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Everything posted by Shenlong

  1. yo mike i'm on that need some more people for firefight i'll add you i'm scooba87
  2. Had a mate kill himself this summer, and whilst a few year agos i'd have callously sucide is for "pussies", i think like so many people have said its easy to just jump straight to that conclusion when we don't really think about all the memories of people we're just shitting over. My mate was proper popular had mates back at home and tons at uni and was pretty sound, so was a complete shock when he did it. I think Rammy's made some good points i suppose at the end of the day we don't feel that trapped feeling of having your back right up against the wall - maybe it's one reason we're all still here. But at his funeral the parents (through maybe trying to ease the pain of his departure) was talking about how he wanted to know who he truly was, and they felt he found this out and so had closure in his life, i mean who knows how true that is but he did leave a note for them. But we also have to remember just cos our life may be reasonably kosher right now, life has a pretty ridiculous spectrum so maybe some people at the end of the day just don't get the chance to enjoy it. But that being said i'll never condone it and i'm still kinda hurt that a) we never saw his pain and couldnt even see it coming and, b) he did it in such a manner and put his family through so much pain that i find hard to forgive.
  3. I know you're not meant to resort to violence so easily, but i'd love to wail on that punk. I love the bit where he goes "i don't know if you know anything bout japanese culture - but i'm an expert". This game looks insane i'm glad its on the 360 got no plans for a ps3 for a while.
  4. QFT i read somewhere else on the thread bout how stoned idiots is the last thing you want for humanity progressing or something, somehow a world full of people who care about celebs/tv/games is hardly anything that really pushes the frontier of humanity. Not saying whoever it was is like that or anything. And as for legalising weed if they did it i'd probably stop smoking it all together - its easy enough to get ripped off by chiefy dealers, last thing you want is tax and such added on top. Might be able to monitor it quite well in that way too.
  5. Hmmm, seems an appropriate thread - had one of the most painful days today, 3rd day of my 4 day exam run, and pretty much messed up completely...got to start revisin for tomorrow's one which will probably be just as annoying. All in all crap day today and probably a few more miserable ones in store!
  6. Well firstly isn't it bad to be hitting the gym before a certain age? But as for gym in terms of PE i think it should be mandatory. I was never one for PE at secondary school as i was quite chubby back in those days but it never stopped me from having fun with my mates in the lessons. Fundamentally though how on earth do you think we can tackle this whole obesity problem if we don't give them the time of day to run about and kill off some calories when they're at school. All in all i reckon it's just important to let people know about fitness, and let them pick what they want to do with their lives afterwards. And maybe healthy eating should be taught in conjunction.
  7. Got to agree with hellfire, i thought the animation was actually pretty cool. I mean for an hour special where they're not gonna start the fight, it's the least they owed us. The staring bit was so stupid though, but its to be expected from the animators by now. Still that staring bit was nowere near as long (or irrelevant) as some of the moments from Bleach (anyone remember Yoroichi just sat there eating after her fight with the big espada).
  8. I'm willing to accept that you're just joking with that line (and the whole Haku being a girl thing), but couldn't help but see some irony in it considering you got 'diarrhoea is fun' plastered in big pink letters as your sig.
  9. When your pregnant? ! If i've learnt anything from this thread it's that expecting women can piss freely on the world before God plays his little joke on them.
  10. Definately did enjoy the last episode and need to check up on the manga too seeing as i didn't get a fix last weekend. This is the one arc in naruto left that can truly surprise me as i didn't read diddly squat of the manga. I just liked the way they introduced everyone again thought there were some funny little moments in there, like the sulking shino.
  11. Alright guys i have a vague idea of something being wrong with my wii, but i just want to see what you guys think. I was playing some super paper mario yesterday when all of a sudden all the lights and anything plugged into the sockets just turned off for a minute. Everything else is still working except for the wii. Any ideas of what i can do seeing as i only got it at christmas, or somewhere i can go to check out whats actually wrong with it.
  12. I found that to be the case with for a lot of my mates who hadn't seen the anime, for those who had we had to explain what was going on. The whole music point you made is another reason that anime's tend to have a bit more atmosphere at least over the manga. Also on a side note just wanted to see if anyone knew or heard when the next Tales of Symphonia episode is out.
