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Everything posted by Shenlong

  1. been a while since i posted on here but if there was ever a good reason ( i need friends) 4954 3513 5843 1126
  2. February 2007.....oh my lord, i hope Naruto fails now. How the hell do they expect me to resist the manga til then. Surely not February....i mean we're on 192 now thats like 30 weeks. No way, that's too much time for them to ruin the storyline. Something just seems wrong bout it though, i'll hold onto my blind faith that 200 is where the new season will start - if it doesn't the anime can just piss off i'll just go read the mangas.
  3. Isn't Sega doing the Wii version of Bleach?
  4. It's cos we play better when a team attacks us cos then using our midfield we can make proper counters, but we struggle to do anything when they just sit there. I think we'll see that more at the knockout stages, i'm not too worried, i mean just cos Brazil played lame against Croatia doesn't mean they're out the game.
  5. Are they defo making a new Narnia film? I think i'll reserve judgement about the quality of this years films til i see the new Pirates and Superman. But that being said i have been quite disappointed with what i've actually gone to see so far. There are still some films i've got to see though, i want to see that that one with Ryan whatever his name is where its about people after college working who meet friends who've left college and started actual careers. Meant to be a comedy - so i'm going to have to check that out - plus the cast sounds like it'd be funny.
  6. Yeah Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the original Omen (yet to see the remake) scared the absolute shit out of me, as well as Poltergeist but that's cos i was so young when they showed us that in primary school. I still remember it like it was yesterday - the girls screaming the guys pretending not to be scared but seriously shitting themselves....then not going to sleep for like 2/3 nights consecutively. Bar Texas Chainsaw Massacre i can't say a horror movie has really scared me in the last few years - but that being said i don't watch too many (possibly traumatised) , but out of the ones i've seen thats the only one to really creep me out. The old man.....*shudders*
  7. Bleach fillers are no where near as bad though, in fact i think by the looks of it Bleach is coming close to seeing the fillers end. I read somewhere that the bleach filler arc would only be 22 episodes (and there was like a point where bleach went trigger happy with hour specials - heck there was just one yesterday), so with any luck what i read was true and give or take 3 episodes we'll back to aizen. Naruto though....now that's just disheartening - these guys are singly handedly making everyone just look retarded and stupid again - making shino laugh....i don't care if it was a jutsu or whatever the hell it was - there was no need for it at all.
  8. I think they were saying thursday is forecasted as rain, so hopefully the team won't have to stress about the heat bringing them down in the game. Either way i just want to see them well, i don't really mind as such when we lose - its just when we lose because we're not gelling or working well as a unit. The match against Jamaica was amazing i mean granted they were poor that day, but seeing us finally pull through together like that was lifting, even if we only got one goal as long as we played consistently well i would honestly not have cared even if the pundits said we should have gotten 6. That was my one quarrel about the paraguay match in this heat we're meant to hold the ball and keep possession but that wasn't the case, and for our sake in the future i hope we've finally seen now how vital it is to do that.
  9. QFT, when i read the thread title i was just like it's not that old a film to actually be remade. Or when they say remade do they mean remade to be put out in cinemas in the US and UK? I'm never really saw BR in cinema listings around here, so forgive the naivety.
  10. Completely forgot bout Neji even though he's my fav genin, but that being said all the guys from Naruto have their moments - kakashi and gai are too other great characters. Mugan from Samurai Champloo was my fav dude from that show, still got to get the last 3 episodes from my mate on that note. Always liked Kenshin and Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X). Hmmmm, yeah i really can't pick - nearly all male protaganists in the shows i watch are just cool from the go, so i can't really pick after more people where bought to my attention.
  11. So hard to pick Guy: Uchiha Itachi from Naruto or Kuchiki Byakuya from Bleach Girl : Mai from Mai Hime or Inoue from Bleach Really i can't pick at all cos i tend to think all main characters in animes are cool, Heero and Duo and the rest from Gundam Wing, Athrun from Gundam Seed, not to mention the outlaw star or cowboy bebop cast!
  12. I can get what the guy said about getting better making it less enjoyable, especially if your mates don't get better too. And as far as Smash Bros. goes now, we shunned that for the fourth naruto game, now that makes for some excellent fights that we couldn't get from smash bros, as fun as it was we played it to some ridiculous extent and as a result sapped it off all its fun, game fests just consist of Mario Kart and Naruto now.
