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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Well my day *was* going well. went to do some more volunteering, that was cool. Organising a pub trip with the NE Sheffield Massive for later. All good so far. Then I got home and found a long email from a guy who I had a big argument with this summer and I've not spoken to since. I want to walk away from the whole thing, frankly, as I think our friendship was, in hindsight, getting progressively one sided and generally...corrupt? not sure if that's the word. Anyway, this email has basically made me guilty as fuck about it and dragged me back in, exactly where I don't want to be and I now need a tactful response to get out. Great. What a pisser.
  2. he is. he also has a highly amusing radio show on 6 music, if you've not heard that.
  3. *feels the burn*
  4. 'forgiveness isn't my strong point so mercenaries 2 can eat a dick pavalova' lolololol
  5. no coincidence. issa-me.
  6. for the record, I almost made that joke myself
  7. that article is shit- they tested it on games coded for the old d-pad. complete waste of time doing that.
  8. not too fussed. I don't need more than 2 pads, really, and the next one I buy is going to be one of those ones with the better D-Pad, as SFIV looks to be pretty fuckin special, and designed to use it.
  9. this is it. Look pretty cool- you can mould them to shape as you wish.
  10. Isn't the big slow mo stunt in 2 something like a multi sign hurdle jump while on top of a bus? that bit fucking rules.
  11. likewise- me in my youth is an unpleasant, chubby sight you will not be seeing. carry on, forum.
  12. dunno. Never played any mega man myself actually.
  13. considering spoiling my ballot. Possibly by drawing a cock on it. this is, for the mildly confused, the best form of protest vote if that's what you want- not turning up counts for nothing, but spoilt ballots go in to exit polls and official results so you are actually making a point.
  14. I'd like to thank my manager, my parents....
  15. Happy Birthday dude. A gentleman and a squire of the forums
  16. this thread needs more suits and more silly hats
  17. it was either going to be me or rez, really.
  18. it's my old age. I bet it was me and all.
  19. I swear your hair looks completely different in every other picture I've seen of you. Sorry!
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