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    South London


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    Nes, Snes, Gameboy, GBC, GBA, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Nintendo DS
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    Megadrive, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1,PS2
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    Mario Galaxy
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  1. The have added music from Kirby and the Forgotten Land to the app. However, for some reason, this weeks update does not contain all the tracks from the game. There is a note to inform us that the rest is coming later this year:
  2. Very sorry to hear that Nolan.
  3. September 2005 I can’t believe it’s been nearly 20 years! I remember I signed up to ask why the Streets of Rage games where not on the PAL version of Sonic Gems Collection on the GameCube as this was one of the only Nintendo forums that I could find so I assumed people here would know lol
  4. Four SNES games on the way:
  5. They also added the music from Dr. Mario for the NES
  6. Very much looking forward to this as I know very little about the Virtual Boy. I've always wanted to own one, just to see what it's like first hand. This always felt crazy to me that Nintendo never released some of their VB games on the 3DS, it would have been a perfect opportunity to re-release some of these titles again and give them a second chance.
  7. Alarmo got an a new theme added today: I had assumed Alarmo already had a Super Mario Bros theme on it tbh.
  8. Nice little video of the set on Nintendo's twitter account:
  9. It was very enjoyable to read through this thread over the past year or so, I learned of quite a few games I never knew existed as well as reading on how well or poorly some of the classics have aged.
  10. WWE have made a third Youtube channel, a similar one to their WWE Vault channel which will upload WCW content:
  11. Yeah, pretty big in the 1980s and had a spin off show called Care Bear cousins that I recall being popular. I actually barely watched the cartoon myself as a kid but I have a bit of nostalgia for them just because they were something that was pretty much everywhere along with He-man, Transformers and Real Ghostbusters. They seem to be popular again now though, i went to a toy store a few weeks back to get a gift for my housemates son and saw a HUGE Care bear display. I ended up getting the Grumpy one because he looks like he's unimpressed with everything
  12. This is correct.
  13. Yeah, its insane that it has been eight years but also that is has been a very solid eight years of great games. I always felt console generations were not long enough so I absolutely love that Switch has lasted this long and will almost certainly get a good year or so of support after the Switch 2 is released. I'll certainly continue to buy games for it over the next year.
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