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Everything posted by Enigma

  1. Katie is cute.
  2. #4 is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for the GBA.
  3. Considering you haven´t drawn anything in three years time, this drawing is very good.
  4. Quest 64 wasn´t such a bad game. Sure it was no epic game but it really don´t deserve title worst game. It was more of an adventure game than an RPG imo. People just had too high expectations of it when it came. The same can be said about Quest. As for me, can´t think of anything. I got myself an american console and the games I got, before the ban of buying import games came along, were all great.
  5. Pong, or a Pong-similar game that my uncle had on computer-console thingy. I also remember some other games for it but the titles are gone from my memory.
  6. No games are really "bad" since everyone in this world has different taste. People judging games because of reviews should stop. I´ve played countless games that have gotten horrible reviews and loved them. I´ve also played a lot of games getting great reviews and hated them to no end. Just because a game gets low score doesn´t mean it´s bad and vice versa.
  7. A link to the past.
  8. Well said. But if I have to choose one title it´s Zelda III - A link to the past.
  9. There are many I dislike. But the most annoying of all is when guys use "lol". I don´t know why but it get´s on my nerves. Especially when it appears several times right in the middle of a sentence.
  10. You read my mind. That is so true. I´ve played Nintendo since the NES days and I see Nintendo more as a family-name than a kiddy-name.
  11. I hope for a sequel to Mystic Heroes.
  12. Transformers and Turtles. I had all sorts of toys but I remember playing with those way too much. Toy cars of all kinds was also a favorite.
  13. I spent many hundred hours on Power Stone 2 collecting everything.
  14. That´s how I want it too. I also agree with Pit-Jr about the classic sound when Mario jumps. I´m not against the voice but the "boing" sound should return.
  15. Haven´t started saving yet, but by the time Revolution arrives, I´ll have the money. The pay from work is good so I´m not worried.
  16. Not for me. (15 characters)
  17. Cute. Makes me wanna play Zelda again. 4/5
  18. A game like Gotcha Force is what I want. I really hope to see a new GF game for the Revolution.
  19. Enigma


    Lately I´ve been staying up all night. What´s make me fall to sleep is my (ancient) pillow and a small fan I have next to me that I let stay on.
  20. No it´s not. The forum I´m talking sucks big time. Don´t know the ASCUK but it can´t be worse.
  21. I understand why. Reveal something and, *poof*, there goes Sony stealing.
  22. Enigma


    I like the idea of pic 103 and pic 70 looks cool.
  23. It reminds me of another forum I used to visit. The staffmembers there all know eachother and only stick up for themselves. Every new member that arrives there will (very) soon find themselves in trouble with the staff, and in 95 % of the cases, it´s actually a staffmember that´s wrong. A very unfriendly forum indeed. As the IGN forum reminds me of this one, I certainly won´t visit that place.
  24. I don´t have one. Haven´t found any motivation to get one yet.
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