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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. It doesn't. Saints row is a bit pants.
  2. The Only Living Boy In New York - Simon And Garfunkel. Next on my playlist is Once Upon A Cross - Deicide. I find that most amusing.
  3. The Bard


    I'm not excited, but I'm definately going to get it, because it looks brilliant. It's just not the kind of game I get excited about I suppose. Same kinda goes for Mass Effect.
  4. People say that I have a slightly American accent. Yorkshire accents really annoy me. Can't understand what they're saying most of the time.
  5. Finally started playing DOA4 properly. It's a bit shit. Very very shallow. It gets repetitive and tedious, and it's mainly just a button masher with a boring fighting system and all of the moves are ridiculously easy to pull off. Counter system is lame too. 5/10. Gonna trade it in next time I go to town.
  6. It's not emotive, it's overly melodramatic, to the point of being hilarious. Real people do not act like that, and the only people taken in by it are idiots and teenage girls. It's not even remotely powerful, it's piss weak exploitive shit, not worthy of being called music. It's funny because it's blatantly fake. I'm in a wierd mood lately. I'm downloading The Best of Simon and Garfunkel. Slightly out of character. I don't care what anyone says though, they're great.
  7. England, you're being a fucking tit (that actually sounds brilliant). Knock it off. As for My Name Is Earl, I've only seen a couple of ep's but it's pretty funny in it's own way. Not one of the best programs, but a damn sight better than most of the shit on TV these days.
  8. I really can't wait for VF5. So excited for it . One question: Does it have online play?
  9. That looks horrible. Urgh.
  10. I still reckon Crazy Taxi is my favourite arcade game of all time. One time I was at the arcade in the Trafford centre, I spent at least 5 hours trying to get the top score on that game. I got to no. 4. Was awesome.
  11. Man you have a way of talking out your arse. All the hands on impressions said that it was pretty shallow. God of War is an amazing, AAA game. You can't say a demo looked like the equivalent to one of the best games of last generation.
  12. Wii sports praised for it's unique art style? It's one of the worst looking games I've ever played. It didn't get praised for that at all, it got praised for the way it played.
  13. Anyone know of any fansubs for the OVA? I wanna watch it. bit I don't know a word of Japanese...
  14. I think he's wrong because people will continue to make games for Wii and I think it'll continue to sell well. I agree with him on the point that Wii is ridiculously out dated, it barely does things that consoles last generation could do well. Get the online system together Nintendo, and then you'll have a surefire winner...until then, I'll stick to my 360.
  15. Yeah. It's only because you're looking at it from different angles. That's pretty much the Varia suit from Prime.
  16. Does anyone want to do a bit of Gears on Coop with me on Insane?
  17. Nooo...Life is too short not to have people crap themselves at the mere sight of you.
  18. If someone pisses me off, I can really hold a grudge for a long, long time. But if someone comes to admit they were wrong, apologise and make amends, then I'll forgive them no worries. I don't see the point in just forgiving people as a virtue, and there are some things I can't imagine ever forgiving someone for.
  19. I'm not telling you what to think, but my opinion is equally as important as yours. You hypocritical pigs get up in arms when I say what I think, when I'm not attacking your opinion, I'm just stating mine. Soul Calibur is in it's own way just as good as Tekken. I'm just saying that Tekken is deeper, and can be played in different ways. Soul Calibur is just a lot more accessible than Tekken is or ever will be, it's easier to get great at that game, because in SC the moves are simple and easy to pull off. Some moves in Tekken are really really difficult to do, and other than that, the mechanisms of the two games aren't all that different. I like Tekken better because the difference between an experienced person and a n00b is much bigger than in Soul Calibur, which like DOA is one of those games where someone can come in and just mash buttons and do well unless the other person really knows how to play well.
  20. Yeah, I was getting to that . Frou Frou are brilliant, I got into Imogen Heap through Details...she's really talented. Haha...checked my iPod and Let Go by Frou Frou is my 25th most played song o_0.
  21. I'm sorry, am I supposed to give a shit about what you think? If it's an opinion I'm ok with it, like if someone said that they liked SC better than Tekken. But people here are clearly talking bullshit about it being faster or whatever... Also: I think I'll do whatever the hell I want. Fuck you.
  22. Pace? Fuck off. Soul Calibur is shit slow compared to Tekken, you need ridiculous reaction times to be able to play it competitively. I'm sick and tired of people chatting out their arse about things they clearly know bull dinkie about. http://youtube.com/watch?v=RrVasfRLVBQ&mode=related&search= Soul Calibur is a brilliant fighting franchise, but Tekken, SF and VF is where it's at for competition fighting.
  23. Haha, does it fuck. Tekken has quite a bit more depth than Soul Calibur. Soul Calibur is just a bit flashier, which is why people like it so much. Tekken > Soul Calibur.
  24. Dooo eeet naaaaw!
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