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The Peeps

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About The Peeps

  • Birthday 09/27/1988

Personal Information

  • Interests
    Gaming, music, comedy


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    All of the above
  • Other Systems Owned
    Xbox 360, PS4
  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Zelda: OoT / Super Mario World
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

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  • 3DS Friend Code
  • Nintendo Network ID
  • Wii Console Number
    6489 2089 5787 0033
  • Xbox Live Username
    The Peeps17
  • Steam ID

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  1. I should be able to turn up for the day
  2. Thanks for all the input guys. I do want a switch and I know I'll end up getting one eventually so I think I will go down the route of trading in/selling my Wii U to help keep costs down. The real thing holding me back was the price. It's not that I think it's overpriced but that I was trying to justify spending all that money on a console I wasn't sure about. I like the increased portability with the switch and there are a couple of games I'm interested in (Fast RMX and Arms). Oh and I already have a PS4 :p
  3. So, I've been thinking about whether or not I want a switch and the main draw at the moment is Breath of the Wild. This game is of course available on Wii U so my first question is really: what benefit is there for getting it on Switch instead of Wii U? My second question is: besides BotW, what games are currently out that are worth getting? I will accept games that are due to be released within the next month too. I like the concept of the Switch but I don't want another Wii U situation. I will mostly be using the Switch as a single player although I'll have a few opportunities for multi-player action too. Is it worth getting now or should I wait for more games and a price drop? Is it worth the money now?
  4. I backed it but I've held off playing any of the toybox so I can go in fresh. If I were getting the Nintendo... whatsitcalled.. I'd definitely switch to that version.
  5. Or hopefully at least one episode with good writing.
  6. Maybe try and confirm everything first, it seems like there's a lot of "I'm not sure/I don't believe him" in there. You need to know for sure where you're allowed to park really.
  7. I just use my phone browser and it's generally fine
  8. "To Rummy. May this phone bring you many years of- D'OH!"
  9. The whole lot is overpriced and I've felt Nintendo have been lacking since half way into the Wii's lifespan. I can wait for Zelda (or can always get the Wii U version if not) so I'll probably get one around Christmas if there's a decent price drop and a couple more games I want (also at cheaper prices).
  10. Donated 11 pounds
  11. Can't find it in the list to put it in my avatar to the left so here it is: Falco_Peeps
  12. Well tbh it's mainly overwatch being better to be played as a group lol but there are a few games here and there even back from the PS3 that I've been interested in. It's coming with Drive Club, Uncharted 4 and Rachett and Clank. I'll give each one a bit of a go but I'll probably trade them in lol. Never had a playstation before so there's a big catalogue of exclusives to look through!

  13. Yeah MilaGi said you play it quite a bit on PC so I was jokingly thinking we'd coax you over to the PSN side - didn't think it'd actually happen though! Hopefully you get on with on console; having the company will help I imagine! Anyhow I see you're in the whatsapp now so you'll pick us up from there! What else you going for PS4 wise, and what spurred the decision to purchase(other than just the tight black friday deals)?

  14. I've had it on PC since release but I keep seeing you guys talking about it on facebook and I got a decent deal on a ps4 today. I'll be trading in a couple of games and getting overwatch tomorrow so can add you then :D

  15. Peepsworth! I was going to joke to MilaGi(I think) to pester you into getting a PS4 and OW and joining the console master race but he informs me you quite possibly already have?!!? Get me added up on PSN - Rumdumcious and get someone to get you in on the Bro-verwatch whatsapp group!!


    Unless this is all just a cruel joke. Then I'll go cry in the corner instead :'(.

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