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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. dude, no matter how many times I see that, It's always super awesome.
  2. i like what you did there, you know, burning out my eyes and crushing my will to live in this cruel, dark world.
  3. gotta be a goat. you see sheep skulls around alot.
  4. that is fucking awesome. seriously, that looks like a real skullkid.
  5. Just watched Episode 4. seems good, but I hope we arent going to see a re run of the plot. that would lick poo.
  6. I'm seeing them next thursday =) saw them at T in the park last year, too. converted about six mates at once to them while I was at it.
  7. those shots clearly have no engine behind them. tech demo, maybe, but the ps3 just can't manage that kind of detail on any kind of scale.
  8. great album is harmonies. do you have the first?
  9. yus. i was hoping somebody would say crocodile...then i could be a smart arse and say 'noooo!'.
  10. sorry it took a while. didnt realise it was me.
  11. out of curiosity, is this out in the states first? i managed to get stellastarr really, really cheap on import a while back- might try a similar trick.
  12. Anyone ever read a book called the deamon Ororon? It's by Hakase Mizuki, has some damn cool art and an intriguing plot about a half angel girl under protection from the king of hell. it's very odd, but good stuff.
  13. A shin bone? its hard to get an idea of scale.
  14. aww man. its totally a foot by the way.
  15. in all fairness. it is a wierd title, and without knowing its an album, could mean anything. Guy has a point (somewhere)
  16. but it does need to be better. it needs to have friends lists, voice com, hefty support and a decent set of games. if its as stripped down as the ds wfc.......well we'll have a ps2 on our hands, so to speak.
  17. It's odd that nintendo have quite possibly the most mmorpg-able franchise in history with pokemon, yet they have designed their first online console in such a way that it would be counter productive to the efforts of the designers. hmm!
  18. god, yes. I mean, for the love of all that is holy, can they at least make it so they have to use them on purpose? I have several that have this wank pink swirly ME. every time those two lettters are used. AAAAARRRGGH!
  19. if u c4n r34d 7h1s u r331y n33d t0 g4t l41d. nuff said.
  20. you know that if he did, he'd get severly owned somehow.
  21. lolz! toook me about....ohhhh, ten secconds? =D
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