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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. GAME showing some more Keyring love. Pre-order Pikmin 3 and get this flying Pikmin Keyring. http://www.game.co.uk/en/pikmin-3-173009?attributeName1=Shop%20By&pageSize=20&provenance=New&attributeValue2=4294965028&categoryIdentifier=233143&attributeValue1=63&attributeName2=Catalog_GameSalesCatalog_EN_GB
  2. Still our favourite NintendoLand attraction BY FAR!
  3. Yup, Bowser is certainly a lot faster now. Also looks more intimidating! Besides his 'slide' was more like running with his individual claws...
  4. I wouldn't worry about him. He's one of the original veterans, appeared in every Smash Bros. game so far.
  5. Nope, only that it will arrive this year.
  6. I actually planned on skipping Pikmin 3 until I had time to play the other two games first (haven't touched the series), but everything that I've seen of this game is practically forcing me to get it and play it regardless.
  7. Glad to hear that you're all enjoying it so far. By the sounds of things, I would have too, had I not decided to give it to my sister instead...
  8. I agree, Peach is awesome.... as a punching bag!
  9. I completely agree with that view, and I'm sure that Nintendo can bring us a local multiplayer quality experience online. Why haven't we seen it in abundance? I'm guessing that's more to do with their philosophy.
  10. Unlimited World Red more details - takes place in a location named Transtown - help build up this town through battling and exploration - gather raw materials to help build/grow the town and make new facilities - townsfolk will assist you with hints - assigns unique abilities to each character - Usopp can be a sniper and Franky can create a cannon on the spot Better than "Gum Gum PS3" on the back cover of Pirate Warriors
  11. Check out Rich's (IGN) fantastic preview. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/07/11/the-savage-twisted-world-of-pikmin-3 Also livestream from NeoGAF's Cheesemeister. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cheesemeister3k?utm_campaign=t.co&utm_source=15183283&utm_medium=social
  12. Hmmm, I think that's the best price I've seen for Lego City yet.
  13. Sonic racing transformed is a great racer for sure, my little time with it was very enjoyable. Although the image quality on the GamePad was very disappointing.
  14. I can attest to that. Mario was my 'main' in melee but I had to drop him in Brawl. The overall speed in Brawl was slower compared to melee, but Mario just felt like he went another notch back.
  15. The troubles of picking your first Pokemon.
  16. Well you already got my top pick, ZombiU. Apart from that I would easily recommend Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition. It's going for £13.85 at ShopTo at the moment. Great game which also makes great use of the Wii U GamePad. Comes with all the DLC on disc too. From the eShop get the free Rayman Challenges App. I also recommend Bit.Trip Runner 2, all-round awesome download.
  17. Not a priority at the moment
  18. -Dem0-

    Sounds good. Thanks. Same day chapter releases is awesome too!


    Ah...Arlong Park. Probably my 3rd favourite arc.


    Also Arlong possesses my favourite distinct laugh.

  19. Kirby: "Puyo (You look even tastier now)..." This is good timing too. Pikmin 3 is almost here and he makes his Smash Bros. return!
  20. @Eenuh unfortunately my sister buys the majority of her clothes through high street stores. I just assumed she was an online shopper as I haven't accompanied her in a long time. She did give me some names though. Wallis (also has a sale ending in 40 minutes time), New Look, Monsoon, Peacock, Dorothy Perkins, forever 21 and like you alread mentioned above, Asos. Could you perhaps elaborate "easily order clothes from"? Do you mean easy as in registration? the actual process of purchasing products? Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  21. Well that sucks. I hate back-biting, but this is just plain rude. If it continues you should confront them and put an end to it. Do your co-workers know that part of your job is managing the company FB page?
  22. 33 viewing this thread. It's the fourth time I've noticed a large number of guests on the same thread. I'll have a chat with my sister and see what she has to say.
  23. Haha, I think you chose well. Although having said that I still have no reason for deciding on the box.
  24. Doh! That's the 2nd time I forgot that :p You going for a download version on M&L?
  25. They're available early on release day don't know how early to be exact. After buying the game I got my code about a minute later in an email.
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