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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. A lot of people weren't happy when the game was first revealed, but that changed with some good trailers, notably the October Nintendo Direct.
  2. I've seen quite a few perfects and a lot above the 90% mark but Destructoid have given it a 6.5. I haven't read it yet though.
  3. Them laughing made me laugh.
  4. "Pic of the day. The characters' thick outlines are only available in the 3DS version. Only the external outline is thickened and won't appear in instances like when the hands or feet are overlapping. It's got a softness to it and is not just black."
  5. I will be all over this demo!
  6. These two absolutely killed me, but yeah most of them are hilarious!
  7. I will not touch this demo! Just like Awakening & Dual Destinies before it, I know that I'm in for a great game and I want to enjoy it all from the get-go.
  8. This. It's all about having a diverse but balanced roster and there are other characters that take priority.
  9. You can use
  10. We bought the first 4 and they were great. After some time we got 8 and it was terrible. Local multiplayer IS Mario Party. If you can gather some friends/family then you're guaranteed to have some fun!
  11. Haha, stuff like Advance Wars and the often talked about F-Zero are megatons in its own right, they will most likely be announced at major events like E3 etc. Besides, they do tell us what the ND conferences will be covering beforehand. About the 3D World spoilers, we were warned before it began although it was a bit 'soft'.
  12. I might join you guys depending on the time and if there are any free slots of course.
  13. Press Release:
  14. Kart Style + 4 players. Nuff said.
  15. What happened after the sizzle reel? had to pop out for a bit.
  16. We're slowly getting there...
  17. Can't believe we're just over three weeks away from Bravely Default...
  18. Link: http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Misc-/Nintendo-Direct/Latest-Nintendo-Direct/Nintendo-Direct-698557.html
  19. Entering PS Plus: 29th November: Resogun 29th November: Contrast 27th November: GRID 2 27th November: Guacamelee! (Cross Buy) 27th November: Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed 27th November: Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories Leaving PS Plus: 27th November: Metal Gear Rising Revengeance 27th November: Jak and Daxter Trilogy 27th November: MotorStorm RC 27th November: Oddworld Strangers Wrath
  20. -Dem0-


    It's going to be free on PS+
  21. Polygon PS4 review: http://www.polygon.com/a/ps4-review/online
  22. "Pic of the day. The Villager's bug catching net that was shown in the movie is actually a grapple move. It is sort of like Link's Clawshot and Samus's Grapple Beam."
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