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Everything posted by *Dalco*

  1. yea i used to hate wearing glasses (would only put them on when in real need e.g. in lessons) as i looked like a right **** but last year i finally managed to get a cool pair (thick plastic style ones) and people told me i looked better with them on so since then i always have em on
  2. well i rang gamestaion up the other day and i asked them weather i will get one on launch. they asked me when i preoodered it (i said september) to which they replied that it is most likely that i will get one due to it has only been recently that they have fufilled there stock allocation :bouncy: i will still however get to the store before it opens to make sure that this is the case
  3. i also saw it on MTV but at 11.15ish so they had it on twice in the space of an hour!
  4. i saw it whilst waiting for first look hollyoaks on E4 nowt special but its quite a good advertising stratagy. nintendo just getting the brand name into non-gamers heads casuing them to wonder what "Wii" is.
  5. yea good game really liked it, still remains one of the last decent platform/adventure games i have played in recent years (seem to be no decent ones this gen apart from SM: Sunshine)
  6. doesn't really bother me as i never got around to buying a rumble pack during the N64 area and therfore played all the games rumble-less
  7. i preodered mine form gamestation about 4 days after the launch date was announced but forgot to ask where abouts i was on the list so i may give them a ring tommorow and see if i am getting one on launch
  8. since buying pro evo i really have been using x-box live loads (before this only been on it once with PGR3), so anyway if people wanna add me then that would be cool (as currently have no friends lol) anyway my gamertag is: dalbir
  9. woah hardy boyz are gnna be reunited at survivor serious (bout time, probelry make ppv worth watchin), they will be on team DX for the traditional survivor serious match
  10. ye this K-fed stuff is stupid, but it appears to be carrying on as he will be on raw again tonight
  11. well i ended up watching it last night but wish i hadn't as i thought it was really poor!
  12. i recon wii sports won't be all that, after 5 minutes i feel the novelty will wear off
  13. i just watched the latest trailer and can't believe how good the game looks, i am suprised the cube is able to produce graphics like that. only 5 week till release
  14. yea just watched it now on youtube really good! been ages since i watched south park (i stopped watching it bout 5 years ago) still gnna catch up on all the other episodes as most of them are on daily motion. i never saw the sega dreamcast one anyone know what the episode is called?
  15. yea i hope DKC3 does make it as i only played it on the PC and it was a strange method of playing but the game did seem great so will like the chance to play the game properly
  16. Smackdown Vs Raw will be better on the 360 than PS2. the 360 was has been built first then scaled down with a lot of features taking out (e.g. fighting in the crowd) on the PS2 version
  17. quite a lot of titles i'll proberly only get zelda and red steel as the others don't appeal to me to as a must have
  18. pes 6 is out this week, does anyone know if there is a major graphical difference between the 360 and ps2 versions?
  19. the two matches so far look ok, the champions of champions has potential to be decent enough
  20. yea dean lerner is class i think it starts soon as i have seen the advert for it a few times on e4
  21. about time it got released on DVD tis a quality show
  22. i didn't watch it as not gnna pay 15 quid as all matches looked mid card at best. anyone order it? was it any good?
  23. still doesn't seem brilliant, i dnno why nintendo dnt allow the DS's pictochat be the keyboard for wii interent surely it wouldn't be that hard to implement?
  24. mer i'm a fan of pro evo but it does seem a bit stupid using special wii controls as there is no need as don't think its needed on pro evo. i will be sticking with the 360 version and not purchasing the wii version
  25. doubt it due to the GBA still being considered as a current console therefore can still shift the games via the stores
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