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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Alrighty, just finished watching Veronica Mars season 1 in a couple of days. It strikes a point somewhere between smallville, dexter and buffy as a teen drama series about a girl with kick-ass detective skills. I was going to go into this 'deeply', but I just wrote an incoherant web of tangled focus, so instead I'll say; I liked it. Some characters underused, some episodes too twisty. But the dialogue throughout is very morish, and after all it's just the first season so it's to be expected that you'll get a 45 minute episode relating entirely to individuals who will appear in about 6 minutes combined for the rest of teh season, whenever veronica needs aid. What happened to that foreign lady from teh PD in the first episodes? I never watched Harriett the Spy, but Veronica Mars is how I'd imagine Harriett would be for noir-afflicted teenagers. The season finale was fairly entertaining, if not a little odd to see Veronica so unsure of what's what. Of course, there are (at least?) two strings left to be tied up, so of course I need to get onto the next season - which I'm sure will have a more progressive arcing nature. 8/10. I might not have made it sound great or anything, but it is above average, smart and witty. Man I'm fucking tired.
  2. Well I'm going to be aiming to be there pretty early, so I suppose whatever time you think you can come, then do We don't have a specific place in the park to meet yet, but I'm sure we'll have some kind of signal/sign to let you know. That's pretty sensible, I'm sure we can sort that out closer to the date.
  3. Yeah I've played those other versions too but much prefer the scoring one. Well eddage understood :P It's not quite regular trumps, though.
  4. This weekend I buried a MOUSE, carved a cross onto a tree, made chili vodka, learned how to make two brand new mega-tasty dishes, got drunk and a bit stoned, andddd.... yeah. That's it.
  5. Gotta love the progressive smudging of the word "shorty" as the pics go on :P That ransome note is AWESOME! I had no idea you were doing that, roffles... Can I have it? yeah, I know you're like 5 metres away from me at the moment but...effort
  6. Aha! Just like queenie and Kings, 'cept with different cards out on the table. With kings you take the kings out of the deck and put them in teh middle, then each player puts a bet on one of the kings and another in a centre pot. Person to get rid of their cards (in the same manner as in newmarket) wins the main pot, but the money on the kings rolls over from game to game unless/until someone has played a queen to wint he king-pots :P Queenie is again teh same, but only two pots - main pot and a card pot -- during the deal, the dealer chucks a card face-down into the middle of the table, and at the end of the game (when someone's won the main pot) the card's turned over, and whoever had played the queen of that suit wins. Rummy; one version i've thought about is where players can swap cards in between the flop/turn/river with the deck, another is like that poker game on msn where you put tricks down -- but I don't like either enough to elaborate :P
  7. What's newmarket? Oh, and I kind of hate cheat :P Well I mean sure it's fun when you play it with drinks, but it's just a rubbish game :P Unline the other games, ye can't play too many games of cheat in a row.
  8. This thread made me cross my legs at the ankles. Normally I suppose I cross with ankle/knee rather than knee/knee, ankle/ankle or whatever. I, like aimless and others, like to tuck my legs up or under, or sit cross-legged like you did when you were a kid. What nightwolf said about sitting on a bus almost made me want to ask where everyone sits on busses, as clearly people head to the same general direction each time they get a bus... But I couldn't be bothered.
  9. 21, pontoon, vingt-e-un, blackjack.. I'm sure somebody'll tell me the finer differences between these... Simple games; begger your neighbour is quite an easy (if not dreadfully dull and devoid of any need for skill) game to play. I've come up with a prototype rummy/poker hybrid! I'd tell you how it plays, but then I'd have to charge you loyalty.
  10. What card games do you know? Over the last year I've picked up a few games from a few places, but my favourite game (and so far I've not failed to convert anyone with it) is called Niggly... Now, I don't know what it's really called but my grandparents taught me this game, and.. well, they taught me shithead under the name "Flush", so I've no idea where they get their ideas from. Niggly is a trump-based game where each round the number of cards in your hand goes up by one 'til it hits 7 cards, with no shuffling 'til then, then deal 7 down to 1 again. Players call on how many tricks they think they can take, bearing in mind they have to follow the first suit lead, that there's a trump suit every round, and the highest card wins. If they call correctly, they get a bunch of points. It's good! I promise you! If anyone's going to the meet-up I will be forcing you to play it. Shorty taught me Big 2 and Slam, and I know how to play brag, sevens, queenie (and kings), and these games (minus brag) are games we play most often. And poker, of course. So yeah, what games do you know? What would you recommend for 2-3 players?