  13. I think it looks like a blast and i'm torn over forking out a 360 now or closer to the date, i'm bored with current games (only got a PS2 and GC and no new games excite me on either consoles at the mo - waiting for okami), so i could do with a new console - but then none of the games seem to call out to me. The online aspect of the game is what really drew me it looks like it'd be great fun.
  14. I think the lock on thing is mainly for use with the grapple isn't it? Not that my word is golden or anything though, i don't really follow the Prime series (not after it turned FPS style cos unfortuantely i get motion sickness although blatantly i'll have to see if i've passed that phase when this gets released).
  15. Yeah seeing as SMB:Brawl is no longer a launch they said that this would be. That's a ridiculous launch line up though. I don't even know what i'm going to do....whats that student loan? you want to help me out - well if you insist. Although i just read over at IGN that Miyamota can't promise Mario as a launch title, but it'll be out within the first 6 months. I personally think Mario has to be launched with the console, especially if the pad is designed around the game, i'd like it to be the first game i play on the console really.
  16. I thought the game looked amazing, i personally can't wait for that looks so promising, can't wait to see what these new moves the remote can offer look like.
  17. There's still another Nintendo secret though to be fair. Hopefully with that coupled in it'll just make the PS3's attempt to match the revo just seem futile. And if it's big enough there's no way Sony can add it in time for November, so if they do reveal it and there's a delay suddenly for the PS launch we all know why. I agree with most people's comment on the tilt sensor though, it seems more of a gimmick on the ps pad like they added it for the sake of it, and not like it's the sole selling factor of it.
  18. I don't think it'll matter to them, cos if he does get his lip pierced they'd probably just put him back at where he was. I honestly have no idea what i'd do in your position. I mean if i didn't really like it all that much i'd probably just try and find a job elsewhere, not really sure.
  19. Speaking of the fillers the star arc ended (finally) on the last episode. And just as i thought that was the end of the fillers (as they were meant to end a few episodes back), it turns out they have fillers lined up til episode 186... on top of that some people are talking about the possibility of another season of fillers. I'm coming close to breaking now and just reading the mangas....but then that'll take away all the surprise of the anime show. So as a result i've resorted to reading the bleach mangas up to its current point, seeing as i rinsed the naruto mangas up to the last point the show stopped at. But they need to hurry up, can't wait for the new season.
  20. What games are these then? Please i beg we get naruto....thats the one thing that will make me defo get the console, a GNT 5, even though the new series aint started yet...it'd be nice for them to announce its still being planned or somethin.
  21. Right now this is the only thing getting at me in life, well and some family matters. But this one girl who thinks friends are for her utilisation and that only, has been screwing at us cos we only visited her once at uni - when the damn cow hasn't even visited me once and she's been in my area a hell of a lot more then i've been in hers. Silly bitch is going to get a backhand....and even when i went to the cow's uni (me and a few mates bombed her room for a week plus) we didnt have a single convo and actually didn't even chat to each other. People like that piss me off, cos she's in love with her ex who's my best mate...and the only time she chooses to chat to me is when she wants to cry and pretend that the world's out to get her and bitch about my mate (of 14+ years). This and another few friend's has me seething at the teeth with a red evil aura that seems to linger close to me at all times.
  22. Has anyone been following Fate Stay Night out of curiousity, or Blood+ they're too serie's i'm currently following as well. Just waiting for damn Naruto to hurry the hell up and end those disgraceful fillers....i mean fillers are always lame but those ones that they're churning out are just down right ridiculous. Bleach is back on May 2nd too right?
  23. Had an ideal night out the other day at Wanstead for my mate's sister's 24th, was hilarious nice mixture of people 4 of my close mates all about 18-19 then 5/6 of his sis' mates all at the pub from about 8 til about 12 or 1 in the mornin just drinking/joking/rinsing/flirting the night away (some of his sis' mates were hot previous miss phillipines for london - yay!). Then we went back to the birthday girls house to smoke chill and jam out. Which usually ends up being followed by hours of laughter. 5am take a cab home and straight into bed with just boxers and one sock off one sock on. That was a rare and pleasant night out. Usually we walk the streets til we can go sit and play GC at someone's house.
  24. lol good times dabooker, definately going to have to watch it again this year though. Gamespot it is, or whichever one booker is using!
  25. I personally loved this as it goes, however madagascar....that's another story the fact i fell asleep says it all and i never fall asleep in movies, i mean the one redeeming quality was the penguins and its like the minute my brain got enough of them it just switched off.
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