  13. Have you ever owned those ‘special’ socks that are cut off below the ankle to make it look like you aren’t wearing any?... are ankle socks chavvy?! I'm learning some new (and pretty stupid imo) things on this quiz. Have you ever worn white stilettos? I'm right in assuming this is for females then... 15% wannabe chav, dubbed with the name Jaycey-Jared Marshall.
  14. As is the case with most people by the sounds of it, when it comes to pre-meditated flirting it never really comes off properly, but that 'natural flirting' crap as it's been described to me now appears to be my trump card. It's just a pity i can't seem to pull the trigger when i really want to.
  15. I'm loving the shippuden series now that it's really get cracking, anyone been reading the manga? I haven't but i've heard one thing from the 2nd arc after the one currently airing, and i can't wait it's just a pity its so far off, i don't know whether i have the will to resist until then...
  16. Fairly short though (i'm talking about the bouncer), it looked amazing when they were first showing the PS2 off, and i mean don't get me twisted was fun to play, but if i recollect correctly very short, but probably worth picking up at a lower price, i think there was a 2 player mode too.
  17. Is it an one hour special? anyone know if bleach is going to start this fortnightly thing now then?
  18. Oh yeah i forgot how far behind they are. But a Wii naruto 3/4 eh that sounds quite interesting.
  19. Is this just the Shipuuden game out already do you know? I've been hearing mixed things about that game now, i hope the next one fixes the supposed 'flaws' of the game (if there is to be one).
  20. I love art and am currently doing a Maths degree, i love maths (when i can understand it, so far uni maths has been quite the prick to me having studied no further maths or anything at A-level, plus wasting away over my gap year). I just want to get this degree and get out. As for what am i becoming, all i do know is i don't want to let my life become all about maths, one year studying the subject by itself has made that evident to me.
  21. Hasn't the 5 stars a day thing always been there? I thought you were talkin about setting it as the homepage on the wii not sure why but i thought something cool could happen. Guess i jumped the gun. How exactly are the star points being integrated with the wii points though has that been clarified yet?
  22. About the Naruto manga's could someone please pm me somewhere where i could find them when they got the time (or post it here if it's allowed i'm not really sure). No Naruto this week that has me gutted, but Bleach seems to be starting to kick off now with what looks like Ikkaku's prime time fight, can't wait to see Hitsugaya either - even though he's a kid (and 100+ or whatever years old) - he's one cool mofo. Give me Zaraki Kenpachi gotta love his reckless nature, can't blame him though if i had that kinda power you'd all definately know about it.
  23. The Final Fantasy 7 boss music was and probably will be my favorite boss music (can't really recall the 12 one or 8 one didn't play 9-11). 7 and 8 were great games the lead males were nice and cold hearted (well), i'm still taking a while to break into 12 the battle system has split my judgement on the game, when i can beat an enemy i love it but when they're too tough it really makes me hate the game. I play in active too so when i'm losing things are going proper crazy. But Lady Ashe though....*woof woof* i'd fight to the death for that mini skirt....i mean her.
  24. Haven't posted in a while but meh. I can't handle my skinny girls i keep having this thought run through my mind that too much pressure exerted on them could snap em in two, but it's the same for the chunky la funkies if they exert too much pressure on me - bye bye shenlong. About that show i saw the adverts (and Louise Redknapp....yummy - jamie redknapp doesn't know how good he's got it) but never got around to watching it. This country seems to be in one confused state our kids are gettin obese and our women are doing the polar opposite - we'll be one funny lookin nation in the future, on a side note did you guy's see those 8-15 year olds who weighed some ludicrous amount? I mean i don't really know how far the parent's are to blame on this and all but if i have a kid and see him ballooning i know i'll be taking him/her to the park under the guise of 'fun' and run them silly.
  25. Goddamn it if i don't get that naruto game i don't know what i'll do. I hope to god that we get a Wii freeloader - but i'm tempted to get a Jap Wii in case that dream never comes into fruition. And like Shadow said i don't even know if we'll get it here, i mean where are they up to in the anime now here last time i watched the preliminaries hadnt even finished...there may be hope if the fillers are neglected (they were poor enough in japanese god save us from the dubbed version).
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