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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. http://www.unoriginal.co.uk/footage262_3.html iPhone blend! Nice vid, Llama
  2. 24meg?! schweet. yeah, sheff's not all that big. Did Dan show you anywhere central? Hallam's rockin' areas are the hubs, West Street (The whole Devonshire Quarter will be a place you'll go a lot, methinks) and Ecclesall road is where you're likely to live the following year.
  3. it'll just happen I was called jay most of the time, despite that NOT being my name. I might call you WARRAND. Raining Again will be 'rain' and EEVIL will be MURRAY. Stuff like that.
  4. Well I don't mind Not really had a chance to just BISH-it-up solidly, myself.
  5. Shorty's winning picture of the BISH :P Well I've got about 35 to upload, clearly not winning potential. Does anyone want an extension to the game at all?
  6. Just back from watching Wall-e, and of course I enjoyed it muchly. i don't get why people are saying it's 'deep' and shit, though. Sat right at the front, far left, so had a skewed view the whole time. Most of the stuff in Wall-e's house-thing was too dark too see. Also, I question the use of a lighter as an object of amazement in a kid's film... the malfunctioning robots were awesome, and there were lots of nice little bits that were cool - like the cleaning-bot jumping off the line, and a few lame bits. not my favourite movie of the summer, but definitely one of the best pixar films yet. Not that anyone didn't know that already. tonight I got Solaris and The Lost Boys, woot.
  7. I quite like the list of people going so far A good mix of forumites - with a whopping three females planning to attend. Gobsmacking!
  8. I don't know what to think. On the one hand I'm not entirely suspicious of chairdriver, but the bullseye stuff is too farfetched. Not knowing anything about comics means I can't suggest anyone, so I'm going to hold onto my vote for now.
  9. So it's not really 50/50 then is it.
  10. Nobody ever reads my posts anymore. GRUMBLE!
  11. Well I've only seen the first 3 seasons, but at the end of the first one she pretty much accepts that aliens exist. She just doubts Mulder's tendancy to link everything to aliens.
  12. Media Studies might largely be about things you're not interested in, but that doesn't mean it won't be of any help. I think the system is Distinction = A, merit = c, pass = e.
  13. can't find pictures?! He's posted 50 in post post inteh BISH thread...
  14. Off t' town to be moral support for my mate as she watches her new potential-fella play a gig. Then cinema at a whopping 11:30am tomorrow. Shit. Booked tickets home for weds - a 10:10 train! Yikes. Also going to be in manchester on the 13th if anyone's around.
  15. Well WAB was way better at the farcical dilemma. 8-heads is in a very similar vein, so you may well like it. Ahahaha! Roffles! They should totally make the Kindergarden Kid though. Imagine the hilarity.
  16. Sooo... Back in my lounge, sleeping on the sofa for my last week in brighton. Spent the day going commando, watching a few films and just generally pondering. I think it's friday tomorrow; I'm giving a good mate moral support in the evening, and also hoping to meet Girl #2 for a drink or two before the date on saturday night. Found out my resit results are around the 18th of september... If I had any option besides CRY AND GET ON WITH IT, then I'd probably give up before I found out how badly I did. Sigh. Girl #1 is growing on me, but she is similar to my ex in certain ways which means BAD for any long-term opportunities. But still, I'm glad to have cast a few stitches here and there. Had an awesome burger. Dropped it on the kitchen floor but FUCK it still tasted good. Think I'll just try find a dentist in sheffield for the bad tooth. Going to redesign my top-secret shared-website when I get back up north, too. Just rambling now. Hi!
  17. The idea that i don't have to pay anything back until I'm earning some-sort-of-amount-of-money doesn't stop the fact that they'll be increasing the amount I owe them by 4.5% every year (calculated on a monthly basis, which is a cheeky way of basically saying it'll be way more than 5% each twelve months), which does suck. I really just hate interest. It's vile and dishonest. makes me realise that we are at the mercy of banks. Fucking mortgages. Fucking insurance. it's just not right when an individual who used to complain about God and religion ends up complaining about their fellow man. Fuckin' politics! Fuckin' economics! to think mankind's been sentient and able to care for itself for centuries yet is still unable to actually help another individual without demanding something in return. Seriously. Capitalism is NOT the long-term success story we think it is. Sigh. Fuck statistics. Fuck human rights. It's all lies. ... Yeah. Too many people in a society means too many factors, which just makes things harder and harder. We'll eventually either get rid of individualism or racism, who knows. [/generic rant about nothing in particular]
  18. In the sense that it's not the star's best movie, and yet the film is about nothing but the star really! Not my confident answer. Currently watching 8 heads in a duffel bag because I saw it and remember seeing a vaguely positive review on Richard and Judy when I was like ten, or something... Well the truth is it's a shit film! Shit in teh vaguely enjoyable sense. Shit in the 'oh, they wanted to hire john cusack but couldn't afford it so got a shitty look-alike' sense. It reminds me HUGELY of Weekend at Bernie's, except it's nowhere near as good. In fact, fuck it; I'm not going to bother with the last half-hour.
  19. At the end of this educational year I'll probably be in debt of... erm... what, £18k? at least? Yeah. I never want a credit card. I think we are individually to blame, and the only way to change things is to drill it into kids' minds that saving is awesome and we don't need to buy a new games console/mobile phone/tv/fridge every 3 years, no, not at all! ... No in all honesty I do think it's the consumerist society - the desire for bigger/better/stronger/faster and the art of staying fashionable, through the good times and easy. keeps us tied to the banks, where the river runs red. Sorry I just felt like quoting music.
  20. Hancock... Well I was mildly entertained... but really it's in the same league as Mrs. Doubtfire and Kindergarten Kid in teh sense of having too much of the utterly hollywoodised story revolving around The Big Star. Not a bad movie, not a great movie. in fact, not as good as the two previously mentioned films because I'd probably have to watch them each time they were rerun on TV. I think we all agree Hancock had some great ideas, but the scale was far too big for the 12a film the studio wanted to produce. Oh well! don't turn into a Nicolas Cage, mr Smith!
  21. Moogleviper: you can roughly say that two AS levels is worth a single A2. it's all about the UCAS points, so it all depends on what specific grades you want. When you start looking at the sorts of courses you want to do, you will see that the UCAS total asked for tends to differ slightly from uni to uni. Additional requirements often include a specific A2, graded B or above. Strider: You can feel free to go for four A2 courses if you wish. I know people who have done fiveA2 courses. Not like the uni goes "hrmph. You have far too awesome a UCAS score. Fuck off." I personally have *thinks hard...* three A2's and two-or-three-AS levels. Seriously can't remember. A = 120 B = 100 C = 80 D = 60 E = 40 ... my course asked for 360 marks. Or 320. Or something.
  22. No Country For Old men. Clearly a good film. Only lo-lights; Tommy Lee Jones has clearly had several facelifts. I think it's vastly improved his acting, though! Also I'm one of those "hmm, didn't like the ending" people. I don't care if it rocks the 2nd/3rd time through, I can freely say I was peeved that it cut so quick. I'm also annoyed that the film basically says life's a hunt, so give up. But then the film also says "it ain't all waiting on you. That's vanity," and I'll happily accept that as an excuse for
  23. That picture's really confused me. I don't think those are the games from teh flat- i think they just plucked them from a shop.
  24. Wish I knew, buddy. Perhaps I have a really awesome friend who's been slipping them reefers? Who knows!
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