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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. This is going to annoy me so much now, i had a program that did the first one a few months back but can't remember what it was called! I'll get back to you
  2. As with the Mac thread, try to keep most Vista stuff in here. This is more for general Vista talk than tech problems etc, they're better in there individual threads (more noticable)
  3. Talk the latest phones in here guys. Try to put iPhone stuff here too, people don't want to troll through masses of Mac talk for a snippet of iPhone info
  4. Nah Takeo, theres no problem with Mac stuff in other threads. Just use you're judgement. To pull an example out of the hat, there was a thread a while back about Voice Recognition in Windows Vista. Comparing it to Voice Recognition in OS X would be OK, but belittling Vista wouldn't. I actually think that a discussion about different OS's should happen, it's just there wasn't a lot of real discussion going on. As i've said i'll be making a new thread at some point. I want it to go down the lines of the Browser Guide and other similar threads, comparatively the Mac vs Windows thread was getting out of hand I'll add seperate threads for iPhone discussion and any others that people want too, some stuff is appealing to too wide an audience to be stuck in this thread.
  5. They only cost about £6.50. You profiteering?
  6. EDIT: heh, looks like Jasper posted some of the stuff i PM'd him. Firstly i never threatened to lock this thread. I did however threaten to ban people from it (although i haven't, yet). Secondly, from when i locked the Mac vs PC thread i was going to start a new OS thread but i was waiting until all this had died down. I don't want the new thread taking off how the old thread and the recent posts in this one left off I definitely will not be unlocking the Mac vs Windows thread. I might start a new thread, it all depends now on how things go over the next few days P.S. Say what you like about me, attack me if you like. I won't ban you or delete you're posts for that. What i do object to is people cluttering up useful threads with this crap. I will ban and delete posts if it keeps the thread from veering wildly off-topic. I've restored the deleted posts but if this carries on i will start deleting/banning
  7. Kingdom of Heaven is my favourite film ever! Make sure you see the director's cut version though, its the version that Ridley Scott wanted to release before Fox decided the film was "too long of cinema audiences" and made him cut a lot out! The DC makes more sense than the theatrical release Oh, and im really, really hyped for this game!
  8. Shadowrun! (no im not going to shut up about this game :p)
  9. That is one ugly browser (in Windows)
  10. Anyone up for some Gears co op? Not played the single player much yet (think i completed Act 1, not sure) Either that or a bit of Shadowrun
  11. I've been thinking this sinse the thread was made but didn't lock because im expecting a lot of backlash. Meh, time to grow a pair of balls *Locked* If this starts seeping into other threads then i'll start banning users from said threads. Any problems with this then PM me EDIT: There seems to be a bit of confusion as to why i locked this thread. The thread was set up in the first place to remove the Mac vs Windows flaming from other threads. It's done that and people have had the chance to say their piece. Now the conversation is pretty much moving around in circles. I agree that there have been some very good posts in here but the majority is just flaming and spam. I asked people to PM me if they have a problem with me locking this. I've had 2 PMs and only one was to complain. Give me a good reason to unlock this thread and i will. What i am not away to do is unlock the thread so it can carry on in the direction it was going.
  12. Thats because Mac users have no sense of humour. Why else would people buy off the strength of the Mitchell and Webb adds instead of laughing and carrying on with their lives? As above
  13. It "Just Works" on PC too. Only difference is more things "Just Work" on PC. I already know im gonna get shot down for this but tbh i don't care. I know im right and i know the mac boys will just fire PR back at me. OS X has a good UI, nice looking hardware and good compatability with a small list of hardware/software. It lacks in just about every other field. The question is never "What can a Mac do that a PC can't?" but "What can a PC do that a Mac can't?" There isn't one. It's the same thing every time anyone sees a fault in OS X. All we get back is either spin from the freelance PR departmanet that are Mac fans or else no reply.
  14. Yeah, as Tellyn says: (GAMERTAG)(/GAMERTAG) (square brackets in place of round) with someones tag in the middle produces: Just tested it and theres no limit (or its over 100, didn't test very high)
  15. When compare to the PC you really don't get a lot of choice on a Mac. Theres little choice in OS. Little choice in hardware. Little choice in 3rd party apps. And little choice in compatable peripherals. (all comparitively to other OS' of course) Thats one ofthe downsides of owning a Mac :wink:
  16. Vista Home Premium cost me £60.
  17. nice work! looks a lot better like that!
  18. The answer on this forum is only going to go one way; 360 1. Cheaper 2. Great bundle packs available 3. Loads of great titles out. 4. Loads of great titles coming out. 5. Live is the best online service ever! 6. You get to play online with us lot (im not sure if this is a good thing or not?)
  19. It would be a good thing for the OS; it'd lower prices and increase visibility. The user base would increase a lot quicker and it would sort problems with hardware compatibility and upgradibility From Apples perspective though this would loose them a lot of money in hardware sales; they have a monopoly at the moment and can set prices wherever they like.
  20. Buy it Ash! You know you want to! Never played the Xbox Morrowind but 360 Oblivion is an improvement over PC Morrowind so it *should* be better than Morrowind on Xbox
  21. Good post. I'm not anti-Apple. I'm even considering OS X for my next laptop but someone needs to argue the other side Dell et all are underpriced, but that comes from competition, something that i think OS X (not Apple) could do with
  22. Class and Race only have an effect on the speed you progress through the game. Obviously a Breton will increase in Magic faster than an Orc so you have to work for longer as an Orc to reach the high magic levels (and th reverse with blunt and etc skills) Birthsign makes a difference though so choose that one carefully Elf for me, love teleporting through a wall, stabbing someone in the back with the Katana, then teleporting back while they bleed out. Pretty much all i spend most games doing. Goes a bit wrong if theres a few Dwarves or an Antimagic generator though (been caught a few times)
  23. I don't think it is a fight over the regular consumer tbh. Despite the 'cool' advertising most Mac users are geeks, pure and simple. The Mac vs PC choice is moslty made by those with a good idea of what they are talking about; the rest either stay with their original OS or swap without realising there was much of a difference. I do get that you pay for the design and build quality, but the premium for that on Mac desktops is sickening. I posted a spec or 2 in this thread that basically put Macs in at double the price of their PC counterpart!
  24. What the Demo doesn't tell you is that you can Quick Cast. When you go to the Magic menu highlight the spell you want to cast and hit fire It improves the game a lot because you don't need to use up slots with spells like Resurect which are useless 90% of the time
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