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Everything posted by Ysm

  1. GAME are telling their stores they don't have to stock GC stuff if they need the space for the 360. My store has kept it though because with some of the more recent high profile releases GC sales have seen a significant rise... Particularly good sellers in the past week or two have been GUN, Mario football and dancemat and shadow the hedgehog.
  2. Shame too, I wouldn't have minded it...
  3. 1. Resi 4 2. Mario Kart Double Dash 3. Super Mario World 4. Mario 64 5. Star Wars Rouge Squadon III: Rebel Strike
  4. I know for a fact it is. I get to play a hell of alot of games through work and have seen all three console versions of the game running and the PS2 is far and away the worst. And how can King Boo say it has average graphics? Show me one game that isnt Resi 4 that looks this nice. It's a shame that someone with a name as cool as "King Boo" would say such a thing!
  5. It is a lot better than the PS2 version, I've seen them both running. Also the controls feel more natural on the GC. The PS2 control sticks are sturdy enough for the battering they get in this game, its much harder to keep a steady aim. Please dont refrain from buying this game cause of the retards at NGC, it really really really deserves to be bought by everyone with a cube. Although whoever said they wanted it for Xbox 360 is right. When I get an Xbox I'm so buying it again.
  6. I'd avoid the PS2 version, apparently its buggy as hell. I'd get it for PC if I were you.
  7. Absolutely fucking fantastic. I honestly can't reccomend this game enough. If you like western films you will enjoy it even more! It's really well thought out, has some nice touches, and is one of the graphically best games on the cube too. Decent story as well.
  8. Seeing the review scores from the latest issue I couldn't disagree more.
  9. I know why I never bought NGC now, their reviews are terrible. I've been playing GUN almost nonstop since I got it on Wednesday and I'd say its one of the best GC games thats been released. 62 for it? They must have been smoking some whacky baccy to get that score. Fucking muppets. I've played both of Call of Duty and Shadow and both games are better than their previous franchise outings. I'm gonna miss Cube.
  10. I bought the last issue of CUBE today, out of respect. It seems to have been quite a sudden decision as they are still advertising the next issue. It's doubly ashame, as next months issue actually looks quite good. Oh well. Bye CUBE. **holds a minutes silence**
  11. Any good? It's £20 deal of the week at GAME and with staff discount I get it for 14 quid. I dont want to waste 14 of my hard earned pounds however, so, I want some of your impressions. I downloaded the demo which would barely run on my machine (and I know that it isnt my machine that is the problem, I run stuff like doom 3, Half life 2 without any problems at all). So i cant go by the demo. Opinions?
  12. Erm if you had read my first post you would have seen that I have just completed it. Thank you for your input though. The more I play Dawn Of War however the more I want to cry about the money wasted.
  13. Just for added input, I buy alot of books from Play.com and I noticed that twice now I have bought books for more than twenty pounds and both times the books have arrived DHL next day delivery. Whether or not they would do this for a PSP I don't know but it is something else to consider. But on other items I have never waited more than 3 days for a delivery from Play.com (as long as they had an item in stock of course).
  14. It's not so much the point that you didn't like it, it is what the magazine stands for and what it means to Nintendo. When there are so many other magazines for PS2 and Xbox and GC has so few, its a crying shame when one of them have to end.
  15. HHMMNN This gets me thinking, Why don't we have a Handheld gaming magazine, I'm sure there is a market for one. One that covers GBA, DS, PSP and to whatever extent they deem neccesary, Gizmondo. I only read Edge for the interesting articles and, well, its a well designed magazine, the best out there. It just looks damn pretty and everytime I see it I have to buy it! GamesTM never appealed to me in the slightest. I bought it once to see what it is like and never really enjoyed it.
  16. In the age of the internet I doubt we will have many gaming magazines in the near future...
  17. Game and Gamestation have both been told 18th for sonic rush.
  18. I miss my Dreamcast.... God damn Sony, The death of SEGA consoles is something I still mourn to this very day. THEIR DEATH WILL BE AVENGED!
  19. AVOID Guild Wars. It's free for a reason, it's terrible. It has all the depth of a puddle. And ever character has to wear a gay cape. Not a cool Batman style cape. A gay cape that you would expect to see Dale Winton wearing.... Also the Everquest games are crap. Star Wars Galaxies is good and from what I've heard WOW is far and away the best. Not played it though.
  20. I've got it. If you have played Spider-Man 2 you will be disappointed as it has been much simplified. But if you haven't then it is worth getting as you will probably enjoy the freedom in the gaming world. It is short and some of the bosses are unfairly difficult. All in all, I don't regret buying it, playing as Venom is some of the best fun I have got out of my GC. However it isnt the most satisfying game ever and is full of annoying bugs. Spider-Man 2 is much superior and seen as you could get that for like £15 from GAME I reccomend you get that.
  21. I just finished Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War, and after hearing how poor the expansion pack is (apparently the new units are ridiculously over-powered), I'm looking for my next fix of real time strategy goodness. I have Star Trek Armada 2 which I love to bits but have completed and I have Command and Conquer Generals but I have yet to play it. I was looking for reccomendations from you guys, what do you like? I'm not interested in online play, just single player. I'm hearing good things about Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, is it any good? Any other reccomendations? Let the discussion begin!
  22. If it is goona be a revolution title (which it isn't) then that would involve so much work and would result in a huge backlash for Nintendo. Even they aren't crazy enough to try that...
  23. Anybody have XIII? Is it worth a purchase? cause it is a fiver at GAME and I'm tempted....
  24. I have heard that its reasonable, but nothing fantastic. I still have a preorder for it though and I love western films so I'm still gonna get it none the less.
  25. On the gamecube page of Gamefaqs.com it has Gun as being released on the 25th, instead of the 11th like it was supposed to. Has it been delayed or have they just made a mistake? I hope not, as that means Gun, Mario Kart DS and Sonic Rush all out on the same day. I have preorders for all three!
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