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Everything posted by RATM_4_EVA

  1. i hear the pain goes away if you piss on it.
  2. that might be bigger than my wiener :unsure:
  3. yeah total rip off.
  4. I think it might because its made by clover (the viewetiful joe people).
  5. http://www.4colorrebellion.com/archives/2005/09/16/revolution-controller-spanks/#postcomment Just Scroll Up to the top. funny and a bit gay :unsure:
  6. get it bigger? when i hosted it it got smaller. i dont know how to make it bigger, but if one of u guys know.... that picture is really huge wont fit unless you put it sideways and you have a double screen it was a random pisture off http://media.hamncheez.com/index.php
  7. hey, Disturbed's "ten thousand fists" is comming out on tues. in the us. i might get it if i get the cash. when is it comming out where your at. OH only Korn i have it the greatest hits and take a look in the mirror.
  8. ....ok, iguess hes kick ass. and ur welcome, no prob.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko%D0%AFn copy and paste. dude you like audioslave? i want De La Roacha back, Cris Cornell really sucks.
  10. Big fan of KoЯn and as you can tell, Rage. \m/ also like Zeppelin, Metallica, AC/DC, GNR, L.P., Disturbed, NIN, Pantera, Rammstein...Ect.
  11. ....right :eer: cant wait for season 2. , cant friggin wait...
  12. clearacell Love your sig
  13. 2 B honest i have no idea how it will be playable in a store. prob the remote will be in a protective casing and a teather attached.
  14. defenatly makes me buy it.
  15. prob the headset will work. I was thinking about that yesterday.
  16. rember this game for PS2 at E3. this game sould be perfect for rev.
  17. the revolution controller make ps3 and 360 seen so...last gen now, nothing special just graphics.
  18. it looks so too
  19. to make metroid a hit, a nice compelling story would have to match up to the awesome gameplay. maybe a story about Samus history and stuff
  20. what parercrafts...i never, ever expected this :eer:
  21. yeah the bad thing is i can only get it from one place.Barnes & Noble
  22. great idea for posters. but i have no clue how to make em
  23. that article is not even in depth enough to give a review
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