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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Dyson's turning into his avatar. Nerdy, really popular with girls for some reason, dating a girl that's totally into him while being interested in another girl... Hey, it all worked out for Scott Pilgrim in the end.
  2. What I find the most amazing about this whole thing isn't that a couple of people have accused you of being a pedophile, but that you actually need to do damage control. No disrespect intended, but what kind of friends do you have on Facebook if their opinion of you is that easily swayed? Just laugh it off instead of making a big deal out of it. When people say mean things about me that aren't true, I tell my Facebook friends about it and we all have a good laugh about it.
  3. Eh, I already bought everything I wanted from last night's spammer. Sorry, Jago.
  4. Moogle is very flexible, apparently.
  5. After all this talk about skinning people, all I can think is how you'd probably like to eat his eyes.
  6. Wait, he's not? Man, I misunderstood this whole conversation.
  7. You mean you'd skin him and wear his skin as a suit? That's taking things a bit far, I think.
  8. Forget cats - would you skin Danny for him?
  9. You know a lot about dildos.
  10. I thought Mean Girls was supposed to be surprisingly good? Hearing that Tina Fey wrote it just makes me want to watch it even more. Oh, right - Doctor Who. Never watched it.
  11. Congratulations on rotting ever older.
  12. In before Friday. vvv Ha! Suck it, Peeps!
  13. Well, we love you anyway, Ashley. Despite your many, many flaws.
  14. You said that your fictional manliness was awesome, and I said that it's not. At least that's how I read your post. If that's not what you meant, then no, I guess I don't understand words. :p
  15. Like whatever the male equivalent to scissoring is. You know how you'll hear about something, and then you'll see it everywhere after that, even in places where you never saw it before? Scissoring has been like that to me. My poor delicate sensibilities. Just close your eyes? Not to say that I would say no.
  16. There is nothing awesome about Ashley's manliness. I think mummies/zombies may have problems... performing. Haha, I'm sure if Stephenie Meyer wrote a book about sponges, all the tweens would eat it up.
  17. Plus having seasons one to five in one box set and the other seasons in separate cases would look awful on your shelf. I approve.
  18. But will he be playing a hot zombie? :p Aww, it's like that How I Met Your Mother episode, where Ted's perfect match already had a boyfriend. But making new friends is always nice. Clearly a computer somewhere thinks the two of you have things in common, too.
  19. You mean she was hot. It must have felt good that she found you interesting and/or attractive, though. Now use that confidence and find a girl who's not taken. Or steal Dan's girlfriend. We've gone from vampires to zombies, so up next... mummies?
  20. Out of spite.
  21. Wait, why are you agreeing with stereotypes against women?
  22. Happy birthday, Eevil. Also, these guys. Whatever.
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