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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. I'm liking his redesign. He looks a bit more manly now.
  2. "Pic of the day. Marth joins the battle!! Once again, everyone will be overwhelmed by his magnificent sword skills!!" Now where's Chrom!!!
  3. What in the... You look absolutely hilarious Redshell! You lot are seriously tempting me, but I don't have a balance board. Maybe if I come across a good deal then I'll get it.
  4. Special Champions League night. Arsenal making more records on their away trips, this time being the first English club to beat Dortmund at their ground and they stopped them from scoring a goal at the Westfalenstadion for the first time in 61 games.
  5. Yes you can.
  6. It's taking me a while to get used to this actually. Maybe even more as I sold BO2 a while back? Anyway my only complaint so far is that some of the stages are just too big and traversing them without movement & speed enhancements is a pain. I've been playing Squads mainly, and only a few online games, two of which I was D/C from.
  7. "Pic of the day. Link's downward strike was designed to change to a Meteor Smash when the tip of the sword is aligned just right at the start. However, it will be removed if it's deemed too powerful overall after some multiplayer play tests."
  8. -Dem0-

    Yes it is! I think it's on the 21st. Ever since you showed me the link, I've budgeted all my purchases for the rest of the year to ensure that I get this day one!


    Just came across the complete Bakuman Box Set too:




    Great manga. Read about 60~ish chapters I think and stopped early last year.

    I won't be buying any other manga for a long time though, I'll just focus on One Piece as there's plenty there for me already.

  9. Not really. It's all in one Down-Smash attack (I'm assuming). For example, like Snake's Land Mine from Brawl. Takes a long time to start-up (compared to all other smash attacks) but it remains on the stage for quite some time too. I think the Villagers' Down-Smash attack is similar in that you can plant it and leave it as a tree and use it when you want to. Perhaps other characters and items can knock it down too? It does look like it can do some serious damage/knockback if you recall the debut trailer, it was practically a 1HKO. Go to the 45s mark. Go to the 3m42s mark.
  10. No, but I managed to grab a copy this morning on my way out. Believe it or not, they also had two copies of which 1 was left. They also tossed in the strategy guide for free.
  11. Cats are more precious.
  12. This is what excites me most about the game!
  13. "Photo strip of the day. Plant it, water it, and then timber! It's high maintenance but totally worth the effort! It needs tactics like never before."
  14. More artwork. Left it in the link as it could be spoil-worthy to some. http://www.allgamesbeta.com/2013/11/the-legend-of-zelda-link-between-worlds.html
  15. £17.99 on PLAY http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/45794054/Deus-Ex-Human-Revolution-Director-Cut/Product.html?searchstring=dues+ex+human+revolution&searchsource=0&searchtype=allproducts&urlrefer=search
  16. Sale? More like spot the fail.
  17. Watched a couple of gameplay videos. Already liking the Honey Badger Assault Rifle.
  18. Going to check out GAME before I hope on the train tomorrow morning. Don't want to take the risk on my way back... That's just shocking.
  19. £6.98 for both Toki Tori games is super! Good thing I waited.
  20. -Dem0-

    Noooope. Haven't read the last two chapters.


    I was going to subscribe to the WSJ but it seems that my card was declined sometime last year. I tried all the troubleshooting stuff but it's still declined so that's a no-go for me.


    It's all because I used the wrong email on the one time I tried to purchase something from Google play and I wasn't responding to the emails/confirmations/verifications etc as it was an old account that I forgot about.


    Anyway do you read the other series in the weekly mag?

  21. Great interview with VD-Dev on their brand new 3rd person shooter, IronFall for the Nintendo 3DS eShop. http://nintendoeverything.com/interview-vd-dev-talks-ironfall-streetpass-support-tech-details-and-lots-more/#more-139551 Tech Demo
  22. "Pic of the day. Is this a spaceship from Hocotate? No-this is a bomb SHAPED like a spaceship. After liftoff, it will drop down when you least expect it."
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