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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. That's what surprised me most. Found this on Twitter but it sums it up well:
  2. I had a feeling that this celebration wouldn't last... https://vine.co/v/MWieQE5d7OL
  3. Arsenal were just out-of-this-world poor today. Liverpool on the other hand were great. We deserved to lose.
  4. The opening for Hunter X Hunter is great but I think the endings are on a whole 'nother level!
  5. What's the plan after you finish Season 3? Straight to Korra?
  6. "Pic of the day. It is said that the cosmos is beneath Rosalina's gown. This was actually featured briefly in her debut video."
  7. Falco is as much a Smash Veteran as Marth and Ganandorf & Meta Knight are dead certainties in my eyes. Speaking about characters, here are some questions for you lot: Who are your favourite characters in the series? Who were your mains in the previous games? Who do you plan to use in the next Smash Bros. (out of those confirmed so far)? My favs are Snake, Falco & Captain Falcon. Mains: SM64: Mario & Link Melee: Mario, DK, Mewtwo & Falco Brawl: Snake, Ike, Falco, Captain Falcon & MetaKnight. So far I plan to use Pit, Rosalina & Link in the upcoming titles.
  8. Sugary sweetness! I shall download it in a bit!
  9. "Pic of the day. When Lucario shoots out Aura from its hands to fly with ExtremeSpeed, you can control its flight direction. If Lucario's Aura is fully charged, it can fly extremely far, so be careful not to accidentally launch out of the area."
  10. I just don't like the stuff that Jose comes out with at times, especially when he's done the very same in the past. Props to Chelsea they were the better team tonight.
  11. Who's looking forward to watching Mourinho's team play some "19th Century football" tonight?
  12. Good win for The Arsenal. They never really went beyond 2nd gear today. Was nice to see the Ox get a brace and play well, even better that he wasn't injured towards the end. Next game is this Saturday away at Anfield and it's going to be a tough one, hope that Arsenal play well and come out with the 3 points.
  13. Completely forgot about those FF sales, it's great for me as I've only ever played FFIII. Anyway I made the most of it and bought all the main series games that are available on the Vita (that are on sale). Now I can finally give the series a proper go! Re-jigged my layout now too.
  14. The banter between you Monster Hunter boys... Anyway, come on guys, you should believe in Nintendo! Maybe we'll get some fleshed out online multiplayer experiences in MK8 & SSB! Yes. I can picture it now.
  15. Always found Hisoka creepy, but now it's been confirmed. He's absolutely nuts
  16. Bring in an injured player to cover for an injured player. Brilliant. In all seriousness how did he pass the medical?
  17. I stopped reading the thread after the 6th post. But yeah I already expected this to be released around Q3 at the earliest. We'll see.
  18. We're quite competitive when it comes to Smash, but we make sure to mix it up. You don't want things to get too serious.
  19. -Dem0-

    I think it will be best if I just wait for future One Piece box sets then.


    Also the Bakuman box set has arrived (£65). I also bought the Fullmetal Alchemist manga box set (£80) as I've been meaning to get into the series for years.


    I think I'm done with manga for now. Budgeting-wise I probably won't make another entertainment purchase until MK8. If you're interested I'll be posting some pics in the manga/anime thread tomorrow.


    Oh and by the way, you should check out Hunter X Hunter (2011 anime) if you get the chance. You won't regret it!

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