and only IF they ensured Meat Boy is guaranteed as a playable character in the next SSB game. Complete Discussion: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-03-02-team-meat-on-cats-consoles-and-its-wish-for-super-meat-boy I say no. The next Smash Bros will have very few 3rd Party characters, why waste the spot on characters like Meat Boy there are others more deserving.
  20. Was looking through my Idol collection today, but in 3D (set to max!) this time... and my goodness, the 3D effect is downright outstanding. Especially when you look at monsters like the Three-Headed Hewdraw: You should also try to 'touch' it (I know, sounds silly) you think you're about to touch the screen, but in fact you'll be amazed that there's still some distance before reaching it!
  21. I've been hearing from some Fairy Tail viewing pals of mine, that the anime is going to be cancelled soon. I've been interested in this for quite some time, as I knew it was from the same guy who made Rave Master; I use to watch the dub on TV years ago. It was an OK show, confused the hell outta me though. Besides, as I was saying I thought about starting this series eventually as I've heard many good things about it and it looks quite fun, but my question is; Do any of you read/watch Fairy Tail? If so, what are your thoughts?
  22. Limited Edition 3DS XL First Official Trailer http://www.senpaigamer.com/nintendo-3ds/disney-magic-castle-my-happy-life-release-11th-july-japan-3ds-special-designed-3ds-ll Definitely gave me an Animal Crossing/Fantasy Life feel, although with Disney characters. The game itself looks quite nice.
  23. Tails Adventure & Crystal Warriors have both been rated by the OFLC. http://www.classification.gov.au/Pages/View.aspx?sid=4v7Nv%252fGgH66irXl3ZQHzIg%253d%253d&ncdctx=l%252fbsRmXqQH8wppk%2bg%2bAvWw8kk7kqFUPRv4QuOyQeHlWplQKgBOMMG3T7TQ%252fFf%2bXI http://www.classification.gov.au/Pages/View.aspx?sid=%2b4NCKNWqbsdvUaw1fY11Aw%253d%253d&ncdctx=FTVdJ6%252fhSi1eip3s4xNysObtfU2apROo1oYSV6ppqyG3EusRaVBx5dgHCFjMngHV
  24. The multiplayer looks like an absolute blast to play, kinda reminds me of Uprising in that sense.
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