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Everything posted by Caris

  1. Caris


    Let's make one, who's in?
  2. I didn't really get my 3DS was just hoping I would get everyone's hopes up haha.
  3. Guess who just got their 3DS!
  4. Got a call from HMV before saying they have my console in ready for the midnight launch on Friday!
  5. I'll try and find the article I read, it was a while back now though.
  6. Haha ok then.
  7. I'm sorry but that is total rubbish, it's been physically proven in tests that the iPhone has the most accurate touch screen that's ever been shipped. Also going by the posts just above it looks like with the brightness half way, 3D on and WIFI on were going to get around 2-3 hours use. Which is exactly what I said months ago. As much as I love the console, that battery life is shit.
  8. So with brightness max, WIFI on, 3D max etc you get 4 hours of playing a retail game? If that's the case I'm extremely happy but it does go against all the other reviews I've read.
  9. I told you but no one would listen... I don't know how N-E gave it 10/10 either. It's a very good console but the battery life, still lacking online system and a few other things makes it far from perfect.
  10. Just Google fragmentation.
  11. What sort of dip? Framerate or something else? Also on SSFIV are you forced to play with that horrible camera angle in the 3D mode or can you change it?
  12. Dyson, do you notice a drop in visuals when you toggle between 3D and 2D?
  13. It would be you to ask something like that...
  14. Is Dead or Alive a launch title?
  15. Nexus S is definitely the best Android phone at the moment.
  16. I started drinking Bells and Diet Coke just for the record. Diet Coke obviously has very few calories in and any Scottish whiskey is fairly decent also.
  17. Yeah you're not gonna get a better deal than the refurbs right now.
  18. Widgets eat battery life and slow down performance too. Total waste of space at this point in time on phones imo.
  19. Getting pretty excited for launch now, just thought I'd share that.
  20. I played on one today at Game, got to say I was very impressed. Didn't play games just messed around with the AR cards, camera etc. I was really impressed with the 3D effect, it's just like a 3D except no glass are needed!
  21. Keep it up!
  22. Er, I'm sorry for mentioning my girlfriend a few times in like 5 weeks or whatever...
  23. The fact that Counter Strike is so simple and it's been going over a decade must say something.
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