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Everything posted by K-project

  1. Eh? They hire "cheap Chinese labourers" to create games now? Think you may have got wires crossed somewhere.
  2. Yes it's definitely true. If you're using the Wii remote layout, then it'll be the trigger you'll be triple tapping, when you want to drill in a pass across the goalie.
  3. Nerdgasm! To be honest I think this looks really fantastic. I love the designs of the classic DC heroes (further proof we need a Justice League film imho), and the game looks great fun, if a little done before. I would buy it for WiiU, but please devs, when Superman is fighting, he needs to be on the ground, not floating over it. Thanks.
  4. I thought it was my media player! It looks a bit slow and lacking in gameplay to me, but I'll keep one eye on it in case it turns out well. I've never played this series before.
  5. Mixed feelings about this one. I got the original one on the PC but didn't really get into it. I would probably pick this up on Wii U depending on how it turns out. It doesn't sound so glowing from the early previews though.
  6. Completely agree. And yet you still get the arseholes on Youtube that make comments like "no classic controller support - FAIL" and other dumb shit. I picked this one up new a while ago for £15 and it was well worth it. Six quid is a complete steal, you have to buy it!
  7. I spotted this offer myself earlier and ordered it. Looks a stunning game. I suppose it is a little sad that it's dropped in price so quickly, but it's not a completely negative thing. They did the same with both Sonic Colours and Epic Mickey last year, and I think it just helps drive sales. It's certainly not a reflection of the quality of the game, more the stage of the Wii lifespan (ie. done for) and its ability to command top prices from the audience. The PS2 was much the same at the end of its life, with many top games going for a song. But I'm really looking forward to this. It just looks such great fun, and at this price it's a steal.
  8. Luckily mine turned up OK this morning. We'll put this one down to Royal Mail, and move on. Just glad it's here.
  9. It is tremendous to be fair. The N-Europe review is up (you've probably seen it), and it's pretty fair. They make it clear that it's pretty much the same game as 2011, but easily worth getting if you're on an older one. It's a bit of a rip off but remains the best footie game there is. I'm playing it a lot, but I don't usually venture online as my pathetic skills won't translate! I can beat the computer but a human...no chance!
  10. My pre-order for the regular edition failed to show up today from ShopTo. Pretty fecking annoyed about it to be honest. Is it the mail, or did ShopTo just not send it out early enough? I dunno, but the net result is I'm sitting here Zelda-less and pissed off.
  11. I didn't know about the tilt to lean. No, it doesn't tell you anything about that. Why omit that from the tutorial? Anyway, I've gone for super-easy wuss-Bond level. Don't hate me for that. I'm notoriously crap at FPS games. However, I'm definitely noticing that I'm getting better the more I play, so I'll up it when I'm ready.
  12. Just picked this one up because of you guys raving about it. Not disappointed! It's absolutely fantastic. Really matches up to the sublime Rare original imho. I had to use a control tweaking guide I found on another forum, but it really did the trick and I am now massively enjoying this. I don't know why they fluffed the default Wii remote settings out of the box. I thought the game was just broken at first. But the tweaking hugely makes the game. I wouldn't want to play it with a classic controller personally. Thanks for the heads up on this one dudes. Marvellous.
  13. I'm glad you lot are discovering this one. I bloody love it. Not sure about multi-player modes. I don't think there's anything multi-player about this game, sadly.
  14. I know, it's insanity isn't it? But what can I say, there are people out there who think that Skyward Sword requires you to stand up to play it, mostly because the adverts show it that way. They seem to not be able to understand that they do that to sell the vague idea of the gamer being in the game with the Wii, and sadly they seem to take it literally. I feel stupid asking, because truth be told I know the answer, but still.
  15. Dunno if you guys can settle a debate I've been reading on another forum... I am right in saying that the sword fighting in this games does not involve the gamer having to stand up to play it, aren't I? I read elsewhere that someone somewhere has said that in order to play it "properly", it's best that it's played standing up so you can really swing the sword. This strikes me as a bit odd and a bit daft. To me, a Zelda game isn't one that demands the gamer play it like they would, say, Wii Bowling or whatever. Sure a gamer could play bowling from their armchair, but that game really demands you get up and bowl. To me sword fighting in an adventure game, especially a Zelda game, does not and should not. I've not read any reviews that mention this, only the random rantings of the occasionally insane on the net. I remember Red Steel 2 having a sensitivity setting that seemed to encourage you to play standing up if you wished to, but it wasn't a requirement. But what's the deal with the sword fighting in this new Zelda then?
