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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. I hope theres a new pikmin game on the way and Pilotwings Wii
  2. Yeah I guess so although the original game had those too if I remember right (but different ghosts) I remember that, a lot of people thought there where secrets obtained by collecting all the dog tags but the game wasnt unlocking it for them (like some sort of glitch) but in the end nothing. And then the board got spammed their with "Dennis Dyack is a liar" over and over again If I remember right that Katana blade turned out just to be a suport beam, unless you mean something else.
  3. In the Nintendo world 2006 trailer theres a scene near the end of Snake scratching his chin and the background looks very similar to the Heliport section in Metal gear/Twin snakes. Theres another scene before that where snake runs and crouchs and it seems like he's inside somewhere like the hanger room (maybe one of them is from a beat the target style stage).
  4. One thing that bothered me a little was the lack of VR missions in Twin snakes. I remember there being an interview with Denis Dyack at the time and thay asked why, he said something along the lines of them having a choice between VR missions or Secrets in the main game and they chose secrets. Except in the end their where no secrets =/
  5. I just want to see Snakes stage. I hope theres tons of cool things happening in the background while you fight...maybe Metal gear REX and RAY both having heir own fight with random other MGS characters running about. Also, as far as new info released in 6 days time: I think they'll be a character that can only be played using a Nintendo DS as the controller.
  6. Just a reminder, its March now so online should be free for the next 30 days for both PSO 1 & 2 and PSO 3 C.A.R.D . As far as I know you can't do the Nights quest offline. It was a pretty basic quest though, you just ran around seabed killing stuff only Nights is flying around and the Nights ending music playing. After you finsih it you then can go to another "quest" which consists of a room with the GBA download station to get the Nights mini game thing. Edit- Just read on Wikipedia you can download the same GBA game on Billy hatcher and the giant egg.
  7. I hope there's some more infomation/screenshots/videos (or all three) soon, its been a while since we heard anything.
  8. That really looks awful...how and why are Nintendo letting crap like this get released on the Wii? its not even a joke to say it has N64 graphics
  9. I remember reading an interview with Miyamoto and he said how the original team where really deperate to work on another SF game but wanted them to do something different. Edit- and old interveiw before SF Assault came out
  10. I dunno, seemed to me thats exactly what he was doing; he isn’t allowed to give any information on whatever he knows at this point so it is totally pointless for him to have mentioned anything. He just comes across as a smug little man who felt the need to tell us all he knows something that we don’t and that the reason he’s telling us, is so that in the future whenever this “crazy awesome news” is revealed he can perk up and remind us all that he knew first. And in this case, its pretty obvious that Nintendo are working on something big behind the scenes, did you really think Zelda Twighlight princess Mario galaxy, MP3 and Smash brothers brawl would be the only high caliber games for the Wii and we’d be playing lesser titles for the rest of the Wiis existence? With all this mass attention and record breaking sales of the Wii I really find it unlikely Nintendo were ever going to rest on this success and do absolutely nothing big with the Wii
  11. What would you all think if Konami decided to do a similar remake but for MGS 2? (and o the Wii since cube production has finished).
  12. I happen to know there's some "crazy awesome games" heading for the 360 and PS3. But I can't tell anyone about it. But when they are annouced I will pop up and telll you all that I knew about it long before you guys ever did. Its awesome being me. Couldn’t of put it better.
  13. I'm beginning to see why there's so much dislike for this man. The whole story seems to be "I know something you don't, don't get jealous lolz"
  14. I went back online with 1 & 2 a few months ago (we thought we'd reunite just before PSU comes out) and there where about 20 people online at the most, and pretty much all of them in locked games. Their was 1 guy in the lobby begging for weapons and every so often a guy called NOA_Bones came along and useing an action replay, try and delete everyones character Shame to see the game go but it is deserted. I wish Sega had taken advantage of the download secteion and let us download quests like West and East tower and some others. Also this means it'll be the last time we can download the Nights, Pyo Pyo and Chu chu rockets GBA games with the GBA connector.
  15. I liked the Mario and Yoshi figures but that cut scene with Otacon it felt like half the scene the camera was locked onto them. I liked the Zone of the enders clips too. I thought the Psycho mantis stuff was cool, he did the same thing on the Playstation version with some other Konami games.
  16. There was a video at youtube but someone seems to have taken it down. It was a pretty cool secret hidden in shenmue 2. You had to collect these three medals (bronze, silver and gold) and then the lady in the tomato convenience store would let you play the duck race. I actually enjoyed the task of collecting the medals more then the reward of the duck race itself because to get the silver and gold medals you had to participate in 2 secret fights, one with the lady that sometimes just stands on the pier looking out to sea and the other with the tomato convenience store girl... and she was one of the harder people to fight in the game!
  17. ... he already said, if he wanted to play with friends he'd invite them around his house for multiplayer. I don't know why you feel the need to pretend all these things would make online safe and secure when they actually do no such thing and just end up being needles obstacles and, wait for it: Restrictions.
  18. I knew that the PSO servers were closing - March is going to be free to play as I understand but I did not know you had to be recently active, which is pretty annoying if true. This means I cannot go online for the last month. Last time I went online on PSO was October and their where about 7 people online, peak on a Saturday night I'm actually a little sad to see the servers close though, I had some amazing times on both PSO 1/2 and 3 and met many people I still keep i contract with today. I was sometimes putting 12 hours a day into PSO (noting to be proud of lol) because I loved the game so much. So long PSO,thanks for the memories.
  19. Hopefully that image has changed now since the DS and Wii's release. I think pretty much every advert for the Wii has shown people of all ages (DS lite adverts too) playing so if Nintendo are aiming for everyone and anyone, to put a restictive online service will be a strange move. You're right though a lot of people will still see Nintendo as a company for kids and I'm sure some rag like the daily mail would just jump a the chance to try and start some small hysteria when the Wii goes online.
  20. Whenever Nintendo release the DVD playing Wii (and if they release it outside of Japan) They could bump up that 512 internal flash memory just a bit. MS dosnt seem to get any of those problems with Xboxlive or Sony with any of its online titles like Socom.
  21. The rarest game I own is probably Ultimate muscle legends vs new generation (USA), since it was never released here, and sold pretty bad in the states. Awesome game through and the multiplayer mode is probably the 2nd best multiplayer game on the cube (Smash brothers being number 1). I have Metal gear solid twin snakes but is it really rare? I always see it for sale somewhere. Other rare games I got are Phantasy star episode 3 C.A.R.D and Donkey Kong Jungle beat (again sold pretty badly here).
  22. I didn’t mind the redone voice acting apart from Mei lings new American voice (even if it makes more sense to be American I think the old accent was better ) Music took a down step but the controls were a bit dodgy...Holding Z for First person aiming and I found a bit difficult. Not sure why they went to the trouble of putting in all the dog tags for you collect but have no reward whatsoever for collecting them all
  23. Have a button configuration for the virtual console, y'know so that the option of using the GC pad isn’t pointless for some games.
  24. And look in the background: The Wii's blue light is on! All is well with the world!
  25. I hope Nintendo haven’t delayed or cancelled the gamecube release for this game in Europe. If they have I'll try and import the American version (hope the free loader hasn’t got any problems with Zelda TP)
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