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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. what worries me most is that nobody stopped him... i mean kids have no real conception of what they're doing, so where were his parents? Why did it take 30 mins for the security watching the CCTV to end it? The kid isn't necessarily a psychopath. he just liked crocodiles. And there's no reason for the croc to eat teh kid while he's getting food fed to him. It's fairly sadist, but not as bad as if it was some 12 year old, or some 16 year old, or some 32 year old doing it. The kid really should not be held fully accountable for I truly believe he did not fully understand the full implications of what he was doing. And as for the language used in teh report - the kid smiling, the kid rampaging... they're terms specifically chosen to describe the event. All the kid did was succumb to a curiousity, and in all honesty I think it's the zoo's fault for letting it happen. I think most 7 year-olds would probably do something similar if they had the free opportunity to do so. What would be worrying is if the kid exhibited some odd signs involving weird death symbolism or ritualistic killing. As it was, he was just feeding an animal that he respected/liked. SO yeah. Leave him alone.
  2. Shit I'm not cool enough to have been invited anyplace for halloween.
  3. Y'know, last week I had this pain in my side, so for days I was all "... i think I got appendixitis". then I looked it up online and lolled because the appendix is on the other side of the body to the pain. Then I realised the pain was coming from my kidneys so I spent two days thinking I had kidney stones. Now the pain's been gone for ages so I think my liver's collapsed or something.
  4. Apologies in advance; I just skim-read your post. I encountered gamer dissatisfaction pretty much when I started college, what, five years ago now? I used to be hooked on games. I used to hang around with gamers all the time and we used to go over each others houses solely for epic marathon gaming sessions. Then I just got bored. By then I'd experienced roughly 9 years of computer games and certain things were starting to annoy me; the ceaseless hype and expectation about the future of the market, the high prices that we were/are/will be expected to pay all because something is new... Metroid Prime was probably the last game I bought on release date for my 'Cube (therefore the last game for any console on its debut). I just had less and less time for games. I had already stopped watching TV because I could never guarentee I'd be free enough to watch a show on the same day the following week, so it's logical to start seeing gaming time drop when you leave a game for long periods of time and you come back to it and forget where you are, what you're doing or what's going on; all that you know is it'd take you ages to go back through the game again, so you just don't bother. So I stopped caring. I didn't stop being informed about gaming, though; I stayed on this forum and still to this day subscribe to gamesTM. I started to pay less attention to the Next Nintendo Blockbuster, or whatever, and more on the quirky titles that offered something new. Instead of spending £40 on a new title I'd go find a game that hadn't been deemed as perfect by anyone for a fiver or a tenner and have my way with it. I found pleasure in being purveyor of my own entertainment and pride in following my own hysteria rather than the manufactured buzz you get within the community. But also with university came the joy of multiplayer games! Nowadays the only games i truly enjoy are the cooperative bashes at games like rainbow 6 vegas, gears of war, rock band. Party games like wii sports, wario ware, raving rabbids. That affected the types of games I'd be interested in, and the lengths of time I'd look at spending with them. You mention that the xbox only has the live shizzle - well it has to be said that the arcade has provided at least a trio of excellent games. I wouldn't say there's too many others... But if gaming is getting you down, go grab some GC games! There's a great catalogue of games there that'll be dirt cheap. Now, I'll pretend you never mentioned FIFA... But I know what you mean. Gaming doesn't have to be the ruler of your life. It's another option, another choice you pick when you want to waste a few hours alongside reading a book, watching tv or a movie, going to the pub, or whatever. Don't feel like you gotta game in a certain way or else your consoles will invalidate themselves. Get past the perception that only the future holds great games. ... This reply has gotten stupid-long. I'll stop now and watch the flow of tl;dr :P
  5. Only two good uses for a pie chart. So they don't count as entries. Sorry.
  6. Nope :P We don't watch much telly, and don't really like only being able to watch stuff when the BBC says we can. Downloading things a week ahead of time is the only way to stay scene!
  7. Yeah. Those THREE WHOLE PINTS really skewed your perception of reality. *rolls eyes*
  8. technically I don't think it does, but it's certainly eligible for some Eco-points :P In our first year at uni shorty and I had this epic can-stomping sesh. We had saved up a crapload of empty tinnies and found the recycling bin to be fairly full... so we went nuts for about 5 minutes! Woppaa! My mum has a compost heap thing. For no real reason. But we put banana peels, uncooked veg scraps, banana peels, apple cores, even tea bags into this smaller bin thing, then chuck it in the heap-bin-thing. Maybe mum's making fertiliser. Maybe she's a terrorist. Who knows! Well, probably not a terrorist. But some of the meals she used to cook were, I'm sure, considerably frightning. Ho ho ho.
  9. Clearly you were blind the entire, what, 5 hours we were all hanging out together?! Watched 3 more episodes of Jericho so far. Still fun to watch. Probably get to watch another 3 before I 'hit the tiles' tonight. My mate has 'decided' that we're going to go and chat up lots of girls. I get the feeling it's not going to end well. I forsee meeting lots of stupid people, and I'm probably going to see the age-old adage of "bros before hos" evaporate before my eyes at several points. But I'll be drunk, so it's ok!
