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Everything posted by RATM_4_EVA

  1. http://www.4colorrebellion.com/archives/2005/09/19/lost-gardens-controller-analysis/#comments "Danc over at Lost Garden has written another wonderfully compelling article, this time on the Revolution controller. As always, its a very analytical look at the topic and I love it. Check it out."
  2. ^awesome signature
  3. a lot of positive comments ], not suprised
  4. :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
  5. well that what i ment, i just wanted to know at least there is a background
  6. ROFL oh god! its just sad. is that you?
  7. welcome and watch your wallet :unsure:
  8. but milking a horse ... :unsure:
  9. well Korn is actually Rap-Metal thats why(i guess) you dont like it.
  10. OMG, Le Chuck Monkey Island :bow: :bow:
  11. who here like AC/DC? over the summer i heard Back In Black....and it was over. i fell in love. Best Hard Rock Band Ever.
  12. yeah because i read the manga first, then i saw the anime...it followed so closly it was scary :doh:
  13. i think more games will be revealed at E3. there are probably games being developed right now, but i think nintendi is just waitin g foor the right moment.
  14. yeah i dont see a profitable game like that given away but a demo is very likey :doh:
  15. dude that was you, great job. lol .
  16. Ummm :eer: ...why :eer: .....oh yeah that controller thing. check out todays #1 game(section) on Game Spot. its funny, in some wierd way.
  17. its a shame that the DS is now getting games. with that, its just too early to tell.
  18. FIFA seems to be our Madden. lol
  19. no, what i was saying is that we need a MORE emotionally gripping story so that we can feel connected to samus :happy:
  20. okay... what is that?
  21. Must............Get..........game...........
  22. the prob with uninstalling Norton is that I sort of inbeds itself into certain programs for it to protect ur computer. so i would recomend a computer wiz for that.
  23. the mangas are the best, IMO. The anime seems so cheesy.
  24. what is this? theres no link
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