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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Nintendo have put up a teaser site, there's some new screenshots and a trailer on it: http://newsupermariobrosu.nintendo.com/
  2. There is a teaser site up with some screenshots and a trailer http://nintendoland.nintendo.com/
  3. The games up on Steam now: http://store.steampowered.com/app/204630/ Been playing this game a few hours now and really liking it. It completely reminds me of playing my NES back in the late 80's. there are soo many references to things, its almost impossible to keep up with it all. Also, I really like the video filters the game has, you can make the game look like its being played on a gameboy, a NES, a Megadrive or a Virtual boy if you want, to name just a few. You can even change the borders of the game to look like its being played on a arcade cabinet and other crazy stuff like that
  4. My points were all due to expire last month so I got the figurine diorama. It arrived in under two weeks: yeah I remember the points cards that came with Gamecube games use to tell you on the card itself
  5. I got 250 when I registered mine.
  6. yeah really enjoyed this, really funny and already this episode was better then anything in series 7 or 'back to earth'/series 9. I don't like the changes to Kryten, I think the way he looked in series 3 and 4 were the best costume design for the character.
  7. Email from Brian Provinciano
  8. Yeah I picked it up on steam and just as you said, it holds up very well. I still have my Dreamcast copy which I had played fairly recently too so the added ability to be able to turn the camera with the right analog stick is a little nice addition. I like that they added a little extra content to it too, like the mini documentary video with the original development team and some JSRF music.
  9. interesting stuff thanks for that link. EA have a terrible history of acting like a spoilt child so that conspiracy theory isn't that crazy to believe.
  10. At the very least, if a game doesn't get released outside of a certain region they could release it digitally worldwide, similar to the hanabi festival/import titles on the Wii's Virtual console that get released . I know its not the best example as those are old games but I think something like that would be a good compromise.
  11. yeah, you can still find some of those Xbox/Dreamcast comparison articles: http://www.1up.com/features/dreamcast-20
  12. Nintendo Gamer have started a feature looking back on old issues of their magazines, starting with Super Play Issue 1: http://www.nintendo-gamer.net/2012/09/03/the-vault-super-play-issue-1/
  13. I'm not joking when I say I wish that was real. Heck, sony made a parappa toaster
  14. I'm sad its coming to an end, I absolutely loved their sense of humour and how they covered Nintendo over the years. I guess this is eventually going to happen to all video game magazines as its just much easier to get infomation online, even the almighty Nintendo Power in america is coming to an end. But at least it will continue as the website. I've been reading this magazine since it was Super Play and N64 magazine. I made a little topic about old video game magazines a year ago and talked about Superplay there: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31761
  15. ha yeah me too. I hope there is gonna be a just cause 3 next year.
  16. Rockstar put this screenshot on their facebook page today
  17. http://www.l4d.com/coldstream Cold Stream DLC was released last night on Xbox live for 560 MS Points. It includes the community made map 'Cold Stream' and 4 campaigns from the original Left 4 Dead (Blood Harvest, Crash Course, Dead Air and Death Toll.) Also now all Mutations are selectable on the main menu.
  18. awesome, I'm on Ship 2 also. I won't be online for a few days but I will probably be able to play at the weekend.
  19. This is a trace I did of the Simpsons Futurama crossover comic book just to see what this picture would look like in 3D: http://colorslive.com/details/269441-Simpsons_Futurama_Crossover_by_WaffleRobot.php Its best viewed on a 3DS because I have the characters on different layers (Farnsworth, Zoidberg and Fry on layer 5, Bender, Nibbler and Lela on layer 4 etc) I also did the other side of the comic: Just noticed I forgot to colour in Homers jeans :x
  20. I'm still struggling to unlock the caves area, I *think* I'm supposed to run through forest free mode in under 15 minutes and get an S rank but its just not working out, i'm always taking too long.
  21. Yeah totally agree with you, I picked it up in 2010 on steam and have not stopped playing it since. I love the stuff Ellis says too. I'm quite disappointed with Cold stream though and I don't see why its taken them over a year and a half to play test the map. I hope once its done we get some new campaigns like The Passing.
  22. I was playing a game in Forest last night and suddenly the end boss from the event quest showed up half way through. I love that something random like that can happen in this game. Its always a surprise.
  23. My humble attempt to draw something
  24. I'd probably bump New super Mario bros on that list to Must-Haves. It gets a bad rap because of its plain art style but level design wise its just as perfect as any of Nintendo's other 2D Mario games. Wario Land Shake Dimension and Muramasa should probably be there somewhere. Also glad Mario Kart Wii gets some love, it totally deserves to be where it is. Yeah it really does.
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