  16. My passes and shots have been going well astray too with the classic controller in 2012. We're back to slight almost non-existent taps of the shoot button to get an attempt anywhere near the goal (remember PES5?). It's been driving me nuts, so I've now decided to use the Wii remote and nunchuck setup again. It took a bit of re-adjusting to, but I'm back in now and loving it. I've said before that this control setup makes the game quite easy imho, and so it proves in PES 2012. However, I'm still really enjoying it and feeling less ripped off today! The discussion is moot anyway, since it remains the very best football game on the Wii, and possibly this whole generation imo.
  17. I suppose I know what you mean, but I am noticing a couple of differences. Nothing special, and you might even feel that they arguably make the game worse, but on top of the game being a little bit harder (and I'm pretty sure I'm not imagining that now. Just keeping possession is proving much trickier even as one of the big names), the way it handles tackles is a little more sensitive too. You can't just hold the button and randomly move into a player to tackle, as often I'm finding they'll just keel over a la Premier League fairies and you concede a frustrating free kick or even get a card. It doesn't take much either, so I'm finding I have to tackle a bit less thoughtlessly at the moment. Whether you consider this different enough or an "improvement" is up to you. I think I'm going to have to start a Master League game and see if I can find some other stuff. But to reiterate, I would honestly say if you're still playing 2009, if you get this you will definitely notice big changes.
  18. :D:D I did say! If you're still playing 2009, then you'll find 2012 a massive improvement. But if you have 2011, then keep your dough. The only thing that could make this worth the money for me now would be if there was an easier way to add an up to date option file with the kits etc, without having to go through hacking your Wii to bits.
  19. No I haven't had the chance yet, sorry. If I remember correctly though, 2011 was a bit improved in that regard, but it annoys me greatly that the Wii version still doesn't have an easy way of adding an option file to update the kits. Had a few more games on it last night. Again, maybe it's too early to say, but to me it's the same game as last year right through. Can see now why they aren't charging much for it. If you haven't bought it for a few years, or fancy trying PES for the first time on Wii, this is the one to go for. Otherwise, nothing to see for fans of the last couple of versions imho. Had I known I don't think I'd have bothered, but meh it's still a great game. Dunno what I'll do with the old game though.
  20. No I wasn't really, but it was a nice surprise. I've only played one match so far, just an international friendly. My first impressions were - it's exactly the same! Same boot up, same front end, same Champions League tune in the video, same video! The graphics look much the same. Obviously new kits, players look a little paler in the face, but maybe that's 'cos I played as England. I played a four star match with a classic controller against the Scots and won 4:1, but I did notice the opposition fighting more aggressively, forcing me to pass around the field a little cleverer. They didn't want to lose, which was nice. But it's very early to note any great differences, and truth be told I don't expect to find them. Luckily though, so far it seems to still be the same great game.
  21. Good old ShopTo. Got the despatch email yesterday, and it's turned up today! Really pleased about that. Hopefully I'll get an hour with it later and I'll post up early impressions, but it's probably pointless, as most PES's take a while to settle in. Still, I'll see if there's any immediate overriding impressions worth reporting on.
  22. They weren't great to be honest, but there were at least a couple of videos knocking around the net and one or two examples of improvements. By now we'd seen a few things, which is why I'm not expecting too much. But I don't mean to bum out the enthusiasm! I've ordered it too and I've still got my fingers crossed.
  23. Well I hope it turns out great. Turning out just the same would be really disappointing imho. Who wants to pay again for exactly the same game? Like I mentioned earlier, it's not like PES even has the kits to fall back on, except for a few teams. No, for me the game has to be better somehow, but that will prove difficult as 2011 was utterly fantastic. There's a ton of things I'd like to see improved regards the motion controls, but considering that Konami haven't been singing about this game it's unlikely they've done much to it. So yeah it's a small gamble for me insofar as it could either be really terrible (somehow!), or exactly the same as 2011. Either way that's a letdown for me. I'd like to see some proper improvements, but I expect it won't happen. I've got it ordered anyway.
  24. I wouldn't blame anyone for sticking with 2011 personally. Like he says, a week away and still nothing to be seen?! That's worrying. If I were you I'd wait a short while and see what people say about the new version here. A few of us are complete fools and have pre-ordered it in spite of the fact that there's no info out there. I'm optimistic, and I don't think it'll be crap, but I don't think it'll prove to be much improved over 2011 personally. It's a pretty good price though and is worth the gamble for me.
  25. Aye, that's where I pre-ordered it from. Ooh I dunno what the featured teams are this year...
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