  10. SO nobody saw the birthday thread I just made, yeah? Good. *whistles* ...Happy birthday! You're not that old. When I was first on here you seemed like an ancient monolith of an old man... now you're, like, practically the same age as me.
  11. Then fuckin' get angry at him ont eh fuckin' phone! You're paying him, right? Fucking demand he does his job or you'll take your business elsewhere.
  12. Say what, you want a piece of her too? Shit dan, I don't think we can compete with ReZ. Let's go make love amongst ourselves.
  13. http://campaigns.direct.gov.uk/actonco2/ for the government-made 'footprint tester. My co2 footprint is 0.4 a year. The target is 0.32 a year. The national average is 4.25 tonnes... I don't know if the loft is insulated, and I don't know what grade our appliances are, so it might be lower. There's another website to calculate it, but it says "please enter number of flights between 1 and 100"... basically I can't say I go on zero planes a year..
  14. It's not just carbon that could be the cause; there's PCPs and aerosols that do the trick. Carbon just don't help :P Anyway! I did a carbon footprint test a couple of years ago. If everyone on earth used the same amount of energy as me then we'd need two earths to sustain us. Apparantly the average westerner's result is four. But then, I don't drive anywhere, I don't go on holiday, I don't have a dishwasher or bath, I recycle as much as I can and I turn plugs off (in my room - given up on lounge :P) when I go to bed. But I smoke
  15. ganepark; definitely close one. Don't want no hassle. Return the £20 to lloyds, take your money out, bingo bango. I dreamt that I was in a large play-house in the middle of a park. There was an old woman walking her dog. The dog pooed and the woman cleaned it up. Then the woman pooed and cleaned it up. Was not cool. Then I went to a shop, where I became a breakdancing rastafarian. I found these stitches that you'd put in your arm (oldboy stylee) that were used to prove your ID. Thing is I opened the box and there were loads of staples and razor blades and bent needles in there. And spoons! Can't forget the spoons. The store-owner lady wanted me to put it back, so I had to bring all the bits from the box to her till - each trip back I'd realise there was exponentially larger piles of shit that I had to carry. But the longer I took, the more she liked me. She took enough to me to giggle excitedly and show me two air-freshener-type things made from amethyst, one called Coquo and the other called coqua. I asked her is she liked cock. Then I woke up! Woo!
  16. Had a looooooooooong day at uni; 9am 'til 4pm. Then went and juggled in various places; manged to get a couple of people to go to the juggle society at 6pm -- including nightwolf! I was very surprised she actually came along. I'm on teh society committee and we were hoping to get, optimistically, 20 people to turn up, and in the end we had around 34 people! Juggling, diaboloing, poiing, staffing, hula-hooping... kanga-stilt-things-ing... it worked out really well. Then we all went to a pub and got free sandwiches... and I went outside for a cigarette and heard some guy on teh phone say... "so he's got blue hair and a ginger beard?" and i immediately said "THAT'S ME!" and the guy turned around and... voila. LAZYBOY! OMG! Dan_Dare joined the fray, and we had some laughs... and in fact we've just finished a rock band/castle crasher's sesh with nami, shorty, moi, dan_dare and nightwolf. You know you kids are jealous. So now I SLEEP and wake up to read Mrs Dalloway in its entirity, and perhaps start the next book. So far I'm up to date/ahead of the reading. My course this year is awesome, though shorty disagrees. yes! Bye!
  17. ^ I agree. I don't usually bother re-checking sign-up threads once I've joined.
  18. I say we go here. No - there. No wait, there. No- Here. NO! Ther-- here. There. The other there. That one. That other one. This one. This there. Here there. On this date. No! This date. Maybe this one. No? This one? Blah blah blah. Simmer down folks. Let this thread die, and let someone who wants to do another meet-up do so with their own thread. To be honest we're never going to get anywhere like this.
  19. ... There's one thread because there's one thread! You don't have to spoilertag everything... Like, just use ONE tag. Most people have BBC3, and it's not like you never get to see it ever again - it's just a chance to be 'a week ahead'. I really think that you're whining about nothing.
  20. british poetry is silly. We're having lectures in a giant classroom where you can't hear the lecturer at the back due to a lack of microphone/speakers, and sirens from outside. My seminars are with an awesome tutor, and very informative. Feel less of a burden after that hour and a half. Went to a societies meeting; might enlist myself on the societies commitee for CV points. Also went to a pub and took the minutes for our first jugglesock meeting. Very good. Also found out that a girl onmy course that I told to go to the societies fair went, and signed up to our society! I hope she likes me *blushes* ... Will have to confer with shorty about battle tactics with that one. Cold is still here. Gone through pretty much an entire loo roll today. Couldn't sleep last night. The infection has spread to my larynx, so now I have a hacking cough, which I hope clears up for thursday. Tomorrow I finish Waterland, type up my poetry notes, type up the minutes for my society meeting and email them to the crew, then start on Mrs Dalloway. Keep on rollin'! [/nobodycares]
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