  11. Made some chili vodka yesterday! My friend made chili gin (we wanted to use peppercorn for the gin, but were too lazy to go back out and find some) instead. Bird eye and finger chilli's so far. Didn't drain the vodka enough before I started putting the chilis in, so I had a couple of chili vodka and redbulls yesterday (well, just a hint, seeing as the chili's had only been infusing for about 5 minutes). Going to leave it sitting on my bookshelf, perhaps try a shot in a couple of weeks, but mainly leaving it 'til july/august sort of time (which will be pretty much a year after I'd originally planned on doing it ¬_¬). I'll probably make another bottle, too. We'll see.
  12. Coolness Bears - A Real Duck Shorty - Three People Playing Mouse Trap ... Bought that especially for the BISH. Xcore. ... For a comparison of our poses and those on the box :P Stefkov- Jesus "Nobody fucks with the Jesus" Tellyn - Giant Enemy Crab Oh Yes.
  13. ok I changed my mind - I want to be that guy from the village that LEAVES this crazy place.
  14. Watched six episodes of Veronica Mars last night :P Before that; played lots of card games, and learned how to make my usual pasta dish into something truly awesome thanks to my pal from brighton. Today = ducks, maybe snow, chili vodka and the pub, if there's any luck left in the world...
  15. Hooray for half-credit ^_^ Well I did say that I'd be the village drunk. Um. Yeah.
  16. *shakes head* :P Scrumpy Jack or K cider usually take my pick from the supermarket. Gin and apple juice, in my mouth anyway, tastes quite good. So does Rum - Malibu works pretty well Only problem is perhaps a lack of fizz, so it might have an odd texture... I just happen to be preparing some Chili vodka today skittles vodka is funz.
  17. Last night went to a partaay, got not-too-drunk and saw others get too-drunk. Nattered a bit and mmm french canadians BUT I DIGRESS... today I have visitooors! Mate from hudders and mate from brighton still here - gaming at the moment. Funsies.
  18. ... YOu have no idea how sad that made me :'( *goes off to see how bad the defeat was* I fucking hate the transfer market! I have all this money sitting around and nobody wants it. I also don't get how my 'offensive' rating for the match was massive yet we only had like two chances all game... Ok well I guess it's Moogle's kick-ass defence and keeper. Curses to you! Oh well.
  19. Bluey - mega awesometastic! Awesome ~ going to the park meself tomorrow. MWAHAHAHAAAAA!
  20. Had a quick look on t'net and I couldn't really find much info -- one place said there's a place called Tent City that no longer offers campsites and is a pain to get from there to anywhere... You know any more about it?
  21. oh i'll still post some. I'll get the duck one tomorrow and still want to do the woolworths one! But I'm not in it to win it - and I won't exactly give shorty the prizes if he wins as that's just plain silly, so there's still reason to play :P
  22. strictly speaking, it was censored a little on the '64 wasn't it? Words were pronounced, but the text was symbols, wasn't it?
  23. Ok; well hows about my pictures don't count? I really don't mind not taking part if that makes you guys feel better - you still need to beat everyone else though! I've never intended on winning. Last time people gave up too soon just because letty and bluey were so awesome at the BISHing - and I felt that I could've done waaay better - therefore everyone else could've too :P There's some ideas for next time - everyone posting their 5 items at, like, the same time, and/or everyone posts their BISHes on the deadline. Then there's a league-system where I'd just be an admin, and i've been thinking of different ways to do that. So there you go - I'll drop out :P Just, like, post more bishes plez?
  24. From what I've been reading about, the channels are sent out in six different "multiplexes". BBC1, ITV1, QVC (the shopping channel), BBC4 (evening) or CBeebies (daytime), The Hits and Sky News are all from different ones, and if you can get each, you can get them all. Traffic affects the signal, which might explain why you sometimes get it late at night?
  25. Ok, I've decided to get freeview in my bedroom, and with no aerial for quite a distance I figured I'd get an indoor aerial to combat this. I'm going to get the "Telecam TCE2000" and this cheap, cheerful digibox. The indoor aerial is supposedly very good, and only a tenner. Now, as far as I can tell, this should be sufficient. Does anyone here currently have freeview through an indoor aerial? Any issues I should know about? or any experience with either of these products? *hopes the thread gets a reply or two*
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