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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Oh well I wasn't there that night, and I don't climb ladders too often, so I doubt that was the case.
  2. To verify; you're talking about the latest episode in the AF saga (what is it, episode 14 season 5?) or the row of ladies in nightwolf's pic? If it's the latter, you may be in trouble
  3. Ah, touche. I guess I've given one of them too much credit to suggest it wasn't RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE
  4. avatar/sig - I like my ladies in less garish clothing, and aesthetically speaking your pics block your name! 6/10 But your cake is made of win. 10/10 I'm gonna chuck out there... carrot and ginger cake with banana cream filling. With a grated flake and white chocolate on top mmmmmmmmmmmm.
  5. Vote: Haggis. Sigh. I think these mafia games have all gone wrong somewhere along the lines. Too many killers, not enough info gatherers.
  6. so you both willingly went to second base and you think she don't like you? Sheesh :P Dude, just play it cool. Be yourself. If she likes you then you'll find out soon enough. Failing that; the sambuca option sounds pretty good to me.
  7. ABOUT FUCKING TIME SOMEBODY ELSE WATCHED THIS. I've had it on DVD for two years and first saw it four years ago. I've tried to press it onto nearly everyone I've met, and, yeah, you know if they'll like it or not fairly quickly. The style's called rotoscope animation. What I like is how you can see that different artists were clearly given different bits to create. It's one of my favourite movies -- you know, that movie-nobody-else-has-seen-but-should-so-you-say-it's-your-favourite? Yeah. This is my one of those. You should check out What the bleep do they know? and The Man From Earth if you like these philosophically-orientated movies, and maybe read Ishmael if you ever get the chance. All these items have one utterly awesome thing in common; they all attempt to encourage the audience to use their own heads and think more about the world-- the reality we all live in. *hugs*
  8. Bard; have you defined 'pull' yet? Jordan; Letty's moving in with you? Oooom big mooooove... I nearly fell asleep several times today, but managed to get a bit of extra-curricular reading done and feed myself fairly well on 84p. Lied to my tutor and said I had an opticians appointment so that I didn't have to go to the seminar - I would have genuinely fallen asleep. Now I'm hope I'm going to try catch up on smallville, finish s01 of Mad Men then move onto s02 and try and beat Dan Dare to the end Or fall asleep trying! AND I HAVE CUPASOUPS!
  9. Shows how much I love disney, don't it? :P
  10. You got no sig, your avatar is a stock shot aand I don't know what german choco cake is :P Got a new sig that I whipped up in about five minutes on photoshop. Nothing crazy. Nobody else could do it though! Top-secret font editing powahs. Need a better avatar, I reckon.. As for cake? Banoffee Pie is pretty much the only cake-ish thing I could eat all day. Bit is it a cake? or a biscuit? or a pie! Who knows.
  11. Nobody wants to make me a sig because i'm being stupid and I don't know what i want. Tiem to breakz out da photoshoppz!!!!elevenandahalf!!21 ... Been whoring Mad Men to death. Nearly finished season 1. Also wrote up about 5 pages of minutes from my meeting thingy. BLEH. Slightly productive day. Big day in uni tomorrow. Kinda need to, like, start doing the background reading? Shit yeah.
  12. Well in wossername's dream he was standing there alongside Claire and the others, wasn't he? Clearly siding with the "we think we're good guys but really we just fuck things up because we think the world's black and white" team.
  13. to be fair i think it was O_W who confused adam west with Adam Munroe... So that facepalm was clearly misdirected :P
  14. I couldn't say precisely. See if he spots this thread and comments.
  15. I generally frown upon them and their pyramid-schemed angle... But I know that Shorty did one once, and it worked, and it would've worked for me but I was too lazy :P He got a free iPod. Oh- that's not really what you're talking about. Well then; I don't really know. But again, I don't like them.
  16. Changed ftw.
  17. lol! I think the third bro should not lend any support to either of the first two bros, but instead sit back and wait for the hot girl to disappear, then get all three bros to work together on future hunting parties in order to find two even hotter girls for the two girlless bros. BRO! although I do like ReZ's frat-house-like approach. Could prove to be interesting...
  18. it would help if you don't have the game name in the filename
  19. You know I'm kinda wondering whether the whole secrecy thing is even entirely necessary. What say we get rid of it and just pool our wit?
  20. So is it just the kids who never got smacked that are complaining that it was a bad thing? Surely those with experience would actually have a much more valid opinion on the subject.
  21. The bane of my life. Fixed.
  22. Haha! Touché. Fuck. Seventeen pages of hell! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh. I should be paid for this shit.
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