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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Lo folks. I have recently signed on at a new games website as a writer.we are currently looking for more creative staff, and we need more technical staff too. for those we need: Illustrators Designers and Admins If anyone is interested, PM me and I'll get in touch with the boss man.
  2. people still have hang ups over ports for the rec. I dunno how many times I'm going to have to say this but let me point out a few things: 1. for all intents and purposes, we can effectivly consider the 360 and the ps3 to be the same kind of machine, capable of the same technological level in games. 2. the revolution, aside from the fact that it has an entirely different style of control and interaction, is effectivly a vastly inferior console in terms of raw horsepower. it just amazes me when people act the slightest bit surprised that a company dosent say they will release a game designed for super powered hd consoles on the rev.
  3. guys. more important than that. check the guys writing! "Revolution is the answer. Revolution will be able to let to DS all these features. Nintendo DS will become a part of Revolution too. A very important part...you'll handle some Revolution games with DS...some RETRO games. Unbelievable. Don't you think?"
  4. kicking ass? taking names? climbing the empire state building?
  5. i got a ds and two games for £115. not to bash the psp's quality- it's obviously well cool, anyone can see that. I just think a £200 handheld is absurd.
  6. very good but average? im sure that actually means nothing. seriously.
  7. The 'Tarrantino presents' thing pisses me off. Hero? I mean...really, he had nothing to do with that. least he knows this guy, but it's still a bit much imo. he just isnt *that* good. hell, as far as im concerned his entire career as been a downhill one. he still can't touch dogs for quality.
  8. im an ok sleeper. I will sleep for a while if undisturbed. takes a while to nod off though
  9. 24 is the proverbial dogs bollocks my boy. get series 1.
  10. imagine that...jack would have psychic powers and most probably a giant robot to fight terrorists in. god, imagine kim... ha, aaaaannyyyway.......Just watched Cowboy Bebop: The Movie. it's so ruddy cool. seriously good movie, even if the badguy did kinda seem lacking in a decent motive.
  11. Dan Dare, reporting for duty as awed forumite in need of mad skillz on photoshop.
  12. its wierdly captivating stuff, but it is pretty gruesome all the same. very educational. shame the guy is actually the scariest man alive. can you imagine if he had eyes like that mental looking footie ref? god you could metaly damage a man for life.
  13. thats no so bad. not as much of a win as series 4 on 24 for £18. but still, winner!
  14. sounds a bit dubious to me that. I've always considered anime series' as the kind of stuff you can't reallly dip into- which is why 3 episode dvds piss me off so goddamn much, frankly. £20 for 3 tv episodes is dogshit, japanese or nay.
  15. happy birthday lad:)
  16. ive only seen the 1st. you should check it out..its not that fast moving if i remember correctly but it rewards the investment. very stylish.
  17. juicebox is wicked. my favourite is heart in a cage though. that's class
  18. So...anyone got this? I just got it in teh post this mornin. havent listiened to it all but my...first impressions are very good. total return to form after the underwhelming room on fire album
  19. woah i seriously thought this would be a photoshop job. cripes k. find me a man trapped in a tree. emphasis on trapped.
  20. oh my god. yes.
  21. whens that out then?
  22. is under my picture now
  23. think i got you there bud
  24. find me....the vollyball scene in topgun
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