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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Chavs are the biggest collective bunch of boobs you can get... 17, all present and correct. Find me... a green, glow in the dark pig.
  2. I know he has a hat on but he's still bald, you can tell :P A mop being used for something over than cleaning a floor.
  3. the guy above's pic just shows 'image hosted by tripod' for me so I don't know if anyone can see it :P but to make things easy I'll ask for the same next pic: a cow in outer space (preferably pink though - time for paint or photoshop again maybe lol)
  4. Aye.. tis the fabled Bean Tree of Mysticoniatownerism...ness... http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/2482/treeofbeans0qv.jpg Find me... A shrubbery
  5. Sounds like a good idea, it should be on St. George's day. I'm surprised that people in England celebrate more on St. Patrick's day than our own patron saint's day.
  6. TP takes place before WW so it should be about Ganon's rise to power, or at least feature ganon. I hope it does, Ganon is the ultimate Villain.
  7. I have never seen a ghost (don't really want to either, would be so scared lol) but I have had a ghostly experience... It was quite late and I went downstairs to the bathroom to clean my teeth and everyone else in the house was asleep, halthway through brushing I heard a soft 'flumpth' and I opened the door, looked out and saw that some socks had fallen off the clothes horse. I shut the door again and carried on but when I came out to go back upstairs the socks were back up again!! It was definately something paranormal because as I said, no one else was downstairs and the stairs are a bit rickety anyway so I would have heard them.. I had always thought that bathroom was haunted anyway, since then I'm convinced.
  8. I think you'll only need to buy one game (weren't there rumours that it'd have 2 discs? dunno..) but if you put it on revo it'll give you the option to play with the shell or with rev controls.
  9. I doubt it'll be for the Rev but I think it's possible for the next Nintendo console after it, even if it is a long shot... though moving from the rev's unique control style to another (hopefully more successful) virtual boy wouldn't be so unthinkable.
  10. Maybe they didn't play it but were told about the functions, so it could just be what they guess the controls will be like or Nintendo told them something and they took it slightly further than what it actually was. Or maybe they did play it :P who knows.
  11. I think it's a good name but I don't think it would be good to keep it as the final name, just seems a bit arrogant and cocky (though it is revolutionary). I always thought NRES would be a good name for it. Nintendo Revolutionary Entertainment System :P
  12. I never get emails off Nintendo dunno why Wouldn't mind that naked dance thing though, sounds pretty good.
  13. Yeah the water temple is the only part I get bored of whenever I replay OoT. I try and get through it as quickly as possible but that just makes me mess up and miss things lol.
  14. I hope Nintendo can sue them and take them for everything they've got.
  15. Did anyone play The World Is Not Enough on the 64? I thought it was nearly as good as Goldeneye. The only playable EA Bond in my opinion. What did you think of it?
  16. Here's an example just to get a point in... The diagram shows how harmful sun rays and stuff pass through the ozone layer into our atmosphere. With a hole in the ozone, more harmful rays from the sun will get in. That's one of the arguments for the theory of global warming... but while we're getting all this extra heat and stuff through the hole, we can be losing just as much through it aswell. It isn't a one-way process. So you can't really say that we've caused global warming by punching a hole in the ozone layer, we probably did make a hole but there's no evidence to show that it's had a negative effect.
  17. wow all those characters????
  18. I always thought this was quite funny, one of my friends who is a girl just wouldn't play any games purely because the controller looked scary. I don't understand how anyone could be intimidated by it and women are meant to be good multi-taskers anyway so should be able to handle a few buttons with ease. Oh well, now the Revo controller will stop them from being scared
  19. I'm very sure I never would, unless I have an accident but you said that didn't count. What is the thing that women most like to change when they opt for surgery?
  20. Control yourselves guys, had 3 pictures then without any answers. None from the guy that actually won before either.
  21. I don't like it when people say pwned, just shows they can't spell owned. Come to think of it I don't like it when people say owned either :P hehehe First saw it on Mohaa once Owned was getting tired. Class game
  22. I don't get how these people that decide what's politically correct can think, hmmm Christmas a Christian religious holiday... it must be racist so let's call it winter festival instead! What kind of narrow-minded fool thinks that?
  23. I didn't say I would deport people on a whim, I'm just saying that if you go to live in a country then just respect the cultures and religions there. Who wants to go to Italy and tell the Pope he offends other religions?
  24. send them back home if they dont like it to be honest. I'm sorry but that's my opinion. If you're offended by the culture and religions here then go back to your own country or just respect other people's religions and shut the hell up.
  25. I never thought of using the controller in that way for racing games, if they do that then there shouldn't be anything to worry about there.
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