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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. You're an admin so I'll give you 10 :P
  2. I'm surprised there were so many posts saying 'wow great' before someone even questioned the source. I really hope this is true but we'll have to wait and see. I'll believe it when I see it announced or if it's put on http://www.Nintendo.co.uk :P
  3. We don't get T-shirts in the UK stars catalogue... I would love a Nintendo T-shirt All we have are screensavers and wallpapers until annual updates bring us a couple of games that everyone has but still go out of stock after 3 hours.
  4. The original Transformers was fantastic, right up until I was 10 I collected them with my brother and we used to play with them all the time. Beast Wars was such a load of crap, not given Transformers much notice since that came out, thought it was pretty much over and changed into something for the new generation of kids. Hope the movie stays true to the original Transformers.
  5. We should all move to Australia.
  6. There was a guy I knew who would talk to me but he'd be less than an inch away from my face, if I moved back then he'd move forward... what the hell was that all about? Also if he ever needed to whisper me he'd be practically licking my ear... He smoked too, so it stank (before you say anything about homosexuals, neither of us are gay and he did that to everyone).
  7. Pierce Brosnan was a great Bond, Goldeneye is still my favourite film
  8. The more 360 and ps3 ads that are on here, the less sony and microsoft fanboys get to see them :P
  9. We know it's getting a lot of 3rd party support
  10. Nothing could hide poor Rover's black eyes... Please give generously to Battersea Dogs Home and we'll give him the treatment he needs.
  11. I got 44/70 Not too bad, it matches the National Average and I'm only 17 so I'm happy with it.
  12. I have the original gameboy with the screen broken off and the battery cover snapped so it doesn't stay in place... Tetris, Tetris 2, a Mario game that I can't remember the title of but it had awesome music, Wave Race, Super James Pond, also a James Bond game (hmm might play that again soon) and the first Wario Land - I lost it then bought a new one and lost that too.. God knows where they went, I've turned my room upside down 50 times and still not found it which is a shame because it is the best one in my opinion.
  13. Oh my god! It just changed to say 'Bankrupt'!!!! No.. I'm joking, Nintendo are great.. Noooo!! Put down the pitchforks!
  14. Gotta agree with Kurt there, I have an xbox myself and Microsoft have accomplished a lot by bringing online console gaming to the masses but J Allard is just an arrogant git.
  15. Wallace and Gromit is the best thing since sliced cheese. http://www.orange.co.uk/entertainment/film/movieofthemonth/ ^link to trailers^
  16. I'm not really bothered if I didn't think of it first, just shows that it's a good idea and that other people think the same things as me
  17. If there was gonna be a pokemon mmorpg it'd be better on the Rev as more people would go online with it. I like the idea of a 3d pokemon rpg but they've made it so you have to steal shadow pokemon.. I hate that idea, I'd rather have a pokemon game just like the gb/gba ones but in 3d and on a home console, be it GC or Rev.
  18. I don't like him, he does seem a bit full of himself... full of cr*p too. I laughed when he said 'how am I supposed to watch a movie on Revolution' as someone said, it's a games console! Buy a dvd player if you want to watch movies or go to the cinema or better still stay inside and watch it on xbox 360 while you're making toast with it and doing the 500+ other things it'll probably do that have nothing to do with gaming. [EDIT] Although.. it'd be pretty cool to have a console that can make toast
  19. Probably not true.. But the N64 came out at £149.99 didn't it? Then GC was £129.99 so maybe they could do it cheaper - but I doubt it. The DS was £120, I'm hoping that it'll be £150 I reckon that could be do-able
  20. Maybe it should just go FP when you get your sword out... but how would you use your shield? Might get messy with the controls.. maybe two controllers one for shield and one for sword hehe.
  21. They're pretty cool, the cubone one was ace
  22. Haha People will blame anything they can think of if they think they can get away with something
  23. So ridiculous... If you have a child that is gonna copy a violent game then don't let them play it.. parents need to take responsibility and see what games their kids are playing and teach them that there is a difference between games and real life although 99.9% of kids know this and the .1% are just retards.
  24. It does indeed say that the next article will be looking at the other end of the argument and I think that's quite a good idea. Posting an article such as that to spark debate and controversy so people can see what they really think. If they ended up accepting the points and agreeing with the article (doubt anyone actually did though) then it shows their real opinion of Nintendo. Most, if not all of us will have disagreed with it and that's why a second article is being written - to show both sides of things so we can see what other people may think, seeing as most of us can easily prove the article wrong in many places I think more people will see the Revolution as something great. I hope part two isn't just a lot of fanboy rubbish though and actually explains why the Revolution is going to rock.
  25. *Searches for something original to say* Wow that was cool *fails miserably*
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